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This board has become increasingly negative and not constructive criticism. Can we try to be more positive? I like taking time to talk about the show, not personally bashing people.
Also, If you think Taylor has ZERO talent go find another show? Why waste your time on hers?
This was started as a forum for everyone's opinions, negative and positive and everything in between.
I feel like comments in the forum tend to skew in the same direction of the show. When negativity creeps into their conversations, it lends itself to negative reactions here. Negativity always breeds negativity. Positivity breeds positivity. I feel like Tay is the conductor on the negativity train, and we in turn become passengers. I will make a concerted effort to not be as snarky and sarcastic as I can sometimes be, but it's so hard sometimes! Good challenge, pio! 😉
piopio12 wrote:
This board has become increasingly negative and not constructive criticism. Can we try to be more positive? I like taking time to talk about the show, not personally bashing people.
Also, If you think Taylor has ZERO talent go find another show? Why waste your time on hers?
Thank you! Exactly how I've been feeling.
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
I feel like comments in the forum tend to skew in the same direction of the show. When negativity creeps into their conversations, it lends itself to negative reactions here. Negativity always breeds negativity. Positivity breeds positivity. I feel like Tay is the conductor on the negativity train, and we in turn become passengers. I will make a concerted effort to not be as snarky and sarcastic as I can sometimes be, but it's so hard sometimes! Good challenge, pio! 😉
hey girl! so, i wrote that original comment and i am not speaking of you or FKFriday because from y'alls general comments i feel you have valid constructive criticism, but also generally want taylor to succeed. Some people on this board just seem to want her to fail.
No offense taken here girl! I do think I'm going to challenge myself to be more positive on here though. We had to put our doggie down a couple weeks ago, so I know I've been in a shitty headspace for awhile and I'm sure I'm projecting some of that anger, whether my comments are legit or not. I need to get myself back in check. I'm a pretty positive person IRL, and even if I don't personally get what she's doing, I wish T success if she puts forth the effort.
Well that I had my Kumbaya moment, I just read the today's show thread and have a feeling I'm gonna be annoyed again when I get to listen LOL
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Well that I had my Kumbaya moment, I just read the today's show thread and have a feeling I'm gonna be annoyed again when I get to listen LOL
hold it in 420. you can do it girl.
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Well that I had my Kumbaya moment, I just read the today's show thread and have a feeling I'm gonna be annoyed again when I get to listen LOL
hahaha. I haven't listened to day a white and very privileged girl (probably much like Tay) she should not talk about racism, and certainly not compare compliments to it.
piopio12 wrote:
This board has become increasingly negative and not constructive criticism. Can we try to be more positive? I like taking time to talk about the show, not personally bashing people.
Also, If you think Taylor has ZERO talent go find another show? Why waste your time on hers?
Well said. Couldn't agree more. I love Kenny and Taylor! If you are so annoyed by them, then listen to another show and take your negativity elsewhere.
piopio12 wrote:
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Well that I had my Kumbaya moment, I just read the today's show thread and have a feeling I'm gonna be annoyed again when I get to listen LOL
hahaha. I haven't listened to day a white and very privileged girl (probably much like Tay) she should not talk about racism, and certainly not compare compliments to it.
Piopio I caught some of that on my morning commute. when they got to the compliment part, my brow did furrow a bit because, like you, I didn't see the connection. but then I had to remember, Tay's associations can be a little loose sometime but I gotta say, this seemed sooooooo loose (at first), that there is literally a half mile segment of my 6-mile drive to work this morning that I truly can't recall because I was so tuned in. the difference being, the consequence of racism is much more malignant than the consequence of not getting a compliments. plus what's up for grabs in racial disparity and slavery: dignity, freedom and rights, things all people should be entitled to. what's up for grabs with a compliment, a feel good moment that's not an entitlement. the only comparison, and this is not so far out on the limb, is that in both cases, the intent has been for one to inflict hurt on another. but this is something that is really getting her goat. if I were her, I would flick off this chick (please don't let it be Nicole) because anyone who would just go out of their way to be mean doesn't deserve to be in MY COMPANY. just because Tay knows what's driving this chick's ire doesn't mean she should continue to subject herself to it. perhaps one of the other friends can chime in and say. "hey __________ you did that before when we were all together. why? it makes me feel awkward."
