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5/19/2016 10:38 pm  #1

First show you heard

Whether you love them or hate them, we've all gotten hooked by Taylor and Kenny at one point! I thought it would be fun to talk about the first WUWT show you remember hearing. What's your first WUWT memory?

For me, it was Feb./March 2007. I had started a new desk job and needed something to listen to. I would try different Sirius stations online, looking for shows to pass the day away. I remember Taylor telling a story about sleep eating Cheetos and I thought it was so funny. (Little did I know I would hear that same story another 50 times over the years.) I also remember her telling a story about if she or her BF paid for dinner with either of their credit cards, the waiter would never know who to give the card back to, because her name could be a male or female name, as well as her BF. Mostly I remember being in awe of her energy and laughing along  with her all day. And that's what has kept me listening for 9 years!


5/20/2016 8:19 am  #2

Re: First show you heard

I don't remember the content of the first show I listened to- but what hooked me the first time, when I stumbled across Wake Up, was the fact that Taylor sounded like my mother in law when she started talking passionately/excitedly and would yell/scream. My MIL is a taaaalker, just like T, and so I was so amused to hear someone on the radio speaking with such energy and spunk like her.


5/20/2016 8:27 am  #3

Re: First show you heard

The first time I heard Taylor I did NOT like her. She was talking about Kristen Cavalari and Jay Cutler and how Kristen was way too hot for Jay. It was after they broke up but before she got pregnant I think? the topic in general was all about girls dating ugly guys and why Kristen would stoop down to Jay's level. I thought it was hyper shallow and annoying. 

buuuuuuuuut I kept listening? That must have been summer 2011?


5/20/2016 8:35 am  #4

Re: First show you heard

AK wrote:

The first time I heard Taylor I did NOT like her. She was talking about Kristen Cavalari and Jay Cutler and how Kristen was way too hot for Jay. It was after they broke up but before she got pregnant I think? the topic in general was all about girls dating ugly guys and why Kristen would stoop down to Jay's level. I thought it was hyper shallow and annoying. 

buuuuuuuuut I kept listening? That must have been summer 2011?

lol Sounds like my cousin! I've tried to get him to listen so many times, hes like she is just so vapid, how do you listen?? And the screaming!!!

I can't remember my first time. There was an afternoon show with two women that I used to listen to, and started with Wake Up because it would be on in the morning when I got in the car. Somewhere around the grilled cheese sandwich comp.


5/20/2016 9:07 am  #5

Re: First show you heard

I don't remember the show when I first started listening, but it was before Kenny when Jim was there. The only time I ever called in was back then and I won a song mashup game they played. They sent me blue mascara and a romance novel. 😂

I do remember Kennys first show though. I thought he sounded like a hyper surfer boy and remember thinking he wouldn't last. Now he's just my fav thing.


5/20/2016 9:08 am  #6

Re: First show you heard

I don't remember either, but al least 8 years ago?

My son used to commute with me when he was working at one of my nursing facilities one summer.  He refused to let me listen to her!  He hated her voice so much.  That was before on demand, but I could catch the replay

Proud to be pink

5/20/2016 9:52 am  #7

Re: First show you heard

Mine was Taylor talking about her engagement party. Remember when Taylor used to do things and come back and tell us about it! I used to look so forward to her stories when she would come back from vacation. Because something funny always happened. Then it just kind of stopped. I wonder why? I feel like she used to consciously think of an interesting tidbit to share with the audience when she returned. Usually she would talk about her life in the 7am hour and then do regular show stuff the rest of the show. That's what made the show great imo.


5/20/2016 11:07 am  #8

Re: First show you heard

The first time I ever heard "Cosmo Radio" was in Nov 2009. My cousin let me use his account. I was an avid Cosmo reader & kept hearing about their station. I stumbled across "Cocktails with Patrick". Patrick & Lea were talking about how he had just met Oprah & he was so excited. A couple days later I heard Taylor, Victoria, & Kenny. For a while there I thought there was just one guy on the station. I think I started tuning in around the time Taylor was getting married. I thought Taylor & Patrick were so cool. I had gone through a lot  socially as a teenager & in my 20's. It was refreshing to hear & know that there were other people out there that had experienced some of the same things I had gone through. I eventually got my own sirius account. I few years later I went one of Kenny's shows, he was hilarious. I got to meet him afterwards. He was so sweet & we had a great conversation. A year later I attended their on air "Holiday party" where I got to meet Taylor & Steph. Kenny remembered meeting me prior & was very sweet. Taylor was nice & very professional. I also met Nicole, Sam Roberts, Sway & Heather B. (from Shade 45). They were all nice as well. 


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