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11/08/2016 4:49 pm  #1

Financial Planning Guest Interview

Sorry to have to make a new thread for this, but I looked all around and couldn't find the information. 

What was the name of the company that did financial planning? Tay interviewed a women a handful of times, and got Taylor, and maybe even Kenny's, personal finances structured. 



11/08/2016 4:56 pm  #2

Re: Financial Planning Guest Interview

Found it! Stash Wealth. 

I can't seem to figure out how to delete this thread, but an admin can do so if they would like. 

     Thread Starter

11/09/2016 12:29 pm  #3

Re: Financial Planning Guest Interview

Keep this thread open! We can share finance company tips and opinions.

I want to look into stash wealth or LearnVest


11/10/2016 1:37 pm  #4

Re: Financial Planning Guest Interview

I like LearnVest, the free portion of the app is easy to use


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