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7/21/2018 10:44 am  #1

Social Media

While listening to the show these past few weeks I've noticed a lot of talk about how social media activity causes conflict in "a lot" of peoples real lives (Not following/unfollowing someone on Instagram or not liking peoples' IG posts being grounds for fights, etc.). Am I completely out of touch (#flyoverstates), or does that seem absolutely ridiculous? Unless someone is being overtly jackholey, I've never heard of such a thing. 

Last edited by secco (7/21/2018 10:44 am)


7/21/2018 10:56 am  #2

Re: Social Media

No, I couldn't imagine getting upset with a friend for not liking a post.


7/21/2018 11:36 am  #3

Re: Social Media

Ok so do t make fun of me. I just started an instagram page for my business. My personal page is private and I couldn’t care less who follows that. It’s mainly a place to share pics to family and friends. I never looked at my profile so I had no idea how many people I followed or how many followers I have.

Now that I have my public business page, I started switching back and forth between the two and constantly see my profile when doing so. Every day I gain followers and lose followers. I didn’t realize it’s a thing that people follow your page to get you to follow theirs and then they unfollow you. And I’ll admit it pisses me off and I found myself taking it really personally. Everyday when I do a post (which are not that exciting so I get’s just to stay in front of competition), someone unfollows and people who previously liked the post don’t.

I’ve had to remind myself this doesn’t matter because it totally doesn’t. But if I had a brand that was dependent on how many followers or likes I got (I don’t), I would get upset with my “friends” if they weren’t supporting me.

My husband and I were discussing this morning how ridiculous it is that people make a living off of social media brands. It requires very little skill and zero talent (except narcissism), but it’s still a thing.


7/21/2018 1:00 pm  #4

Re: Social Media

Longtimelistener wrote:

Ok so do t make fun of me. I just started an instagram page for my business. My personal page is private and I couldn’t care less who follows that. It’s mainly a place to share pics to family and friends. I never looked at my profile so I had no idea how many people I followed or how many followers I have.

Now that I have my public business page, I started switching back and forth between the two and constantly see my profile when doing so. Every day I gain followers and lose followers. I didn’t realize it’s a thing that people follow your page to get you to follow theirs and then they unfollow you. And I’ll admit it pisses me off and I found myself taking it really personally. Everyday when I do a post (which are not that exciting so I get’s just to stay in front of competition), someone unfollows and people who previously liked the post don’t.

I’ve had to remind myself this doesn’t matter because it totally doesn’t. But if I had a brand that was dependent on how many followers or likes I got (I don’t), I would get upset with my “friends” if they weren’t supporting me.

My husband and I were discussing this morning how ridiculous it is that people make a living off of social media brands. It requires very little skill and zero talent (except narcissism), but it’s still a thing.

Yes! I have a separate one for my career and it drives me insane how people follow, then unfollow. I take it personal lol


7/21/2018 2:58 pm  #5

Re: Social Media

For the second time in my life, I have completely dropped all of my social media accounts. I receive no peace when they are active. People use it as their own personal request line. If you cannot reach me at work, what the hell makes you think that I want to deal with you at home. I am in the shop 60 hours a week minimum. I need time off.

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

7/21/2018 3:12 pm  #6

Re: Social Media

Normally people not following me, unfollowing me, or not liking a post doesn't bother me. There has only been one time in my life where it ruined a friendship. Someone that I had known and been friends with for over 10 years became my husband's employee. He was incredibly bitter about it and I guess he thought that I would tell my husband things he said online or something, so he unfriended me on every social media platform that we were friends on and removed me from any group he had added me to. Eventually my husband wasn't his boss anymore and he added my husband back on all social media but never did to me. I took it to mean he didn't consider me a friend anymore and from then on I treated him like a stranger if I saw him in public. 


7/22/2018 4:20 pm  #7

Re: Social Media

I am ‘older’ and although I have IG, FB, Twitter, etc. and post on them (mostly grandkid and vacation or funny stuff), I never once have paid attention to who is liking/not liking or following/not following my stuff. I just don’t have time for thinking about it.. and I don’t mean ‘literal’ time, like I’m too busy. I guess my brain is just too full to think about it. I’m on to the next thing. Or no, maybe it’s that I have Sometimers and I can’t remember who did what and I just move on. Life is too short to worry about who ‘virtually’ likes me. However, if I’m going to be honest (where have you heard that before?? Lol), every once in awhile there are people who DO hit the like button that might be someone out of the blue and I have to admit I do a little happy dance. Like an old friend, or an old boss, etc. Someone that rarely does’s kind of like a “I’m thinking of you” thing.

What bothers me (not enough that I’ve taken time to do anything about) are the IG influencers like Bachelorette peeps (Ali Fedotowsky or Jillian Harris) who do lengthy IG stories and the whole thing is of 1. Ali saying, “All of you who have been asking where I got my dress...” (Have millions of people REALLY been contacting her about that outfit so she can sell it to them EVERY FUCKING DAY???) or what her damn kids are wearing. OR
2. Jillian (who I only followed because I thought she was normal at first and I loved the house she was building) who now is constantly opening boxes of FREE SHIT some company has sent her and her husband and kids to wear (she is pg with kid 2). Do they ever have to buy ANYTHING??  Do they have no shame at all?

