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Weider is AMAZING. She *needs* her own show. She's the most natural on-air personality I've ever heard!
Husbandpillow wrote:
Weider is AMAZING. She *needs* her own show. She's the most natural on-air personality I've ever heard!
I couldn't agree more! Wish her segments were longer and they had her in studio more while Kenny is off.
Ack. I build up all my opinions and then spew them out at once, so forgive me. I think Sam is the best thing to happen to the show in a long time. Taylor actually "prepares" for when he is on? That is pretty amazing since he has only been on her show 3 or 4 times. He does stir some shit and that is awesome. He also so subtly mocks her laziness and if you catch it it is awesome. I have started being a Sam's show listener and he is way more entertaining, on point and on today's topics rather than discussing Harvard, Juilliana, and how poor you are. Sam, if you are reading this, I hate the wrestling stuff on your show. Taylor could learn a lot from working with him.
So I love Sam and I LOVE Kenny, but is it bad that I'm already bummed Sam won't be in anymore once Kenny comes back?
SoftPretzels wrote:
I like her with Sam to a point.... I think Taylor tries so much harder to be a better host, be informed, share in dialogue (not just her dominating the radio)
However she seems to be meaner imo when he's on....and they kind of fuel that in each other.... Kenny can reel her in or phrases things that make her realize how ridiculous some of her statements are..... Example: when they were talking about the documentary "Hot girls wanted"...Taylor saying those girls knew what they were getting into with the rough sex/gag scenes and Kenny found a way to get her to see that it was essentially rape......
If they could add a third on air host or a rotating 3rd host that would be amazing!
I actually think Taylor is her best (out of all the fill in hosts) with Dr. Weider......I would love love love if Weider got her own radio show!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so torn about this...I was gone for a few weeks so I am catching up on the 6 (lol) shows I missed (cause T was gone half of that time too! Only I'm retired....) Anyway, at first I wanted to jump on the bandwagon with the Dr. Wider fans as I absolutely LOVE her and I'd listen to her show if she had one. I do like it when she co-hosts with Taylor however, I did notice the last time she was in she did a LOT of making Taylor feel better about always agreeing with her. I heard so many times where she said, "Oh but T, you needed to do that because..." and I found myself rolling my eyes at my phone (because that's so effective at expressing my emotions). I am sure it's because Dr. Wider is so sweet, but she doesn't really disagree much with anything when it comes to Taylor...just a few things here and there. I do love me some Wider though!!!
However, I do agree with SoftPretzels about Sam and Taylor being meaner when Sam is on. He really encourages her to be meaner to the listeners who call in (I heard him say 'You let them talk longer than I do...cut them off after one sentence.") and several times they were whispering in the background. I hated it when they were making fun of the man who told the side story about the kids peeing during the baseball game. Basically talking smack about him and how he was boring them...awww....the listeners are there to entertain you, right?? Taylor WAS way better prepared for his guest hosting though, which was impressive. Glad she felt the need to step up her game for a guest host...why can't she do that for Kenny (and us) every day?
And at this moment, I'm listening to T with Michelle from DSF. I am still at the beginning (within the first hour) but I've already laughed out loud AND felt bad for T when they were talking about each interviewing Jack Johnson (?? Is that his name?) and Michelle knew something that Taylor didn't. Taylor said, "How did you know that?" and Michelle said, 'I did my research before the interview." Whoops.
So ultimately, I'm not sure who my favorite GUEST is but I think Kenny will be back and raring to go...and I predict that T will ask a few questions about Duke in the beginning but will lose interest quickly because she can't relate. Kenny will be nice and not talk about him. I'm just hoping he will be excited to be back (he won't be well-rested!!) Kenny will always be number one for me!
I just listened to 8/18 show and it was the first time in a long time I felt like I had to listen to the entire show. When Taylor is on and open she's great. When she leans back on the same old stories is tough...
FKCST - I have to disagree with you about Sam and Tay being snarky to callers. I think Sam has been pretty tolerant and engaging with an audience that is not his wresting testosterone dudes. T and Kenny are just downright rude to callers. Muttering under their breath and making fun. I think there were a bunch of earlier posts about no one wanting to call the show because they were so rude and mean. I have thought this of them for the past several months.
I also had to laugh when Michelle scooped T about that interview! Too funny when someone does their "research"!
What I don't understand about Michelle's comment is - Kenny and Taylor discussed that. They are the only reason I know about the show. She must of just forgot?
piopio12 wrote:
What I don't understand about Michelle's comment is - Kenny and Taylor discussed that. They are the only reason I know about the show. She must of just forgot?
I remember Kenny telling Taylor about that not long ago, too! Tay never listens or remembers when it's not something she's interested in. No surprise. ;)
FKCSTMom wrote:
So ultimately, I'm not sure who my favorite GUEST is but I think Kenny will be back and raring to go...and I predict that T will ask a few questions about Duke in the beginning but will lose interest quickly because she can't relate. Kenny will be nice and not talk about him. I'm just hoping he will be excited to be back (he won't be well-rested!!) Kenny will always be number one for me!
I agree with you about when Kenny is back. I don't think Taylor is capable of letting anyone else talk for very long, and I don't think it's something she can control, unfortunately. I honestly think she will be genuinely curious, because I beleive they're friends, but I think she always ends up taking over the conversation. I really hope I'm wrong, though, because I am dying to hear about Kenny's time off, his first stand up show as a dad, and how much Duke has changed in this last month. I have missed their dynamic very much.
