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2/04/2016 2:14 pm  #1

Papa Can you Hear me

I looooove Kenny's new segment! What does everyone else think? As a listener since 2008, I got engaged around the same time as Tay, we got married within 2 months of Tay, and now that I have 2 kids, I have been waiting for YEARS for a baby segment! I think there is a huge audience for this and a natural progression of the show. And who better to do it than Mr. Mans. They need to play that song "Daddy Daddy...Daddy Daddy...who's your daddy..." Does anyone remember that Kenny song? 


2/04/2016 2:17 pm  #2

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

What time was it on? I don't really want to listen to the whole show.


2/04/2016 2:21 pm  #3

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

FKFriday wrote:

What time was it on? I don't really want to listen to the whole show.

I have to listen On Demand (West Coaster here) and if I am reading the app right, it's at the 1 hr 39 min mark

     Thread Starter

2/04/2016 2:24 pm  #4

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

it was in the second hour. I enjoyed it.  It was a very personal segment, I was kind of shocked Kenny went there since he is typically so private of Chelsea.  I don't have children, but enjoyed it, and i enjoyed the callers too! 


2/04/2016 2:30 pm  #5

Re: Papa Can you Hear me



2/04/2016 3:03 pm  #6

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I loved it too! I'm curious to see if/when Taylor will overtake his segment with her stories or if she'll really let him run it and talk.

And on a related unrelated sidenote- it's blaringly obvious when Kenny creates intros to segments versus Katie. His are always fantastic in my opinion- witty, clear, and well composed. Katie's intros are super muddled. I love this one with Duke!


2/04/2016 3:36 pm  #7

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

duke sounds so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't listened to whole thing but I thought
tay was thoughtfully and selflessly engaged.  seems she's trying more in this area.


2/05/2016 7:57 am  #8

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I LOVE this new segment!! The intro is great but the dubject matter is so important to discuss. Good stuff!


2/05/2016 9:05 am  #9

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

Agree! It is great to hear about something new! Not just same old stories about tay and her squad... going out.. blah blah blah... 

All information provided is for entertainment only and I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. (EYEROLL)

2/18/2016 4:26 pm  #10

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I think in general cursing around kids once they reach the age of repetition should try to be avoided if for no other reason that they can become little shits in the classroom or the sunday school class.


2/18/2016 6:52 pm  #11

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

Growing up, my friends used to love coming to my house because my parents let us curse our little mouths off. Thanks, mom and dad, for letting us express ourselves and referring to us as "spirited" instead of little shits. Fortunately I can control my foul language when necessary.

funny story:once when I was visiting my family, my nephew was Three years old. I was driving him to daycare. He was in the backseat, sitting like a little angel holding a bag of gummy worms I bought for him.  I asked him if he was going to share with his friends at daycare. He sadly said no. When I asked him why not he told me that the kids at daycare called him a stupid bitch. His sweet little cherub face in the rear view mirror looked so serious! This little guy had never swore. He was the sweetest, most precious and well behaved child ever (and my bro and SIL did not swear in front of him). I was trying so hard to control my laughter and had to pull over to compose myself. I asked him if he told the teacher what the other kids said and he said no. I said, well what did you do? He told me that he told the other kids "fuck you stupid bitches". At this point I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer and cried from laughing so hard the rest of the trip.

Later that night, I was telling my brother and sister in law about what had happened on ride to daycare (nephew was in another room).  They didn't believe me. My nephew walked into the kitchen and said, "mom, can I have a cookie you fucking bitch?". Priceless. Pretty sure to this day they think I taught him that phrase.


2/18/2016 7:00 pm  #12

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

That is LITERALLY the funniest thing i have ever heard. 

DestinationAwesometown wrote:

Growing up, my friends used to love coming to my house because my parents let us curse our little mouths off. Thanks, mom and dad, for letting us express ourselves and referring to us as "spirited" instead of little shits. Fortunately I can control my foul language when necessary.

funny story:once when I was visiting my family, my nephew was Three years old. I was driving him to daycare. He was in the backseat, sitting like a little angel holding a bag of gummy worms I bought for him. I asked him if he was going to share with his friends at daycare. He sadly said no. When I asked him why not he told me that the kids at daycare called him a stupid bitch. His sweet little cherub face in the rear view mirror looked so serious! This little guy had never swore. He was the sweetest, most precious and well behaved child ever (and my bro and SIL did not swear in front of him). I was trying so hard to control my laughter and had to pull over to compose myself. I asked him if he told the teacher what the other kids said and he said no. I said, well what did you do? He told me that he told the other kids "fuck you stupid bitches". At this point I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer and cried from laughing so hard the rest of the trip.

