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2/02/2019 8:09 pm  #31

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

FKFriday wrote:

Karma wrote:

Who is to say that TS is Not TDs "rich guy". Perhaps we are focusing on the wrong Taylor?

What?!? Mind blown today, you guys are on point with the theories!

Karma flipping the script!

With TDS career seemingly taking off, I wonder...


2/03/2019 6:31 pm  #32

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

i no longer feel sorry for TD...if someone shows you who they are believe them.  TD is like my friend who stayed with a guy even after he said he didnt want kids originally....then when they broke up she was shook. well friend, he told you from the jump.  don't be an idiot.  

TD is also like over 30...her good egg days are numbered. 


2/03/2019 9:25 pm  #33

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

She also got a sizable amount of money from Brett in the divorce. I agree I don't give a rat's ass how rich she lives, but for goodness sake stop already with the poor crap. She has never lived a poor day in her life. 


2/04/2019 5:53 pm  #34

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

When I Was Rich wrote:

She also got a sizable amount of money from Brett in the divorce. I agree I don't give a rat's ass how rich she lives, but for goodness sake stop already with the poor crap. She has never lived a poor day in her life. 

Exactly. I find it insulting, especially when she assumes certain jobs automatically mean you're poor like nannying. If she only knew how many poor nanny's pay the $6.95 a month to listen to her shit on their income. It's so obvious she grew up rich, she was way more comfortable with Brett than anyone poor would have been.


2/04/2019 6:17 pm  #35

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Longtimelist wrote:

When I Was Rich wrote:

She also got a sizable amount of money from Brett in the divorce. I agree I don't give a rat's ass how rich she lives, but for goodness sake stop already with the poor crap. She has never lived a poor day in her life. 

Exactly. I find it insulting, especially when she assumes certain jobs automatically mean you're poor like nannying. If she only knew how many poor nanny's pay the $6.95 a month to listen to her shit on their income. It's so obvious she grew up rich, she was way more comfortable with Brett than anyone poor would have been.

Well, and she also looks at everything through the NYC lens; NYC is an anomaly, it functions differently than most of the rest of the country. $100,000 a year where I live is great money; it's not in NYC. So I think she doesn't give enough thought about her listeners being from all over the country, and she literally knows nothing about the rest of the country or how most people live. She is the definition of a "coastal, urban elite" and lives in a bubble. 

Life's a bitch...and so am I.

2/04/2019 6:24 pm  #36

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

I guess when you have lived for years in an over $2,000,000 apartment where she is now is the slums.

Last edited by When I Was Rich (2/04/2019 6:29 pm)


2/04/2019 6:35 pm  #37

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

I feel like it really depends where you are. Her apartment from the pics looks super tiny, it’s not like she’s in a mansion complaining. All the hosts from NY talk about how expensive the cost of living is, Matt has said what they’re paying for a 2 bedroom apartment they could get a huge house with a big yard in New Jersey. I would say she’s now as well off as people think.

     Thread Starter

2/04/2019 6:56 pm  #38

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

I kinda don’t agree with being butt hurt when she says she poor. I say I’m poor all the time because I’m not flying off to Paris on a whim. But I pay all my bills without thought.. It’s really all relative and were probably all guilty of it.


2/04/2019 7:22 pm  #39

Re: Welcome Twats!!!


     Thread Starter

2/04/2019 7:33 pm  #40

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Regardless she can’t budget money for shit if she’s putting ugly ass $800 shoes on a credit card and making payments on them 😂 that just turned into like a $1000 gift dummy

“I don’t always stir the pot, sometimes I smoke it...” 🚬

2/04/2019 7:43 pm  #41

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Even though her apartment looks and is tiny, it is centrally located in a fabulous area and the apartment has tons of amenities. I am sure there are cheaper apartments. I just don't like someone crying the poor mouth all the time when she clearly has never been close to being poor in her 36 years.


2/04/2019 8:20 pm  #42

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Wakeupfan420 wrote:

Regardless she can’t budget money for shit if she’s putting ugly ass $800 shoes on a credit card and making payments on them 😂 that just turned into like a $1000 gift dummy

Fact. Especially since we can get them on ali 😏


3/20/2019 3:34 pm  #43

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Can someone message Karen or the woman doing it to pop in (I don't have FB messenger on my tablet), wondering if they are still updating that Google doc with Taylors shows???

     Thread Starter

5/03/2019 4:43 pm  #44

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Hey Guys,

Welcome to DDLValley and i wish you would enjoy your stay


DDLValley Admin


5/03/2019 4:46 pm  #45

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Neucksew wrote:

Hey Guys,

Welcome to DDLValley and i wish you would enjoy your stay


DDLValley Admin

Y’all the Pink Pages have officially made it- we’re right underneath “US Elections” on Russia’s list of shit to fuck with 😂

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

5/03/2019 4:51 pm  #46

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Now I’m annoyed I responded to their post about people dying 😕

     Thread Starter

5/03/2019 4:59 pm  #47

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

We’ve been getting a lot of bots recently...if the username isn’t one that makes sense, assume it’s a bot.

Likewise if you’re not a bot and give yourself a weirdo username, announce yourself as legit so I don’t ban you.

I might be from the Sunshine State, but I can still be a little shady.🌴

5/03/2019 8:48 pm  #48

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

Please someone change their handle to “WeirdoUsername”


2/25/2025 1:27 pm  #49

Re: Welcome Twats!!!

That’s quite the greeting! 😆 Are you welcoming a group of friends, a community, or just having some fun with words? Let me know how I can help! 🎉


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