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Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 2/05/2020 11:04 am

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saralemming wrote:

i've never been involved w/ the facebook group. but i think its a little creepy having fans only talk positive about taylor.. i dont think i would care to read that..

It is weird. But Karen’s group also got weird for different reasons. Hoping this new group will be a happy medium.

Show Discussions » New FB Group » 2/03/2020 4:03 pm

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Hawr-rible wrote:

The mic drop moment of telling her "at least I'm not an ex-con" 😂😂💀💀💀 Magical!!

Ya know, glass houses and all that. 😂

Show Discussions » New FB Group » 2/03/2020 3:12 pm

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As promised:

I removed myself from the group after this exchange, and the next day Karen announced she was shutting down the group.

Ugh. Idk why those are so small. I miss tinypic. If you can’t read them, go here and click the images.

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 2/02/2020 11:28 am

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Ican'teveeeen wrote:

I missed all the drama too. Does anyone have any screenshots of what went down?

I do, but since tinypic went down putting photos here is annoying AF. I’ll do it later while everyone else is watching the super bowl 😂

Show Discussions » New FB Group » 2/02/2020 9:37 am

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FKCSTMom wrote:

I love your tag line... shady lady! 


Show Discussions » New FB Group » 2/01/2020 8:28 pm

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Reposting for anyone who wants it-

Apparently someone set up a new group to rival TWAT but K and her poodles are shutting down any mention of it, so here’s the link.

If for some reason the link doesn’t work, it’s called The Taylor Strecker Show - Lil’ Effer Fan Forum

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 2/01/2020 8:27 pm

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Apparently someone set up a new group to rival TWAT but K and her poodles are shutting down any mention of it, so here’s the link.

If for some reason the link doesn’t work, it’s called The Taylor Strecker Show - Lil’ Effer Fan Forum

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 2/01/2020 4:30 pm

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Notyoureverydaygirl wrote:

I don’t get why people are attacking each other. Aren’t we all entitled to our opinion without judgement? Isn’t that what the pages are there for? No wonder the world is going to shit. There’s no respect.

How did you keep the peace in prison?

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 1/31/2020 3:00 pm

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secco wrote:

😂😂😂That was so confusing to read!! What was the catalyst for all of the blocking?? K & M seem to be real...let's say "edgy"

In a nutshell, M kicked Teresa out for no good reason about a month ago. Not sure why but today was the day chosen by some of Teresa’s friends to seek justice, which ended in the FB equivalent of a prison yard brawl.

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 1/31/2020 2:45 pm

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secco wrote:

Durst_Burp wrote:

The TWAT admins (Marisol and Karen, pictured below) are really poppin’ off today

Uh, yeah. What the heck just happened in there?? How many people just got blocked??

Idk, it was a massacre 😂

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 1/31/2020 2:17 pm

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The TWAT admins (Marisol and Karen, pictured below) are really poppin’ off today

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 1/31/2020 10:10 am

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saralemming wrote:

Wow Chanel is best friends with Lindsay Lohan?!?!  What i never knew!!?  I watched her on the princess show but she never mentioned it?!

I think “bffs” is a bit of a reach, but they are friends that grew up together. On the pod I linked above (which I highly recommend listening to) she goes into detail about it. She says they talk about every 3 months.

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 1/30/2020 7:16 pm

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For anyone who wants to listen, I actually really enjoyed both of these eps (and IMO, his take on the show sounds totally fair/accurate)

Also, this one is when Chanel was on and it was v interesting (mostly dish about Paris and Lilo from back in the day)

Show Discussions » Stassi Tour » 1/25/2020 10:03 pm

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saralemming wrote:

Its so weird to hear about the kenny and taylor relationship guess they weren't as good as friends after all. it sounded like they were cool on the radio show but.. times have changed people do move on. As far as the stassi tour dont know why taylor is a part of it but also what r they going to even talk about on stage whats the point just do a podcast instead. 

Has Kenny said they aren’t friends? I don’t listen anymore but when I did he insisted they were and that there were no issues between them.

Show Discussions » Stassi Tour » 1/25/2020 6:52 pm

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Natalya07 wrote:

I've screen shot some reviewed in the TWAT page.

