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I listened... it was a good interview. And I didn’t hear the word “in-law” once!
that's amazing!!! but how many times did you hear the word "lesbian"?!
I listen to Heather regularly, and i know she LOVES a late in life lesbian so i'm sure Taylor played that up!
It would have been great if TS responded that of course she knew she was getting fired. The Pink Pages , her trolls told her. And wow, she threw the person who was giving her a free vacay to entice her listeners right under the bus (isn't it the same person who got her younger??)
And it wouldn't be TS interview if someone wasn't jealous.
Bethenny_Was_So_Rude wrote:
I listened... it was a good interview. And I didn’t hear the word “in-law” once!
Same! She is good in one-episode interviews (controlled by someone else and no-repeat stories).