Later that night, I was telling my brother and sister in law about what had happened on ride to daycare (nephew was in another room). They didn't believe me. My nephew walked into the kitchen and said, "mom, can I have a cookie you fucking bitch?". Priceless. Pretty sure to this day they think I taught him that phrase.



2/18/2016 7:03 pm  #13

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

OMG I'm crying!!! Best story ever lol


2/19/2016 12:12 am  #14

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

DestinationAwesometown wrote:

Growing up, my friends used to love coming to my house because my parents let us curse our little mouths off. Thanks, mom and dad, for letting us express ourselves and referring to us as "spirited" instead of little shits. Fortunately I can control my foul language when necessary.

funny story:once when I was visiting my family, my nephew was Three years old. I was driving him to daycare. He was in the backseat, sitting like a little angel holding a bag of gummy worms I bought for him.  I asked him if he was going to share with his friends at daycare. He sadly said no. When I asked him why not he told me that the kids at daycare called him a stupid bitch. His sweet little cherub face in the rear view mirror looked so serious! This little guy had never swore. He was the sweetest, most precious and well behaved child ever (and my bro and SIL did not swear in front of him). I was trying so hard to control my laughter and had to pull over to compose myself. I asked him if he told the teacher what the other kids said and he said no. I said, well what did you do? He told me that he told the other kids "fuck you stupid bitches". At this point I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer and cried from laughing so hard the rest of the trip.

Later that night, I was telling my brother and sister in law about what had happened on ride to daycare (nephew was in another room).  They didn't believe me. My nephew walked into the kitchen and said, "mom, can I have a cookie you fucking bitch?". Priceless. Pretty sure to this day they think I taught him that phrase.

This story made my night 😂 Thank you for that it was crappy before.


4/28/2016 11:49 am  #15

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

My god. I work in early childhood education and truly hope Taylor never has children or takes some for real parenting classes before she does! The stories today of how she yelled at Zack about eating and made fun of his lisp is truly heartbreaking to me. Taylor claims to be the victim to mean girls constantly her whole life, even in her adolescence, and yet she was/is so much of a mean girl herself.


4/28/2016 1:15 pm  #16

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

ICantEven wrote:

My god. I work in early childhood education and truly hope Taylor never has children or takes some for real parenting classes before she does! The stories today of how she yelled at Zack about eating and made fun of his lisp is truly heartbreaking to me. Taylor claims to be the victim to mean girls constantly her whole life, even in her adolescence, and yet she was/is so much of a mean girl herself.

I was coming here to write the same thing. I'm in school to be a teacher and more importantly (to me) I'm an older sister. My brother is 9.5 years younger than me, no siblings in between. Somethings are similar that she speaks about, but not all lol I have argued with my brother etc but I would NEVER treat him that way! I think that's beyond normal sibling bothered me that she seemed more concerned with how he would be viewed by the world of make her look. Like she would be embarrassed of a lisping, overweight, socially awkward brother. I couldn't imagine this, and she was in college for some of it, how immature! If she was worried about his HEALTH she could've been more positive (ex I made healthy after school snacks and practiced baseball with my brother a bunch. And I wasn't even doing this from being concerned about weight or anything I was just trying to set a good example and bond over baseball)  I don't know her relationship w her brother butI know she loves her brother, not saying she doesn't I just couldn't believe that she did those things 


4/28/2016 2:30 pm  #17

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

Not to mention, being an older sibling is NOTHING like being a parent.  she thinks cause she was an older sister, she can relate with parents. Nope.


5/05/2016 11:38 am  #18

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

SO I'm probably the only one here who feels like this but....
i dont like this segment. 1st Taylor takes it over half the time with herself and selfish stories of herself and stories that have nothing to do with anything and yet are completely repetitive.  Ok, ok i know that kid screamed bc she hardly knew you and its was a new environment.  its the same fucking story.
2nd, the advice ppl give is super generic and common sense or sometimes just lame.  Once there was a topic of kids saying no. and parents were calling saying they teach tier kids Ni or Na, or Num or something but its not no.  Its the same thing as no. Or advice like love them more than you get frustrated.  I'm a fairly new parent. My child is 19 months and i don't feel like the advice callers give is ever REAL and all the helpful.  It's just too generic and common sense.    
Also I don't think Kenny and Chelsea really need it.
3rd Kenny doesn't even seem all that into it bc he doesn't seem he needs help.
4th they are so mean to the callers ESP during this segment. 
I thought it was going to be cute and funny stories about things Duke does and things they do with him. but its all Taylor talking about herself and Kenny "yeah-ing" everything.



5/05/2016 11:57 am  #19

Re: Papa Can you Hear me


3rd Kenny doesn't even seem all that into it bc he doesn't seem he needs help.   