I agree that when the show gets negative, so do we. But I think this forum makes me more negative than the show does.
I have a desk job, where I sit in a cubicle for 8 hours a day, so I listen to Wake Up whether they annoy me or not, but sometimes I have to take a break from this forum.
I love sharing this with you guys because it's so awesome to be able to talk about something that is weirdly such a big part of all of our days, but the negativity brings out negativity in me.
I am far from perfect, and have definitely torn Taylor apart on more than one occasion, but I think the positivity challenge is a great one!
piopio12 wrote:
This board has become increasingly negative and not constructive criticism. Can we try to be more positive? I like taking time to talk about the show, not personally bashing people.
Also, If you think Taylor has ZERO talent go find another show? Why waste your time on hers?
Thank you! I've been reading this forum for a long time (since before it was even on this page), but I don't do much online commenting so I've never made an account. But I felt like I finally had to! While Taylor definitely has her faults, don't we all?? I know I'm far from perfect. The girl has her own show for a reason-she can talk and talk and talk. It's her job-let's let her do it! I love reading this page but let's stick to the topics of the show instead of nit-picking every single thing Taylor does (And no I'm not one of Taylor's friends-I just want to read fun comments by fun women instead of incredible negativity all the time!)
Go to any Howard Stern forum and you will see the same type of discussion. Positive and negative and there is plenty of talk about non show topics pertaining to his, attitude, marriage, ex wife, kids, cats, etc. If you don't have a thick skin, then you just don't belong in the entertainment industry.
wakeup411 wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
This board has become increasingly negative and not constructive criticism. Can we try to be more positive? I like taking time to talk about the show, not personally bashing people.
Also, If you think Taylor has ZERO talent go find another show? Why waste your time on hers?Thank you! I've been reading this forum for a long time (since before it was even on this page), but I don't do much online commenting so I've never made an account. But I felt like I finally had to! While Taylor definitely has her faults, don't we all?? I know I'm far from perfect. The girl has her own show for a reason-she can talk and talk and talk. It's her job-let's let her do it! I love reading this page but let's stick to the topics of the show instead of nit-picking every single thing Taylor does
(And no I'm not one of Taylor's friends-I just want to read fun comments by fun women instead of incredible negativity all the time!)
I've always said I'd rather the show be on rather than off the air. I don't listen as a critic. I (andf I think most of her listeners) listen to be entertained (x' for eyes, gotta get me some of that lemonade!) or informed (dr wider; race discussion this week). it seems some people are better at honing in on the negative things that reflect on taylor (poor interviewer, same old stories etc). new listener are a daily reality for whom those old stories are new. but I don't listen to find the negativity so I can write about it. if I get bored with some of the stuff like I sometimes do with some of the doctors (dentist, plastic surgery), I just go to another channel. I'm an eternal optimist and I hope the tone of this forum can skew a little more in the positive direction
Ok...I'm sorry. I've been sufficiently admonished. I wrote the comment about Taylor not being talented after reading one from someone gushing about her beauty, brains and talent. I had just listened to the third or fourth replay about mean girls (this week) and heard the compliment story for the umpteenth time. I'm a longtime listener and with that, I do long for the time when the show had structure and real topics. Consistency and not broken records.
I appreciate all of your offers for me to go elsewhere to listen...that's sweet of you. I thought I would also share that although the show is called Wake Up with TAYLOR, there are lots of other people who are on there that I also enjoy listening to. Kenny, Dr. Wider, Robert Verdi, Katie, and yes, even Taylor. I don't wish to see her fail at all. My wish for her would be to self-reflect a little more and maybe take time to listen to a replay or two of her own shows each week so she can hear herself....
Again, I apologize and I will refrain from posting.
