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Today her interview with Scott Eastwood was soooo uncomfortable. I think it was a combo of him and her but he came off like a complete idiot.
Longtimelistener wrote:
Today her interview with Scott Eastwood was soooo uncomfortable. I think it was a combo of him and her but he came off like a complete idiot.
ugh, yes it was painful. But didn't T interview him for his last movie? Or maybe Jenny did and I thought the same thing during that interview. I think he just doesn't interview well. He's trying to be all cool and it comes across so lame.
I love that Michelle came for GWNJ today.
lydia delainey wrote:
I love that Michelle came for GWNJ today.
Ah what did she say? I'd listen but today isn't on demand yet.
She basically said that some people should just be social media personalities and not try to be in front of the camera because they're not funny in person. She said that she thought GWNJ was obnoxious and she didn't feel bad saying it because she's racist and not a good person(which I agree with, btw. Apologize because you were exposed, but I think that's who she is).
I like that she is going to the March in DC. She actually does things while taylor couldn’t go to the women’s march, Kennys movie premiere, or even vote.
lydia delainey wrote:
She basically said that some people should just be social media personalities and not try to be in front of the camera because they're not funny in person. She said that she thought GWNJ was obnoxious and she didn't feel bad saying it because she's racist and not a good person(which I agree with, btw. Apologize because you were exposed, but I think that's who she is).
I tend to agree. Even before the “scandal”, I never liked her. Don’t find her particularly funny or entertaining.
Me neither. I just don't get how someone can speak with that level of vocal fry and actually be successful. She always strikes me as someone who has a superiority complex, and feels like she's better than everyone.
Yea I listened to mich this morning I was so glad she talked shit about GWNJ! Omg she was talking about the derma roller this morning also! I can’t wait to get home and do mine !
I’m really enjoying the show when I get to listen. She’s doing a nice job of balancing serious and fluff.
LilEffer wrote:
I like that she is going to the March in DC. She actually does things while taylor couldn’t go to the women’s march, Kennys movie premiere, or even vote.
I’m answering as though you mean GWNJ and not Michelle Collins... but right now, I’m wondering if what she’s participating in is only part of her “rehab the image” plan? Earlier this week (or was it last?) she was feeding the homeless and posting that on IG. I actually thought I had unfollowed her, and when I saw there was an IG story, I was curious if she was back to her regular stealing of other account’s memes or what, so I clicked on it.
It’s kind of a Catch 22... how do you prove to the world you are a good person (I am suspicious of this) without broadcasting it to the world on social media when you do something good, which makes you look like a self-promoting asshole again?
Yes, Michelle's been great. She's so funny, and I love her take on all things pop culture, but she's also really passionate about social and political issues. That's something that I find Taylor lacks-she doesn't seem to care about what is going on in the world at large.
She does not like charity. She use to mention that all the time.
Michelle is covering the march in DC, and it's such a powerful piece of audio. Hearing these young people speak gives me hope that things can and will change. This next generation is truly inspiring. I recommend listening. Michelle did a wonderful job.
Where did you listen?
It's on demand under her regular show catalogue.
Her show is getting funnier and funnier. Today cracked me up. She is the epitome of real and she is super hydrated.
I can't even express how much I love her. She is quite honestly the funniest person that I've ever listened to. I love her hilarious encounters and all her funny neuroses. I find myself looking forward to Monday because I'm excited for her show. Her story about going to Whole Foods to buy a bottle of ponzu(sp?) sauce was so fucking funny. She is leaps and bounds funnier and better at radio than Taylor.
I was snorting during the ponzu story!!! She is so low key though, you feel like you're in the conversation.
Last edited by idontcarethatmuch (4/23/2018 8:10 pm)
Definitely! And I adore Tim, her Aussie producer.
lydia delainey wrote:
Definitely! And I adore Tim, her Aussie producer.
I didn’t really like her on the Bachelor shows but maybe I’ll give her a try. I certainly trust you guys!
She’s fantastic. And even her really awkward interviews are great. She actually learns about the guest and asks them intelligent questions. I don’t even get involved in the Taylor BS anymore because I no longer miss her show.
I never watched her Bachelor shows, but I think if you listen FKCST, you'll really like her. I'm not someone who laughs out loud very much, but I do, listening to her show.
lydia delainey wrote:
Start with on demanding Mon's show.
Perfect...I’ll do that! I need some new blood in da’ house! Thanks guys!
I have to agree, the last couple of weeks, even with her being sick have been really good. She's everything we wished T would have done.
I have to admit I like her better when she sticks to pop culture and life stuff and avoids politics.
WhosBecky? wrote:
I have to agree, the last couple of weeks, even with her being sick have been really good. She's everything we wished T would have done.
I have to admit I like her better when she sticks to pop culture and life stuff and avoids politics.
I just started listening to her here and there, and I too love what I hear. It's funny b/c right as I turned her on the other day she was saying how she was sick but never misses work. Ha! The complete antithesis of Taylor. I love all her stories about NYC, which is exactly what I wanted to hear from Taylor!
I do agree completely with Becky though, and I don't enjoy listening to the political talk from Michelle.
I enjoy hearing her political views as well. I like that she's passionate about her beliefs and cares about the world that she's living in. It always bothered me that Taylor wouldn't even report a story if it was too sad or too political. It's like she couldn't handle acknowledging the realities of life, and if your brand is being real and authentic, you can't just live in denial about what's going on in the world around you.
"I'll have an Almond Macron." So freaking funny!
KennyBobbyFan wrote:
Just wanted to say that Michelle Collins show is EVERYTHING that Taylor's show should have progressed to.... She is genuine, hilarious, up to date on current events, educated about her own ideas and opinions, and willing to put in the work. Her Instagram shows her guests, her special events, and any other things she's passionate about and discusses on the show. It is a great two hours... Awesome guests and interviews (not just some random dentist and the happy nonsense). Michelle is definitely an upgrade for SiriusXM stars.
P.S. I haven't subscribed to Taylor's show and I don't miss it.... I listened to TS since the very beginning of Cosmo Radio and was so disappointed where/how it ended.
Amen. Cosigning everything you said.