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What hour is the Aaron Paul interview?
I think middle of second hour
Thanks, longtime. Ugh, that interview was cringey. I love Aaron Paul though. He handled Taylor's terrible interviewing skills quite well.
Speaking of terrible interviewing skills, I listened to her interview Jewel, who is one of the most talented, creative, insightful people I think exists, and Taylor turned it into a freaking therapy session for herself! She asked Jewel what she should do when she feels like people are "coming after her" or something like that. It was so different from Jenny's interview with her. I learned a ton about anxiety and panic attacks from that interview because Jenny asked great questions. I ONLY listened
to Taylor interview her because I love Jewel so much. Other that that I haven't listened to Taylor in months.
Goldclutch wrote:
Thanks, longtime. Ugh, that interview was cringey. I love Aaron Paul though. He handled Taylor's terrible interviewing skills quite well.
Andy Cohen was out some outside concert and people kept mouthing at him hello, then asked for a photo. He said sure, they they walked right past him to another couple. He couldn't figure out who they were, said the woman was beyond stunning though, so gorgeous he would date her. Then he realized it was Aaron Paul & his wife. He said (while totaly embarressed he thought the other people wanted to take a pic with him lol) he was lovely. Super friendly, up dancing and talking to fans all night
Kim Kardahian faked the whole thing 🙄
So SAD that they just cut Dr. Wider's segment, WTF??????? Need more to keep me going on WEdnesdays.
How short did they cut it? I was walking into work when she came on.
Who's on today? Is it worth a listen?
Someone from Mad Dog radio maybe? It's another Sirius host. Zero interesting on, I'm home today ad cleaning, good background chatter till Jenny comes on. Opies language is a little too rough for the littles playing next door lol
Kicked off- that is just awful! I heard Jewel interviewed on Howard a few years ago, and it was fantastic. I think she also sang and sounded like an angel. Taylor always seems to turn her interviews around to be about her. They're awful and cringey, and I always think about the Spanish phrase I learned in high school - "me da verguenza". It gives me embarrassment. Her interviews literally give me verguenza for the celebrity she's interviewing.
FKFriday - I love that Aaron Paul and wife story. They are both gorgeous and seem like such great people. I hate that Taylor kept bringing up that he asked for her number years ago. I'm sure Aaron thought he must've really dodged a bullet on that one. Haha.
Pretty sure he told the story the same day in interviewed Kristen Cheneweth. Not a long clip, but also a good story about Chris Martin singing Rasperry Beret at the same concert till kill time!
Longtimelistener wrote:
How short did they cut it? I was walking into work when she came on.
Pretty fast, maybe less than 15 mn.! sucks bc i love Wider Wedz
I know I am alone on this one but I'm not such a Dr. Wider groupie. I feel like she kisses Taylor's ass way way too much. Its pretty fucking annoying. And all Taylor does is go uh-huh uh-huh. She is obviously reading a magazine or playing on the internet or something. And it feels like Dr. Wider knows it because she starts every single sentence with 'And Taylor, let me tell you something.' "Taylor, you gotta hear this part' And she always sounds so rushed. I feel like screaming at the radio, Dr. Wider take a breath!!!!! Also, she never ever calls Taylor out on her shit. Ever. This is what I hated about Kenny towards the end too. I listen to old shows every so often, and Kenny purposely takes an opposing view to create a good conversation.
I have never been a fan of Wider either. 😬😬😬 I agree with the above assessment.
I LOVE Dr. Wider. I've been listening to the show since 2012. I wrote a question 1 time that she did on Wake up she took so much time answering and then followed up w/me. She couldn't be nicer and she is so funny on the air. Your too harsh.
I do have to say Dr. Wider is so kind...I emailed her once in a health crisis and she wrote me back immediately and was so compassionate and caring.
SashaR wrote:
I LOVE Dr. Wider. I've been listening to the show since 2012. I wrote a question 1 time that she did on Wake up she took so much time answering and then followed up w/me. She couldn't be nicer and she is so funny on the air. Your too harsh.
I'm not saying that she isn't nice, she seems really really nice. I'm just not as much a groupie as other people on this board. It's just my opinion.