This is CONSTANT, DAILY posting... actually, to me, it’s like begging. Watch me open the free stuff that I get every day while there are kids out there with nothing. And BTW, please swipe up and buy what I’m wearing too. UGH.

YES, I need to become motivated and and unfollow!! Stat! (Stepping off of soapbox...sorry!)


7/22/2018 8:17 pm  #8

Re: Social Media

Haha I feel the same about Jillian! I loved her on the show, and her family, now all her stories are ads about laundry detergent 🙄


7/23/2018 10:06 am  #9

Re: Social Media

I couldn’t imagine anyone over the age of like 13 getting upset about social media. (No shade to those who had differing situations above, I just personally don’t understand how it could possibly affect someone so deeply to actually interfere with real friendships 🤷🏻‍♀️). And for Taylor to say she can’t go on social media for more than 5 minutes because she gets sad is fucking bananas. Girl, either grow a pair and get with the program, or STOP PLUGGING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA.

“I don’t always stir the pot, sometimes I smoke it...” 🚬

7/23/2018 10:09 am  #10

Re: Social Media

Yes! The entire conversation with Hannah about Instagram ratios and everything is so out of touch with everyday people that it’s annoying. Thank God for Matt was straight up was like I don’t care, I follow whoever!


7/23/2018 11:35 am  #11

Re: Social Media

Mmm545 wrote:

Yes! The entire conversation with Hannah about Instagram ratios and everything is so out of touch with everyday people that it’s annoying. Thank God for Matt was straight up was like I don’t care, I follow whoever!

This is what I was trying to convey. I didn’t even realize there was a need for proper ratios. Who gives a shit?!?! But apparently it’s a thing on Instagram hence why people follow you and then immediately unfollow. It seems so self-serving and kind of mean.


7/23/2018 1:13 pm  #12

Re: Social Media

Wakeupfan420 wrote:

I couldn’t imagine anyone over the age of like 13 getting upset about social media. (No shade to those who had differing situations above, I just personally don’t understand how it could possibly affect someone so deeply to actually interfere with real friendships 🤷🏻‍♀️). And for Taylor to say she can’t go on social media for more than 5 minutes because she gets sad is fucking bananas. Girl, either grow a pair and get with the program, or STOP PLUGGING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA.


Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

7/23/2018 2:01 pm  #13

Re: Social Media

I agree with all of this. If one of my Instagram post gets a million "likes" what does that do for me? My boss isn't going to give me a raise, and not going to lose 10 lbs, or anything! HA! It just all seems so silly. Maybe I am too old to understand (at 41 years old)?


7/23/2018 2:27 pm  #14

Re: Social Media

Hey Karma, Hey!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

“I don’t always stir the pot, sometimes I smoke it...” 🚬

7/23/2018 4:20 pm  #15

Re: Social Media

Wakeupfan420 wrote:

Hey Karma, Hey!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

What up girl!

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

7/23/2018 8:22 pm  #16

Re: Social Media

Miss ya buddy! Boring ass show makes for a dead pink pages 😭😭 plus I’ve been stuck in the wilderness lol 🤦🏻‍♀️

“I don’t always stir the pot, sometimes I smoke it...” 🚬

7/24/2018 7:24 pm  #17

Re: Social Media

Agree agree agree with this whole thing. I think taylor also has a very inflated sense of self - GURRRL contrary to popular belief 90% of TS Nation is boring AF (except for the peeps that are also here) and no matter how many times you say you’re going to post something you LITRALLY never do. Three times on last week a show with Lori B and nada.

Good luck with Crista and the streusels.


7/24/2018 7:32 pm  #18

Re: Social Media

Omg 😂😂😂


7/25/2018 8:56 am  #19

Re: Social Media

PrincessPoppy wrote:

Agree agree agree with this whole thing. I think taylor also has a very inflated sense of self - GURRRL contrary to popular belief 90% of TS Nation is boring AF (except for the peeps that are also here) and no matter how many times you say you’re going to post something you LITRALLY never do. Three times on last week a show with Lori B and nada.

Good luck with Crista and the streusels.


Poppy, you may inspire me to start meme-ing again. Lol

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

7/25/2018 8:24 pm  #20

Re: Social Media

Yes, Karma! More memes!


3/04/2024 9:27 am  #21

Re: Social Media



3/14/2024 6:37 pm  #22

Re: Social Media



4/10/2024 4:02 am  #23

Re: Social Media



4/10/2024 7:37 am  #24

Re: Social Media

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Last edited by briggpaul59 (4/10/2024 7:39 am)


4/10/2024 11:19 am  #25

Re: Social Media

Спасибо конечсно


4/11/2024 6:04 am  #26

Re: Social Media



6/09/2024 11:10 pm  #27

Re: Social Media



6/12/2024 3:20 am  #28

Re: Social Media



6/12/2024 5:24 pm  #29

Re: Social Media

Thank you very much for the information


2/04/2025 4:59 pm  #30

Re: Social Media



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