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Im interested in what everyone thinks about leaving this forum public... or making it private... Private would mean that you have to register to see topics that have been posted... So it's not completely private... just everyone would have to be registered with a valid email address... Let me know what you think...
Honestly it's dumb to make private. Gmails are easy to make up. You could have 100 of them. That won't stop anyone from reading it. It takes five seconds to do.
I voted 'I don't care' but I really meant that it doesn't matter to me because I already have an email address and I don't have to take the extra step. I will do whatever...I just enjoy being here! (The spies will come however they can get here...
great! leaving it as is!!! I agree with all the comments... just wanted to make sure everyone was good with it!
I voted private, but, in all honesty, I don't care. I just enjoyed the thought of all Taylor's sleuthy friends/family having to make an account to read all of the scoop and scandy.
BathiesTime wrote:
I voted private, but, in all honesty, I don't care. I just enjoyed the thought of all Taylor's sleuthy friends/family having to make an account to read all of the scoop and scandy.
Them being locked out makes me laugh, can you imagine the outrage then?!?!? The we'll be private pink trolls!!!! The PPTs!
lydia delainey wrote:
If it ain't broke
I love this page!
Thanks girl!!
Why not both? What you could do is have the user hangout section private and keep the stuff related to the show public. That's kinda the norm for many forums.