I love Kenny but I feel he's so over it. He has a wife and a kid and is in a totally different place than Taylor. I vote for a Sam and Taylor show. (Possibly bc I had a dream about Sam last night and now he intrigues me lol I know TMI).
Anyone listening to Tay on Sam's show right now? It's pretty good. She's talking about the IC hoes fight.
Bethos wrote:
Anyone listening to Tay on Sam's show right now? It's pretty good. She's talking about the IC hoes fight.
Oh my gosh!!! If someone can please link me the show I would greatly appreciate it
i'm not sure about the link to SRS, but in your iphone podcast you can get a couple episodes, one with Rude Jude and one with Nicole, and some other ones.
Sam recap for anyone that can't listen.
Something awful happened to a friend, she reached out, but then was out of touch at a remote location for 3 days. She didn't want to just text, it would be dismissive, she wanted to talk to her.
When she is with a person, they get 100%
Nicole isn't mad at her, but knows whats going on. Taylor assumed she had told Sam.
Not the friend you reach out to for serious stuff.
I just got divorced, I'm selfish, I'm allowed to be selfish, I'm shitty to everyone, even my Moms mad at me.
Kenny on matt leave, never reached out to him, out of site, out of mind.
Her therapist says she had PTSD from her inlaws. Sam "You should have a veteran on the show. When he talks about coming back from war, you can tell him you know what he means because of your inlaws" lol
My greatest strength is that I apologize when I'm wrong.
My friends know I hate me, more then they ever could.
S:Are you growing your audience, or do you have them?
T:I think we're growing. I'm here on your show when I should be home prepping my show.
S:I've seen you late night on Periscope...You need exposure, not beauty sleep.
S:You have one of the most loyal audiences of any show I've been on.
T:Yeah, like that really mean Reddit page
S:If people are saying nothing, or only nice stuff, it means nothing.
I love these two togeather!!!!
She gets her ratings in the mail? Assuming that's her pay chq?
WeddingBitch wrote:
The first part is messed up. She keeps saying she had no internet/mobile access, but she did. She also could have taken 30 minutes to make a phone call.
I looked up the hotel because she kept saying that and sure enough they had wifi!!! Even if you can't text, there are 500 ways to make phone calls or email/message over wifi, this is no excuse.
I spent a year in Asia. Opposite time zone of the rest of my life, I was still able to keep in contact with friends & family.
Or she could have borrowed someone's phone that documented the whole weekend. She didn't though. That's her.
FKFriday wrote:
Sam recap for anyone that can't listen.
Something awful happened to a friend, she reached out, but then was out of touch at a remote location for 3 days. She didn't want to just text, it would be dismissive, she wanted to talk to her.
When she is with a person, they get 100%
Nicole isn't mad at her, but knows whats going on. Taylor assumed she had told Sam.
Not the friend you reach out to for serious stuff.
I just got divorced, I'm selfish, I'm allowed to be selfish, I'm shitty to everyone, even my Moms mad at me.
Kenny on matt leave, never reached out to him, out of site, out of mind.
Her therapist says she had PTSD from her inlaws. Sam "You should have a veteran on the show. When he talks about coming back from war, you can tell him you know what he means because of your inlaws" lol
My greatest strength is that I apologize when I'm wrong.
My friends know I hate me, more then they ever could.
Her therapist sounds like an enabler. How about stop making excuses for yourself by blaming other people.
Tay went with her parents several times to CVS while she was married to get Plan B. Yikes. Makes me sad for B.
DestinationAwesometown wrote:
Tay went with her parents several times to CVS while she was married to get Plan B. Yikes. Makes me sad for B.
What?? Oh no that's so sad. Did she say that on Sam's show or has she discussed it on her own show. I feel so bad for her and Brett. The whole situation.....
DestinationAwesometown wrote:
Tay went with her parents several times to CVS while she was married to get Plan B. Yikes. Makes me sad for B.
OMG - I never heard that. That's really messed up.
Wow I'd love to hear her talk about that. I'm not commenting on using plan b or not it is personal choice. But... Use birth control gal and why o why did she need her parents to go and maybe she should stop being high and mighty when she talks about the amount of abortions some of her friends have had. Also did she say if she told b? That would be a horrible thing to hide from someone who wanted kids so much.. It should have told her either she's not ready/doesn't want kids or there is something wrong in the marriage
Why does Sam get better scoops than her own show?
She honestly sounds like she's going in the wrong direction of becoming a good person and friend. Now she's making up excuses why she's this way. She is too lazy to put effort into it that's why she is the way she is. She really needs to quit blaming the in-laws for her life! It's ridiculous and embarrassing.
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
Why does Sam get better scoops than her own show?
Maybe the only thing I can think of is she is treated as an interviewee on his show..... She doesn't really know his audience and they don't really know her.....there is still a sense of anonymity with those listeners so she's a little less guarded......
I don't think PTSD is the right term. Maybe just an excuse for her poor behavior. PTSD develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. The definition of a traumatic event is exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence.
Last edited by meepmeep (11/18/2015 6:10 pm)
SoftPretzels wrote:
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
Why does Sam get better scoops than her own show?
Maybe the only thing I can think of is she is treated as an interviewee on his show..... She doesn't really know his audience and they don't really know her.....there is still a sense of anonymity with those listeners so she's a little less guarded......
She did say something along those lines. It just sort of happens on his show, he asks questions and she answers before she has realised what she has said.