Do NOT stop posting! Every comment has at least 2 sides of opinions and the last thing we need is only positive comments on this board. If people just want to read positive spin go to their FB page and read and leave your the greatest comments, of course no one from the show will comment or acknowledge you posted. We need both sides and if we get more negative than positive so be it
I agree. Everybody should be able to express whatever opinion they want without being told to go listen to something else. That's the point of this board.
I feel like my post kind of started this because I said she was talented. I didn't gush about her brains and beauty. Taylor annoys me just as much as the next person. But I kind of feel bad when Matt gets attacked. Hes not on the show and he's really just a fan so for all we know he's an awesome, nice person. I feel like in a way Taylor and Kenny are fair game because they are on a public forum. But the difference is that they're not huge celebrities so they probably read some of what we say. But I do think Taylor is very talented for radio. I could never fill 2 hours talking and being entertaining. She's slacked off lately. I totally get your rants. Like I said in another post, what bugs me about her is that she has so much and doesn't seem to grasp how hard the rest of the world has to struggle for what they have. and she's judgemental about the life choices of people who have come from much different, very hard backgrounds because she just doesn't get it. That's what mostly bugs me about her.
I'm not one of those people who only wants positivity because that's what used to drive me crazy about the old Facebook page. So post on.
This is ridiculous. This entire forum was started because there was nowhere to post opinions that weren't kissing Taylor's butt. We are all adults and should post as we please, positive, negative and everything in between. It's like the positive PC police are here.
Personally I started reading because I was curious what was going with her Brett. I stayed because I liked checking this website to see what I missed when there was a day I couldn't listen. I wanted to know what parts I should catch up on, what juicy stuff was said, if there was a celeb interview I wanted to hear, etc. mostly I still get and do that but it is harder to find the little pieces of what went on that day unless it happen to annoy someone. Still love this website though, great place to chat with you guys especially because I don't have any friends that listen! I want her and Kenny to tour more because i always miss them (I live in NJ close to NYC) and I want to meet you gals!!
Zara81 wrote:
I feel like my post kind of started this because I said she was talented. I didn't gush about her brains and beauty. Taylor annoys me just as much as the next person. But I kind of feel bad when Matt gets attacked. Hes not on the show and he's really just a fan so for all we know he's an awesome, nice person. I feel like in a way Taylor and Kenny are fair game because they are on a public forum. But the difference is that they're not huge celebrities so they probably read some of what we say. But I do think Taylor is very talented for radio. I could never fill 2 hours talking and being entertaining. She's slacked off lately. I totally get your rants. Like I said in another post, what bugs me about her is that she has so much and doesn't seem to grasp how hard the rest of the world has to struggle for what they have. and she's judgemental about the life choices of people who have come from much different, very hard backgrounds because she just doesn't get it. That's what mostly bugs me about her.
I'm not one of those people who only wants positivity because that's what used to drive me crazy about the old Facebook page. So post on.
Great breakdown Zara! I think that is also what annoys me as well. I live in basically appalachia and I see every day how hard people struggle to just make it day to day. It bugs the shit out of me that she has no clue how little a lot of other people have - not just things either, but very little opportunities to advance their place in life. When she said she needed a quarter million $$ a year to live comfortably, it struck a nerve big time, because I know people that live on literally like $15k a year. The things that she whines about obsessively are just kind of gross to me.
I think everyone's points are valid and I don't want anyone to feel like they can't share their thoughts here - so fkcsmom, wedding bitch, husbandpillow - ladies, post on!
I do think everyone can be a little hard on Taylor sometimes. I lurk on the board and read it almost every day but I save the actual shows to listen to when I have long work days, so I often read about them before I hear them. I'll read all the negative comments about something she said and then I'll hear the show and be surprised that whatever she said wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting based on the posts. Of course, I enjoy reading the board and everyone's opinions because sometimes I agree and sometimes I don't. But that's the fun of it, right?
I agree. I think people can be hard on Taylor at times. Not to say I am not one of them. I felt myself getting really negative toward her which is why I mainly stopped listening (as opposed to not missing an episode like I used to, I will now just catch clips here and there). Sometimes you need to let it out, and I think there is room for the negative and the positive.
