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I totally lol'd during the video. Loved it and want more of it. Good job outta you Tay!
Ican'teveeeen wrote:
Durst_Burp wrote:
ChanelBag wrote:
Someone brave enough should just ask on one of their IG posts... "Hey,are y'all dating or what?" Then she may talk about it
Now that you mention it...someone did. Second photo on TD's Insta- the one of her and Tay in front of the ocean.I saw that comment on TD's IG. They tagged Taylor. I'm surprised one of them didn't comment.
They can't deny it if something is going on, that would be really hurtful I think. If nothing was going on, I would think one would comment something along the lines of "I wish I could meet someone as great as X!"
There is also a comment from maybe TDs Mom saying something like "Thanks for looking after them" which seems couply too me.
I really didn't think anything was going on, seems more yen just friends though.
Unless maybe TD went through a really bad break up at the same time and they got super close because they could relate to each other so well?
Last edited by FKFriday (4/15/2016 8:00 pm)
The comment from TD's mom was definitely referring to them as an item. I just don't understand why she won't admit to it if they are dating.
meepmeep wrote:
The comment from TD's mom was definitely referring to them as an item. I just don't understand why she won't admit to it if they are dating.
If she thinks Catholic quilt effects her sex life, can you imagine what it would do if she were gay??
LOVE the high five video! Honestly, only Taylor could pull that off. She is so good. I'll never be able to sit through another boring red carpet interview again. She is ballsy to take such a huge risk- and it paid off.