Anyone go to the Stassi tour? It’s coming where I live and I can’t decide if I want to go or not (purely out of curiosity, not as an actual fan)

Also, my facialist today just moved back from LA. She said she used to work in entertainment reporting so I asked if she ever met any Bravo peeps. She said she met Stassi both in professional and social settings and she lived in WeHo and went to all the same bars as them, and she said Stassi was bitchy to her. Katie and Kristen look real rough in person, and Kristen was wasted and gave her her # 😂 She said she also met MJ from Shahs and her exact words were “she looks tore up from the floor up. And LUMPY” 💀

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 1/25/2020 6:43 pm

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I’m on tour wrote:

Who was she talking about on today’s show then stopped? She said Shawn told her not to talk about it???

No idea but I’m curious too. I’m sure it will eventually come out, most things do.

Sean shading Carin was the best.

Show Discussions » Future of Taylor » 1/03/2020 4:24 pm

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Between the move and all her absences/Stassi’s tour, I def think the daily show is on the way out.

Show Discussions » Cohost Discussion » 1/03/2020 4:23 pm

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FKFriday wrote:

I really liked Hanna at the beginning, and loved her own podcast. now I just find her crazy fake though. She's lost the new to it, endearing quality she had now that she's a "comedian" and everything is about "us comedians". 

I was listening to SKC from the last few weeks (maybe last weeks episode?) and Emma was talking about how the reality thing is played out and scripted shows are back in now. I think the influencer train will follow reality TV out of the station. 

I hope all of that is true! Can’t stand Hannah 🙄

Show Discussions » Bravo Con » 11/22/2019 7:58 pm

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I wanted to go but didn’t get my shit together. Also, tickets starters @ $300 I think 😬

Show Discussions » Real Housewives Discussions! » 11/12/2019 10:47 am

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Did anyone venture out of the basement and go to BravoCon?

Show Discussions » What are you listening to? » 10/21/2019 7:13 pm

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FKCSTMom wrote:

A new list of shows for you...the title is misleading. Get past the first 5 or so and there are a bunch more that are more fun and for everyone!!


Thanks! 3 of these are already my faves- you must remember this, criminal and no such thing as a fish.

Show Discussions » Instagram » 10/15/2019 1:11 pm

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Not specific to Taylor (although hers  are a prime example of the cringe) - how long do we think the “influencer” paid IG #ad trend will last? They’re painfully transparent and it’s impossible to differentiate between products they actually use/love and what they’re being paid to shill. I have to imagine this marketing strategy will decline in effectiveness (if it hasn’t already).

By cutting a promo deal with any advertiser that offers them a check, I think these “influencers” have really shot themselves in the foot. They’ve ruined their credibility and I think eventually these ads will stop entirely, but if they had curbed their greed/thirst and only did authentic ads for products they actually like/use, I think this model could go on forever.

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 10/15/2019 1:03 pm

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Jack&Coke wrote:'s rant regarding how women have to spend so much time fighting for pay equality that they do not have time to write thank you cards, therefore thank you cards should go away. All to justify her not getting a wedding gift for her sister and someone else within a year. She really needs to listen to her doctor about taking medication.

Go go Gadget arms....because that is a REACH.

Show Discussions » Taylor Freak Outs » 10/13/2019 7:52 am

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It probably doesn’t help matters that this is TD’s first serious relationship. Wonder what her family thinks about it all.

Show Discussions » Stassi Tour » 10/05/2019 3:20 pm

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Taylor currently defending her massive FUPA on her IG story.

Show Discussions » Article about GWNJ's Mom » 9/25/2019 6:10 pm

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Ugh. Coincidentally Taylor recorded with Claudia this week.

Show Discussions » Betches Brides » 9/18/2019 6:49 pm

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I love the idea of review of the week 😂

I think we should also do a clown of the week with a post from one of the FB groups. For example, the woman whose son started dating a girl named Isis, and this woman totally thought she was named after ISIS the terrorists. 💀

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 9/15/2019 7:47 pm

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Omg that was so ridiculous- it’s one thing to ask people not to speculate, but when she said “Nicole is fine” I was like oh puh-leeze, don’t act like you know Nicole and know that she’s fine. And I wouldn’t believe that taylor told her how Nicole was doing because I’m willing to bet Taylor hasn’t even talked to Nicole about it because she’s so self absorbed and was with Stassi at the time on top of it.

Show Discussions » East coast, Bahamas, and Florida folks » 9/12/2019 9:41 pm

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Not the tiki hut!!

Looks like we’re about to have Groundhog Day with another storm...fingers crossed it’s not as bad.

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