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Wakeupfan420 wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
DontDoItGal wrote:
His he/she cat steve Lmaoooo
Remember when Steve died and his cell phone did the same day and the flash stayed on. It's his soul. I die.
^^^THIS!! 😂😂😂
And the fat kid voice (and overall genesis of FKF), Kenny Zimlinghaus Party, the Chuck Bass suit, Fashion Week in his best brown polo, post anesthesia hitting on Rosanna, and literally everything else you've all said... Oh and Birth Cer-tif-i-cate...Birth Cer-tif-i-cate...
PS... @TOKYO you are so on point!!! Stassi would be an amazing co-host!!
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG no talk of stasis on this thread
Was just at the government offices the other day getting a "birthhhhh certificate!" Ugh, my heart is broken Kenny!!!!!
FKCSmom wrote:
Was just at the government offices the other day getting a "birthhhhh certificate!" Ugh, my heart is broken Kenny!!!!!
I almost forgot about birth certificate! I used to say that every time I heard the word certificate. Man. I am going to miss him. Really hope he lands another show I can listen to!! I didn't follow Patrick to his new show (and I loved him) but the Kenny love is a whole other level!!
I loved his "take me on a date brothaaaaaaaaa" story...first heard it back in '09.
I was on the fence about driving to see his show in Charlotte in August just because it's a heck of a drive for me but now I'm really leaning towards going. Love that Mr. Mans!
Offline tears this morning Widers call was so sweet (she did say "our" show!), and so many funny moments! Gonna miss him so much!
Also loved the story about when his landlord stole his stuff, and Kenny ended up in the NY times(I think that was the publication).
lydia delainey wrote:
Also loved the story about when his landlord stole his stuff, and Kenny ended up in the NY times(I think that was the publication).
Hahaha! Yes! Classic.
I missed so many of these classic Kenny stories! If anyone comes across them in the old shows, please let us know here
I loved his wisdom teeth story from years ago...
Anytime someone says "my wife", I hear Kenny's voice.. Ding ding ding ding, ding da-ding ding ding!
Every time Montell Jordan comes on the radio (old school channel lol) all I hear is 423222
OMG - Guys just don't understand nude underwear
all of these! the nude underwear vignette was so great.
I love his fat kid voice and that song he did that said "Dominos is kind of my regular slut" HAHAHA .
I love when he mimicks Taylor's voice
I remember PattyStanger trying to coach him inro getting into another relationship.
Honestly he is just so funny and I hope he chooses to do a Podcast or something easy to access!
Kenny's reaction to the doctors message is why I will miss him hahahahah
DontDoItGal wrote:
Kenny's reaction to the doctors message is why I will miss him hahahahah
Loved stories of the prosti's in his building and his stories of Steve the cat. Anytime he subtly inputs dumb funniness in the background. Those are genius moments
I love the frog story. How he used to ride his bike home and they were building a new development and the frogs were like falling from the sky and he ran over so many. Hahaha he told that story recently. I wish I could find it!
Remember when Taylor used to play the Phantom of the Opera song whenever Kenny said something creepy?? Lol
Man, I forgot about the Phantom reference. Hilarious.
What's the story with Kenny going on a date with Sloan from Entourage? I'm in the middle of watching Entourage, so found that interesting. She's so pretty!
My favorite Kenny memory is when he used to do the impression of his high school bowling (I think?) coach. "Your sister is the best bowler this town has ever had!"
Also the spin class vomiting story...a classic.