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I rarely ever listen to Taylor’s podcast, and never listen to Stassi. However, I made the exception this time.... my god the number of ads on Taylor’s were outrageous. She had multiple commercial breaks, with what felt like 2-3 minutes each. What made it hard to listen to her ads was they did not fit her “brand” at all. She doesn’t use online therapy, she doesn’t do anything fitness related.... it just came off fake and a money grab.
SoftPretzels wrote:
I rarely ever listen to Taylor’s podcast, and never listen to Stassi. However, I made the exception this time.... my god the number of ads on Taylor’s were outrageous. She had multiple commercial breaks, with what felt like 2-3 minutes each. What made it hard to listen to her ads was they did not fit her “brand” at all. She doesn’t use online therapy, she doesn’t do anything fitness related.... it just came off fake and a money grab.
I haven't listened to her podcast, but I feel like you could use money grab to describe her instastories too. She doesn't workout (neither do I so I'm not judging LOL) but yet she promotes for Fab Fit Fun and Fabletics. I dont understand how she partnered with either one of them.
But.Uhm.Yeah wrote:
SoftPretzels wrote:
I rarely ever listen to Taylor’s podcast, and never listen to Stassi. However, I made the exception this time.... my god the number of ads on Taylor’s were outrageous. She had multiple commercial breaks, with what felt like 2-3 minutes each. What made it hard to listen to her ads was they did not fit her “brand” at all. She doesn’t use online therapy, she doesn’t do anything fitness related.... it just came off fake and a money grab.
I haven't listened to her podcast, but I feel like you could use money grab to describe her instastories too. She doesn't workout (neither do I so I'm not judging LOL) but yet she promotes for Fab Fit Fun and Fabletics. I dont understand how she partnered with either one of them.
Fit Fab Fun will basically partner with anyone over 30K followers. I have a girl i am friends with who has a huge online following and she does their adds too. I used to get FFF boxes, but I basically stopped b/c I'm sick of the add. So they lost a customer over them.
For real. Pretty much all IG “ads” (and most podcast ads) annoy TF out of me. FFF, Fabletics, Diff, SugarBear Hair, whatever that stupid tea is, all the meal delivery services, the lot of them. And Taylor’s partnerships with them have 100% confirmed that they’re all bullshit and the people don’t even use them. 🙄🙄🙄
I don't know if its just the way she does them, I love Jenny McCarthy's though! She makes everything sound like she just discovered it and loved using it lol
To be fair to Taylor most of the podcasters I listen to hawk the same lame ass shit, and you know they aren't using the stuff. Ad money keeps them on the air, so they will partner with whomever will pay them. The ads are annoying but it pays the bills so I don't have to. I love that some of them definitely make it obvious they have a script they have to read so they are in on the joke- Pod Save America is hilarious when they do ads, Lovitz shits all over ever single one of them, ha ha! Karen and Georgia on My Favorite Murder are pretty cheeky in some of their ads too.
Last edited by Hawr-rible (5/06/2019 12:19 pm)