Goldclutch wrote:
Kicked off- that is just awful! I heard Jewel interviewed on Howard a few years ago, and it was fantastic. I think she also sang and sounded like an angel. Taylor always seems to turn her interviews around to be about her. They're awful and cringey, and I always think about the Spanish phrase I learned in high school - "me da verguenza". It gives me embarrassment. Her interviews literally give me verguenza for the celebrity she's interviewing.
FKFriday - I love that Aaron Paul and wife story. They are both gorgeous and seem like such great people. I hate that Taylor kept bringing up that he asked for her number years ago. I'm sure Aaron thought he must've really dodged a bullet on that one. Haha.
It's kind of funny you describe it that way, because that's pretty much the exact definition of "Bethos."
SashaR wrote:
I LOVE Dr. Wider. I've been listening to the show since 2012. I wrote a question 1 time that she did on Wake up she took so much time answering and then followed up w/me. She couldn't be nicer and she is so funny on the air. Your too harsh.
I'm not saying that she isn't nice, she seems really really nice. I'm just not as much a groupie as other people on this board. It's just my opinion.
Wider groupie here. Haha
SashaR wrote:
I LOVE Dr. Wider. I've been listening to the show since 2012. I wrote a question 1 time that she did on Wake up she took so much time answering and then followed up w/me. She couldn't be nicer and she is so funny on the air. Your too harsh.
I'm not saying that she isn't nice, she seems really really nice. I'm just not as much a groupie as other people on this board. It's just my opinion.
And I respect your opinion!
SashaR wrote:
Longtimelistener wrote:
How short did they cut it? I was walking into work when she came on.
Pretty fast, maybe less than 15 mn.!
sucks bc i love Wider Wedz
Sounds like her phone was really screwed up. Maybe that's why they cut it so short.
I love Wider,I do prefer her on Jenny Hutt though. She discusses actual issues instead of all the fluff on WU. I love her MIL stories, I don't care for her chiming in on celeb stuff though unless they were giving her a longer spot.
I like Wider - but the Tay Tay ass kissing is a bit too much for me.
I think wider is hilarious. Cant get enough of her. I love that she's this fancy doctor but just tells it like it is. But she's still informed. Also she admits when she doesn't know something but takes the time to look it up. Lovvvve her! Sure she kisses Taylors ass but what would be the point in arguing with her? It's pointless and it is Taylors show.
Yeah but does Wider really need the air time that she would need to kiss her ass that much? I'm guessing she gets paid, but I wouldn't think it was much.
For all who have missed her, Carin is supposed to be on today!
So Taylor tried to get absolution for her 'missing out on the friend's death in the family but I was posting on IG' situation from Andrea Lavinthal AGAIN today. Still insisting she was in the right and not insensitive at all...and that it's OK to have enough cell service to post to social media but not OK to have it to call/text/send smoke signals/use hotel phones/etc. I don't think I will ever agree with her on this one...(MY opinion only). I'd probably forgive her to her face, if it were me (because I HATE CONFRONTATION) but I'd never continue the friendship (which wouldn't be hard with someone who stays in their bed and does little to cultivate their own friendships anyway!) Ugh....
New topic about YESTERDAY'S I was listening to the 'my dad is a doctor' inserted into the talk yet again.... I wonder if she would announce it and brag about it just as much if her dad was a garbage collector? We should challenge her to pretend, for one week only, that he is...and see if she can mention it just as much without adding in, "But he's really a doctor...the listeners challenged me to say that." I bet a million she cannot.
FKCSTMom wrote:
New topic about YESTERDAY'S I was listening to the 'my dad is a doctor' inserted into the talk yet again.... I wonder if she would announce it and brag about it just as much if her dad was a garbage collector? We should challenge her to pretend, for one week only, that he is...and see if she can mention it just as much without adding in, "But he's really a doctor...the listeners challenged me to say that." I bet a million she cannot.
FANTASTIC CHALLENGE!!! I'm still trying to figure out why she brags soooo much about her doctor dad , yet refuses to actually go to a doctor lmao.