I was thinking today how much I enjoyed him talking, he sounded so excited discussing him!


I thought it was going to be cute and funny stories about things Duke does and things they do with him. but its all Taylor talking about herself and Kenny "yeah-ing" everything.


This! I thought it would be more day-to-day stuff then an advice segment.


5/05/2016 4:26 pm  #20

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I have mentioned this before, it annoys me so bad! Kenny can barely get the subject out of his mouth and she takes over! You are correct it's the same stories from Taylor over and over, usually about Zach. Someone mentioned on the forum(if that even exists anymore)  that Taylor should just let him talk or not be present at all. It's his segment yet she does all the talking!! I used to think they read this but I'm starting to think they don't anymore. She's still telling the same old stories every single day.


5/05/2016 5:33 pm  #21

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I would be too scared to call the show... I'm too worried  they'd make fun of me or just laugh and hang up like they did to the caller James I think!


5/05/2016 7:53 pm  #22

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

ChanelBag wrote:

I would be too scared to call the show... I'm too worried they'd make fun of me or just laugh and hang up like they did to the caller James I think!

It makes my day when I call them, actually! I've called like, 5 or 6 times in the past. 


5/07/2016 4:08 pm  #23

Re: Papa Can you Hear me


SO I'm probably the only one here who feels like this but....
i dont like this segment. 1st Taylor takes it over half the time with herself and selfish stories of herself and stories that have nothing to do with anything and yet are completely repetitive.  Ok, ok i know that kid screamed bc she hardly knew you and its was a new environment.  its the same fucking story.
2nd, the advice ppl give is super generic and common sense or sometimes just lame.  Once there was a topic of kids saying no. and parents were calling saying they teach tier kids Ni or Na, or Num or something but its not no.  Its the same thing as no. Or advice like love them more than you get frustrated.  I'm a fairly new parent. My child is 19 months and i don't feel like the advice callers give is ever REAL and all the helpful.  It's just too generic and common sense.    
Also I don't think Kenny and Chelsea really need it.
3rd Kenny doesn't even seem all that into it bc he doesn't seem he needs help.
4th they are so mean to the callers ESP during this segment. 
I thought it was going to be cute and funny stories about things Duke does and things they do with him. but its all Taylor talking about herself and Kenny "yeah-ing" everything.


I agree. I initially didn't like it because it was lackluster, but the other day they were so rude to a caller. Taylor said the caller bored the sh** out of her then Kenny said something about not wanting to do the segment. Her rudeness was too much. I also can't stand the same stories she will share. It's gotten to the point that I can recite the story and tell her what happened when she pretends to forget.


5/09/2016 12:20 am  #24

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

Kenny probably isn't into it because he feels like he's boring Taylor. She just can't relate. I can't believe kenny said he didn't want to do the segment?!


5/09/2016 7:38 am  #25

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

It comes across like he doesn't need the advice, so he doesn't seem very into it.  When people call in to give advice, he kinda says yeah yeah i do that. Yeah yeah, good idea but like I said, I don't think any of the advice is all that great anyways.    


5/09/2016 9:23 am  #26

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I, for one, will be happy if they ditch it. Maybe it's because I don't have kids, but I'm bored by it. I wish they'd talk about dating-what ever happened to the guy Katie took out for his birthday, for example?


5/09/2016 12:26 pm  #27

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

Kenny has said before how he doesn't like unsolicited advise and how everyone offers suggestions on how to raise duke, family and listeners.  I don't have children, but i can image how annoying it would be if people always offered suggestions even when you were not asking for them.  I think the segment was started so we can see where duke is, and cute things he is doing, but its morphed into people calling and giving advise.  BUT i do think they were oddly rude to that guy, because he said exactly what a lady had said a few calls earlier.  


5/09/2016 12:36 pm  #28

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I agree I would love to hear about Tay/ Katie's dating life.. But as a parent, I would love to hear Kenny's stories about fatherhood too. I understand some listeners don't have children, but some do and it's one segment a week, not something every day. I wish he would just share more stories about Duke instead of asking for advice he doesn't want.. And I wish he would share about how it's changed he and Chelsea's relationship/ him as a person/ etc. Becoming parents is a HUGE transition and I would love to hear about it!


5/09/2016 12:58 pm  #29

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

I like the poppa segment an I think how it leads into generic topics like the cost of pre-school in nyc allows Kenny to share as much as he'd llike.  also gotta be aware that perhaps Chelsea does not want a lot of their life on display.  but I do like the segment. 


5/10/2016 2:47 am  #30

Re: Papa Can you Hear me

This segment is super boring!


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