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1/27/2019 10:21 am  #6601

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Anyone hear Terri get shady with Taylor on the 1/25 show? Easily one of the  top 5 most awkward moments. Apparently Terri emailed her to apologize and Taylor sent a super nasty response.

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

1/27/2019 11:07 am  #6602

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Durst_Burp wrote:

Anyone hear Terri get shady with Taylor on the 1/25 show? Easily one of the top 5 most awkward moments. Apparently Terri emailed her to apologize and Taylor sent a super nasty response.

Ooohh, I would love to know what she sent back! wtf has been going on with her lately? Some of her behavior has been unacceptable and (as always) grossly unprofessional. She's turned into a very nasty person. 


1/27/2019 11:21 am  #6603

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Durst_Burp wrote:

Anyone hear Terri get shady with Taylor on the 1/25 show? Easily one of the  top 5 most awkward moments. Apparently Terri emailed her to apologize and Taylor sent a super nasty response.

What happened? When did she talk about this? I had to turn off Alex’s show


1/27/2019 1:11 pm  #6604

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

ChanelBag wrote:

Durst_Burp wrote:

Anyone hear Terri get shady with Taylor on the 1/25 show? Easily one of the  top 5 most awkward moments. Apparently Terri emailed her to apologize and Taylor sent a super nasty response.

What happened? When did she talk about this? I had to turn off Alex’s show

It was at an hour and 23 minutes if you want to go back and listen. Basically Terri called in and was gushing over how fabulous Andrea is and then goes “Taylor could learn a lot from you.” And Taylor got SUPER salty.

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

1/27/2019 4:40 pm  #6605

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Durst_Burp wrote:

ChanelBag wrote:

Durst_Burp wrote:

Anyone hear Terri get shady with Taylor on the 1/25 show? Easily one of the  top 5 most awkward moments. Apparently Terri emailed her to apologize and Taylor sent a super nasty response.

What happened? When did she talk about this? I had to turn off Alex’s show

It was at an hour and 23 minutes if you want to go back and listen. Basically Terri called in and was gushing over how fabulous Andrea is and then goes “Taylor could learn a lot from you.” And Taylor got SUPER salty.

I just listened. It’s pretty messed up. And then to have TS be so rude in response to the email. She has so many issues. I have a theory- I think she’s extra insecure bc TDis graveling right now. She’s also traveling and rooming with a super hot girl. TD posted several IG stories of herself and the girl and even of the girl alone. They all had some flirtatious undertones. Maybe that’s why she’s a little more overly sensitive and insecure right now


1/27/2019 5:45 pm  #6606

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

That conversation was unreal. I’m dying to know what Taylor said in her email! 👀


1/27/2019 7:24 pm  #6607

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

That's an interesting theory. I watched her videos too, and I remember thinking that she looked pretty cozy with her colleague. I can see how Taylor, being as insecure/jealous as she is, might read too much into it. To freak out on Terri is so over the top and very unprofessional. She accused Terri of "trying to put her in her place". That's not the way to treat a subscriber. Terri has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth a little bit, but she totally means well, and loves Taylor. It sounds like she won't be listening anymore...


1/27/2019 9:17 pm  #6608

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Did Terri post something in the FB groups about the email correspondence? In the process of listening to Friday's show.


1/28/2019 11:18 am  #6609

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

PrincessPoppy wrote:

That conversation was unreal. I’m dying to know what Taylor said in her email! 👀

That conversation... yikes. Tay made it sooooo awkward. I am certain someone has said that before about Lori (that Tay can learn from Lori) but Tay didn't take offense because it was about Lori. 


1/28/2019 2:05 pm  #6610

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Ok, I’m behind because .... redundancy.  I cannot STAND the ridiculous affect Taylor puts on when Pricilla is on.  This whole episode is bethos.  It’s like the bethos I feel when Chanel ass kisses. 


