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9/01/2016 11:09 am  #1


Does he really drive Tay to work everyday and just sit in the studio the entire show? Isn't that weird? Doesn't he have anything else to do? I'm not sure what talent managers do but I am pretty sure most don't follow around their one client all the live long day. Is he a bigger part of the reality show or something? I just don't get it.


9/01/2016 11:42 am  #2

Re: Matt

Assuming she's his only client, maybe hoping to pick up more hanging around the station/studio?


9/01/2016 11:43 am  #3

Re: Matt

I think his focus right now is Tay and it seems that's what she needs right now anyway.


9/01/2016 1:17 pm  #4

Re: Matt

works for me.  I'd love to have someone who would drive me to and from work everyday.  I'm dealing with DC traffic here.


9/01/2016 1:36 pm  #5

Re: Matt

Makes sense to me. Right now his client and focus is Taylor. I'm sure he works on red carpet applications, social media, etc while at Serius. He has a car and drives to work, why not pick up Taylor on the way? I'm sure he's learning the industry and helping out with the show while there. The member here that met him when she was on the show said he's very nice. Why trash him? He's apparently doing a great job.


9/01/2016 2:11 pm  #6

Re: Matt

I think I've been kinda judgy on him in the past.... But I think he deserves credit for trying to make a name for himself aside from his dad.

I know it seemed kinda weird that he was prepped with a power point to present some sort of change for the direction of the show or help get Tay exposure. IMO that takes guts.


9/01/2016 2:19 pm  #7

Re: Matt

I'm not trying to bash him but he certainly sounds like more than a manager which is fine. Just seems like he may want to solicit more clients than just Tay if he wants to be a legit manager. Do ya'll think he's part of the plot line for the reality show?

     Thread Starter

9/01/2016 2:52 pm  #8

Re: Matt

Hey, as much as I bash T for being lazy - at least Matt is getting her out there and going to events.  Sad that she needed someone to tell her that but it's something.  Our bar is not too high, evidently.  


9/01/2016 2:58 pm  #9

Re: Matt

Is he employed by Sirius or Taylor? I assumed it was Taylor which is why I found it odd that he would go to Sirius every day with her. But, then the powerpoint stuff has me thinking he's employed by Sirius in some capacity. But then Tay said in a periscope that he started as her personal assistant. I just have never heard of a manager spending the entire day with their client.

     Thread Starter

9/01/2016 3:47 pm  #10

Re: Matt

youcaaango wrote:

Hey, as much as I bash T for being lazy - at least Matt is getting her out there and going to events.  Sad that she needed someone to tell her that but it's something.  Our bar is not too high, evidently.  

After last nights Periscope, I don't think she ever thought she could go to these sorts of things.


9/01/2016 3:48 pm  #11

Re: Matt

chelchel wrote:

Is he employed by Sirius or Taylor? I assumed it was Taylor which is why I found it odd that he would go to Sirius every day with her. But, then the powerpoint stuff has me thinking he's employed by Sirius in some capacity. But then Tay said in a periscope that he started as her personal assistant. I just have never heard of a manager spending the entire day with their client.

Maybe he gets a percentage of what she makes off the website and anything else like that? I can't imagine she could afford to pay him out of pocket and if the rumours about Sirius are correct, there is no way they are paying for an assistant for her.


9/01/2016 5:29 pm  #12

Re: Matt

For being young and shy (as described by the member that met him), he sure is hustling. As SoftPretzels pointed out, showing up as a fan with a power point takes guts. This is his first client. As he gets more clients from hustling for Taylor, he'll obviously have to stop focusing so much on her. I give credit to Taylor for recognizing his ability before he had any clients on a resume. A lot has happened quickly, go Matt!


9/01/2016 6:15 pm  #13

Re: Matt

I recall on the periscope that he interned for Sirius, graduated and came back and got a job at Sirius and with Taylor. And I assume if he's not longer employed with Sirius that he gets a cut of everything she does. So it's in his best interest to get her to make money.


9/03/2016 10:20 am  #14

Re: Matt

Producer Katie joined T2 at Matts house in the hamptons this weekend.
Cute picture on IG if anyone wants to check it out.


9/03/2016 10:15 pm  #15

Re: Matt

Whose insta?


9/04/2016 9:41 am  #16

Re: Matt

Taylor's and she tagged Katie in it... She's finally on IG.


9/04/2016 10:03 pm  #17

Re: Matt

Cute pic of T & T on TD's IG. They look so happy.


