All information provided is for entertainment only and no one makes any representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.
it seems like she's upped the negativity on the site since the TD thread was started? Maybe TD's feelings got hurt and it's Taylor is reacting?
Different note: the last lady from Slash, or whatever, I liked her a lot!! I need to relisten to the segment. It seems like she's similar to, but gave more substance in the interview instead of just directing us to her website. Also, i thought it was funny, Tay and Kenny were talking about saying yeah yeah yeah and how some people think it's rude, and rushing people, but it's not it's a NYC thing, then that lady came in and said it so much.
Can we please now go by "Pink Trolls"????
Loved that segment!! And kudos to all the names who got a shout out lol
BathiesTime wrote:
They're talking about us! They call us "pink pages".
We are "zero constructive", "mean", and we are "trolls". Also, not only are we internet trolls, but we physically embody a troll. Moving on...
Taylor does find our user names hysterical, but she "doesn't read these pink pages...."
She doth protest too much for me to believe she doesn't read this on the reg. she's just pissed because we actually call out her BS and repetition, but the funny thing is, I think that IS constructive. Why wouldn't you want to know what translates well to your audience? Granted, we've all ranted about things that are annoying or whatever (definitely myself included), but that is why we have this forum. I would think they'd use this as a tool to fine tune the show, but apparently we just come across as know-it-all radio experts bahaha. I also don't know why K has such a beef since he gets almost nothing but love here... #Trolls4Life 👩❤️👩
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
she's just pissed because we actually call out her BS and repetition, but the funny thing is, I think that IS constructive. Why wouldn't you want to know what translates well to your audience?
I think this as well. It may be because I work for a company that no only values, but reaches out for client feed back, I feel a forum like this is kind of a gold mine to a show.
Could be a great segment talking about what the pink trolls are up to!
We should all post this forum address to posts on their blog... (
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
red_poppies wrote:
We should all post this forum address to posts on their blog... (
Haha you're on a roll over there!!! I linked it this am when someone asked about Victoria lol
red_poppies wrote:
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
I will second that motion!
FKFriday wrote:
red_poppies wrote:
We should all post this forum address to posts on their blog... (
)Haha you're on a roll over there!!! I linked it this am when someone asked about Victoria lol
a little late to the party on this topic but can someone provide me the reader's digest condensed version on what is now for me the "mystery" of Victoria? she always seems persona non grata but I don't know why. I wasn't listening to show when she was relevant. I've seen references but know nada. I think we should all strive to learn something new each day and this is what I want to learn today so help me out pleeeez. thanks guys.
timetowakeup wrote:
a little late to the party on this topic but can someone provide me the reader's digest condensed version on what is now for me the "mystery" of Victoria? she always seems persona non grata but I don't know why. I wasn't listening to show when she was relevant. I've seen references but know nada. I think we should all strive to learn something new each day and this is what I want to learn today so help me out pleeeez. thanks guys.
This is the thread it was discussed in. I don't know anymore then whats posted there, others may be able to dig deeper though
thanks FKF. i'll check it out when I get home.
BathiesTime wrote:
They're talking about us! They call us "pink pages".
We are "zero constructive", "mean", and we are "trolls". Also, not only are we internet trolls, but we physically embody a troll. Moving on...
Taylor does find our user names hysterical, but she "doesn't read these pink pages...."
What day did they discuss us pink trolls??? I missed it
red_poppies wrote:
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
All HAIL the QUEEN TROLL, Red creator!!
*bows repeatedly*
YeahRightJackie wrote:
BathiesTime wrote:
They're talking about us! They call us "pink pages".
We are "zero constructive", "mean", and we are "trolls". Also, not only are we internet trolls, but we physically embody a troll. Moving on...
Taylor does find our user names hysterical, but she "doesn't read these pink pages...."What day did they discuss us pink trolls??? I missed it
This morning.....7-7:30....pretty entertaining!!! Sounding a little butt hurt lol
FKFriday wrote:
Can we please now go by "Pink Trolls"????
Loved that segment!! And kudos to all the names who got a shout out lol
works for me. my pages r actually purple but that doesn't roll of the tongue. so yeah, i'll take pink trolls. like I heard someone say (so I can't take credit). you can call me anything. just don't call me late for dinner.
I can't wait to listen to this! I'm so excited! Lol
Convertible_Cabrio wrote:
red_poppies wrote:
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
All HAIL the QUEEN TROLL, Red creator!!
*bows repeatedly*
Ditto!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 👑 👸🏻 👑 💗💗💗
MyWife! wrote:
I can't wait to listen to this! I'm so excited! Lol
yeah, I usu stretch Friday's show out over weekend. the first segment on XM is 40 mins without commercials and it didn't occur in that segment.
red_poppies wrote:
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
You are most definitely queen Pink Troll, and I salute you!
red_poppies wrote:
BTW... LOVE "Pink Trolls" I'd like to be dubbed the queen troll since I created this forum!! lol
it is so ordered, queen troll
Well I listened to it. And I'm disappointed in both Taylor and Kenny. We give TONS of constructive criticism/feedback on here. They are choosing to ignore it as negative trolling. That really only hurts them when they could be using this information to help themselves. Makes me kind of sad.
Also, I'm pretty sure neither of them actually knows what a troll is. The one thread that went off on Chelsea seemed like a troll. The rest of us don't try to provoke people into an argument...
And that Chelsea post was shut down pretty quickly by the rest of the board.
I was kind of hurt that they consider us trolls. Trolls would say things like "Taylor is stupid/fat/whatever." Trolls intentionally insult or shoot down whomever they are going after. This board doesn't do that. Yes we complain, but that's not trolling. It should be taken as constructive criticism and not be seen as attacking.
Yes agreed. A trolls intent is to disrupt the conversation and say things deliberately to get a rise out of people in a negative way.
I don't understand how they can be in a business that is so heavily criticized and not know the difference between constructive criticism and trolling.
What the hell is the purpose of PYPO. I am soooooo confused by this. The creator is blah. And so are the "funny" videos. Someone explanation it please.
I don't know how it has anything to do with "put your pretty on".
So what did Nicole do to Taylor??
So_Anyways wrote:
So what did Nicole do to Taylor??
Is this in reference to Taylor being judged when she's NEVER judged a certain friend for doing crazier stuff? Or was there something else that I missed? Pretty sure she just needs to sit down with her college friends and hash everything out. This drama is a bit ridiculous.
I loved Kenny's energy today. Loved the exchange with Taylor setting up the pypo video. Please keep that up- it's great radio- better than uh huh uh huh.
My guess was she's pissed at the (college?) friend with an open marriage.