1/28/2019 2:08 pm  #6611

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

(Ignore this post. I’m pregnant and over tired and my brain isn’t working properly )

Last edited by SoFetch (1/28/2019 2:12 pm)


1/29/2019 10:08 pm  #6612

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Did anyone else listen to today’s show and the mom called in with a Momma Drama about her husband going off on a guys trip and she was left with the kids. T was wild - I don’t understand her...angst(?) against men now


1/30/2019 11:25 am  #6613

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Heygirlhey2006 wrote:

Did anyone else listen to today’s show and the mom called in with a Momma Drama about her husband going off on a guys trip and she was left with the kids. T was wild - I don’t understand her...angst(?) against men now

Actually, I don't think her reaction would have differed in the past... however, now that she's "the man one" and has stated that she doesn't want to be the primary caregiver to her future kids, I'm surprised that her viewpoint hasn't shifted more favorably towards absentee dads.


1/30/2019 3:49 pm  #6614

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Serious issues....... her man hate is actually sad. I get it that sex with a guy may be less than. But this is some deep seeded feelings.

It makes her look like the only men that she accepts is her father, brother, and any dead president on a monetary note.

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

1/30/2019 7:27 pm  #6615

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Or how about the last call when she told the caller at the end they could share a bed but she wouldn’t do any lesbian something I forgot what she said. She made it seem like lesbians sexually attack all women around the


1/31/2019 12:46 pm  #6616

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

The way she talks she doesn’t do anything lesbian-y with TD so why would any other woman think she’d do something with them, lol


1/31/2019 4:27 pm  #6617

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Natalya07 wrote:

ChanelBag wrote:

What was the bethos moment about TS thinking Heather M was a 40 year old Mom? I missed it and recently have become obsessed with her

I am OBSESSED with Heather M!! I wish she would come on the show more often!! I love following her on IG

Can someone tell me more about her/who she is? I’m behind on this one... what’s her IG? (Late to the party as usual!)


2/01/2019 9:47 am  #6618

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Heatherkmcmahan is her insta handle - she is hilarious! Check her out


2/01/2019 11:37 am  #6619

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

“When I was a rich person.” - TS

Someone put that on a plaque for her with the years that her and Brett were together


2/01/2019 12:57 pm  #6620

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Did anyone count how many times TS said “and for the record, the only girl I’ve ever been attracted to was TD.”


2/01/2019 12:59 pm  #6621

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Also, they didn’t invite you to their engagement party because they didn’t want to invite you.


2/01/2019 1:34 pm  #6622

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Heygirlhey2006 wrote:

Did anyone count how many times TS said “and for the record, the only girl I’ve ever been attracted to was TD.”

This just reminded me, but I feel like the story has changed with Kate Bosworth. I think its only recently she's been claiming KB set her up with the boyfriend, pretty sure before it was just they had dated the same guy?

     Thread Starter

2/01/2019 1:42 pm  #6623

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

I thought the same thing! I thought he was the one that introduced her to Kate??


2/01/2019 2:14 pm  #6624

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

I remember her saying before that Kate introduced them.


2/01/2019 2:20 pm  #6625

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

It was the whole "dated the same guy" that she used as her connection to KB.

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

2/01/2019 2:21 pm  #6626

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Karma wrote:

It was the whole "dated the same guy" that she used as her connection to KB.


     Thread Starter

2/01/2019 2:41 pm  #6627

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

What a tangled web she weaves


2/02/2019 12:04 am  #6628

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Heygirlhey2006 wrote:

“When I was a rich person.” - TS

Someone put that on a plaque for her with the years that her and Brett were together

Absolute gold! I may have to work on this 🤣😂🤣

Bringer Of memes, shenanigans, Tom foolery, and hoe saving

2/04/2019 2:10 pm  #6629

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

Does anyone know an estimate on how much was spent on TS and Brett’s wedding?


2/05/2019 10:42 am  #6630

Re: Today's Show! (not actually *today*)

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

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