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Durst_Burp wrote:
FKCSTMom wrote:
I'm so totally laughing at myself right now...for so many reasons.
1. I'm old AF and just learned how to say that (the AF part) and really like it!
2. I continue to call it "Chapsnat"....enough that the sweet young ladies that I worked with during the sorority recruitment process all of last week set up a group text and named it "Chapsnat"...and I'm ok with them making fun of me!
3. I had them set up my Snapchat account (now it seems weird to say it right!) but I have NO CLUE how to use it and it just took me 10 full minutes to figure out how to add Chelsey's name.
4. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never actually SEE a chat because by the time I figure out how to view them each time AGAIN (haven't gotten that far!!!), they will be gone! Which brings me back to number 1...
5. I'm old AF!!!!!!!
You crack me up and even though I have no idea where you're from, I can't help but read this in the voice of Patrick's mom. She was so cute and I loved when she would call in and couldn't get Channing Tatum's name right- I bet she's looking for Tanner Natum on Chapsnat as we speak. 😂
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Noooooo.....I'm not from Michigan but I may or may not have called Tanning Chatum /Channing Tatum the wrong name once or twice! I'm a teeny bit younger than YB's mom...ok...I think at least 10+ years... But I'm still old when it comes to all this new stuff!! I'm still trying to figure out what it's for but I got a notification that I had one to see the other day and I figured out how to see it! You can bet my old AF *ss I won't be looking at my kids' accounts. You are right about not being able to unsee...
Thanks for the laughs gang. I love all my virtual friends!!!
Haha right back at ya FKCSTMom! 😀👍🏻