9/16/2016 12:30 pm  #18

Re: Matt

I don't know if this was mentioned before, but his LinkedIn lists that he does the fundingFounderToffler Management LLC2016 – Present (less than a year)Artist management company including social media branding, funding, and allowing talent to reach their highest potential.


9/16/2016 12:42 pm  #19

Re: Matt

FKFriday wrote:

I don't know if this was mentioned before, but his LinkedIn lists that he does the fundingFounderToffler Management LLC2016 – Present (less than a year)Artist management company including social media branding, funding, and allowing talent to reach their highest potential.

Ha! He sure is doing a great job with the social media part! (Eye roll). I wonder if Taylor has to pay back the "funding"? I guess it's paid back in the form of Matt's commissions?? I can't imagine he'd be making anything much from her.


9/16/2016 12:52 pm  #20

Re: Matt

Assuming its Daddies money, it kinda disgusts me that she would take it. Bad enough if she was taking money from her own parents at this point, but from some one else's??? Maybe that's how it works though and I'm just clue less.


9/16/2016 7:23 pm  #21

Re: Matt

I doubt a large amount has been funded for Taylor. I understand Matt has to start somewhere, but Taylor has no talent. It would be different if she were an actress, musician, etc.


9/16/2016 7:40 pm  #22

Re: Matt

meepmeep wrote:

I doubt a large amount has been funded for Taylor. I understand Matt has to start somewhere, but Taylor has no talent. It would be different if she were an actress, musician, etc.

I've been wondering for a while now if Matt kind of has blinders on, and Taylor's comment today about how Matt posts bad pictures of her and says he thinks she always looks beautiful further convinced me. But at the same time I would be surprised if he is overly awe-struck by her given who his dad is, but he was a fan of the show for a long time so maybe he is.

Side note - I requested to follow the show's IG account on my second account over a week ago and it hasn't been accepted yet. Whoever is managing it needs to get their sh*t together. Not a great experience if you're a new listener trying to see a post they're talking about on air.

Last edited by Durst_Burp (9/16/2016 7:58 pm)

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

9/16/2016 8:20 pm  #23

Re: Matt

Nothing's been posted since the beginning of August, you're not missing much!


9/16/2016 8:22 pm  #24

Re: Matt

FKFriday wrote:

Nothing's been posted since the beginning of August, you're not missing much!

Haha I know- I can see it on my main account. I just think it's interesting that not only are they not posting, but no one seems to be paying any attention to it at all.

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

9/16/2016 10:46 pm  #25

Re: Matt

And why in the world would the show's IG page be private? Makes zero sense whatsoever.


9/17/2016 1:24 pm  #26

Re: Matt

They don't like mean comments.  

Not sure how "fame" is going to be handled...

Last edited by youcaaango (9/17/2016 1:25 pm)


9/17/2016 4:38 pm  #27

Re: Matt

I requested to follow a few weeks ago and have not been accepted either...annoying


9/19/2016 11:54 am  #28

Re: Matt

I don't understand why their social media is SO lacking. They have Taylor, Matt, Katie and usually an intern who could do the show FB page and Insta page. Taylor could certainly manage to snap or insta a few times a week and the show website basically just stopped doing anything just weeks after it was launched. I don't get it.

     Thread Starter

9/19/2016 1:17 pm  #29

Re: Matt

This is a prime example of how (in my old AF mind) I don't understand why ANYONE in their right mind would hire her/them for a show if having a social media following is so important these days. Compared to any other even limited reality *non-star*--- as Taylor said herself, she struggles to get LIKES, much less followers! And, when she IS on something (Chapsnat, Periscope, etc) she HATES on everyone. Or, she at the very least cannot do one without bringing up the haters. Perhaps if she were NICE she wouldn't have that????

 I digress.... people have priorities and they will put their energy into what is important. Right now T is all about asking new co-hosts to tell her she looks happy, she is pretty, repeating how awful the old family was to her (I can see why), and putting out in the universe that SHE needs to be on a housewives show and needs to be famous for doing NOTHING. Oh yeah...and she used to be married to a guy and now she has a girlfriend (which I do believe is real. But how long T2 puts up with her BS is a mystery...I'm guessing she's smart and will see through it pretty quickly).  Good luck honey...even if you get a show (sometimes shit happens) you will NEVER live through what happens when people start picking you apart FOR REAL. You can't take it when you don't get compliments in a group of 5 people....

Last edited by FKCSTMom (9/19/2016 1:22 pm)


9/19/2016 3:09 pm  #30

Re: Matt

whats the other IG name?


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