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Yesterday 7:29 am  #1

How to choose a reliable browser?

Hello. I need some advice on how to choose a browser. My situation is that I am in advertising and I need to manage several social media accounts. Which browser would be suitable for me?


Yesterday 7:55 am  #2

Re: How to choose a reliable browser?

And what is the difficulty? It seems to me that you can do all of this in any browser. You'll just log out of one profile and then log in to another - that's it


Yesterday 9:10 am  #3

Re: How to choose a reliable browser?

No! It's not that simple. The thing is that if you use one browser to log in to different profiles, then very soon all your accounts will be blocked. The point here is this - you need to find a multi-user browser that will mask logging in from a single IP. My advice to you is to check out the gologin browser review: Maybe this browser will work for you.


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