I think the issue comes in when there is ONLY negative. That's where I found myself, and when I stopped being able to say good things about the show, I was like I need a break. I still read the board, though, because I do miss what I feel the show once was and hope it can go back.
I think Taylor has good radio sense (or at least she used to), and she can be fun to listen to whether you love her or hate her. It does seem to me like since the divorce, things have gone majorly downhill.
I do feel like it is worth having further discussions on things they talk on air about and expanding, which I feel like should be the purpose of this board. I do get, though, that there is a lot of Taylor talk and repetition, which I think is part of the reason things have gone so negative, but there can also be a group polarization mentality that occurs as well.
Last edited by greattaste (5/28/2016 12:38 pm)
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Great breakdown Zara! I think that is also what annoys me as well. I live in basically appalachia and I see every day how hard people struggle to just make it day to day. It bugs the shit out of me that she has no clue how little a lot of other people have - not just things either, but very little opportunities to advance their place in life. When she said she needed a quarter million $$ a year to live comfortably, it struck a nerve big time, because I know people that live on literally like $15k a year. The things that she whines about obsessively are just kind of gross to me.
I think everyone's points are valid and I don't want anyone to feel like they can't share their thoughts here - so fkcsmom, wedding bitch, husbandpillow - ladies, post on!
Exactly 420. I come from a small mill town where people are very poor. Before I started listening to wake up I never knew people had it as good as Taylor. I figured wealthy people had screwed up parents or some type of issue that evened it out. But Taylor has SO much plus a nice, great family.When I started listening to wake up and would hear Victoria brag about having never been to a Walmart and Taylor talk about not letting workers use her bathroom, I was appalled quite frankly. (The worker bathroom thing clearly bugged me because I still remember it 5 years later.) and the way Taylor would talk, she had no problems. She would talk about petty squabbles with Brett but listeners never knew how bad it was. Im sure Taylor has real problems but the way she talks even her real problems don't seem all that bad by comparison. Example, she went through a divorce and complains about having to do her taxes but I guarantee you she has an accountant. So she's not really sitting down and doing her taxes. She just has to gather documents. I wish Taylor nothing bad. It just bothers me when she says things that I feel like are hurtful to listeners (comments about girls who are sluts, if you're over a size 6 your fat, if you're the breadwinner your husbands a loser...) she just doesn't have a perspective of life outside of upper class New England. In my opinion.
Last edited by Zara81 (5/29/2016 4:42 am)
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
No offense taken here girl! I do think I'm going to challenge myself to be more positive on here though. We had to put our doggie down a couple weeks ago, so I know I've been in a shitty headspace for awhile and I'm sure I'm projecting some of that anger, whether my comments are legit or not. I need to get myself back in check. I'm a pretty positive person IRL, and even if I don't personally get what she's doing, I wish T success if she puts forth the effort.
sorry for your loss. have had to make that decision myself. hope it's getting better for you
timetowakeup wrote:
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
No offense taken here girl! I do think I'm going to challenge myself to be more positive on here though. We had to put our doggie down a couple weeks ago, so I know I've been in a shitty headspace for awhile and I'm sure I'm projecting some of that anger, whether my comments are legit or not. I need to get myself back in check. I'm a pretty positive person IRL, and even if I don't personally get what she's doing, I wish T success if she puts forth the effort.
sorry for your loss. have had to make that decision myself. hope it's getting better for you
Thanks girl, I really appreciate that! It's been rough, I know it was the best decision for my sweet boy, I could tell he was starting to suffer, but it definitely doesn't make it any easier. Sometimes I just sob because the house seems so empty without him (he had a ton of sassitude like his mama! 😉) im hoping it gets easier with time, but I so miss that fuzzy face!! ❤️🐶👼🏽
Awww What a beautiful face, so sorry.
I lost my cat 2 years ago this summer and it still makes me cry. Its crazy the mark those little paws can make on our hearts.
And now I'm sitting at my desk crying again lol
I'm so sorry for your loss, Wake Up. What a beautiful boy. I'm sure you miss him like crazy. Pets really do become a part of the family... I know I'd rather hang out with mine than with most people.