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FKFriday wrote:
Here's the article
Girl, you are quick !!
I see that Taylor strategically ignored the "how does Matt get paid??" Questions on periscope today. Lol!! Which one of you asked?? Haha! I bet it's the same person who kept asking if Kenny was leaving last week. You are cracking me up, whoever you are!!
I saw that, too!! Other than that, I think she did a great job answering questions today. She was very open!!!
Taylor got a little spicy at the end with the guuuurlll comment!
Goldclutch wrote:
I see that Taylor strategically ignored the "how does Matt get paid??" Questions on periscope today. Lol!! Which one of you asked?? Haha! I bet it's the same person who kept asking if Kenny was leaving last week. You are cracking me up, whoever you are!!
That's totally a fair question not to answer, while fun to speculate, it no ones business but there's.
I actually really enjoyed the Periscope. I thought she was open and fun...maybe a little long-winded but she's used to filling time. I do want more "real" Taylor on air. And the only thing I couldn't handle was her playing with her hair but it must be like a nervous tic
Last edited by Longtimelistener (7/27/2016 9:45 pm)
Loved today. The lighting was on point! I think her and TD are so cute. Also loved the article with the pictures, but it seems poorly written?im no English major and can't spell worth shit, but the quotes just seemed in the wrong tense or something. Anyways...loved today!
piopio12 wrote:
Loved today. The lighting was on point! I think her and TD are so cute. Also loved the article with the pictures, but it seems poorly written?im no English major and can't spell worth shit, but the quotes just seemed in the wrong tense or something. Anyways...loved today!
Yes!! They both just radiate happiness 😊
Kicked_off_the_trampoline wrote:
Taylor got a little spicy at the end with the guuuurlll comment!
Still lookin for that eyeroll emoji...
Real talk...she is the lamest. It's almost embarrassing to watch/listen. I mean, c'mon Taylor. You can't even take that simple request from your listeners?? She has THE thinnest skin of anyone I've ever seen, she will never make it in the entertainment industry. Because we don't want to hear guuuurrlll every three seconds does not make us haters, does not make us trolls, and shockingly, not a one of us lives in our parents' basement! Is that all you have as a response? Jesus, even your "insults" are repeats... 😂😂
I couldn't believe how defensive she got to ONE suggestion! It wasn't even mean.
Ican'teveeeen wrote:
I couldn't believe how defensive she got to ONE suggestion! It wasn't even mean.
I was thinking the very same thing!! She had JUST told one of the guest hosts that she can take constructive criticism (ya right, Jackie!) and then she turns around and acts like a spoiled brat when that happened on Periscope. It's her true colors coming out! She tries really hard to hold it in but I think, lil' effers, we saw a TRUE GLIMPSE of the mean girl in the heat of the moment. And then she shut. it. down. She cannot take any criticism....constructive, my ass!!!
I don't think she shut it down, I think it was ending and that is how it ended. Also, who tells someone to stop saying a non-offensive word? Like what give you that authority?
FKFriday wrote:
Goldclutch wrote:
I see that Taylor strategically ignored the "how does Matt get paid??" Questions on periscope today. Lol!! Which one of you asked?? Haha! I bet it's the same person who kept asking if Kenny was leaving last week. You are cracking me up, whoever you are!!
That's totally a fair question not to answer, while fun to speculate, it no ones business but there's.
Agreed - it's a totally nosy question. If anyone was going to answer it, it would not be T anyway, it would have to come from M.
There were actually lots of questions she ignored. Or rather, TD ignored, since she has to show specific questions to TS to answer. We all know TS can't read.
piopio12 wrote:
I don't think she shut it down, I think it was ending and that is how it ended. Also, who tells someone to stop saying a non-offensive word? Like what give you that authority?
I don't believe what she said about the radar online story. She also did mention Nicole in the scope yesterday.
WeddingBitch wrote:
Because its her J-O-B to entertain US. We dont like it? we can stop listening. No one gives AF how many times she says something in her personal life.
Agree. Conversation fillers are lazy and unprofessional. No "ummms" or "uhhhs" or "GUURRRRLLLL" from radio or tv hosts
SoftPretzels wrote:
What happened with the GURRRRL thing on periscope?
Go watch :-) it's at the end of her most recent periscope
Not sure if this is the way she has it set, or its because there is a recent one up (checked a few other people and can't see any past ones), but here are a bunch of Taylor's Periscopes.
ETA ~ This is a good one!
Last edited by FKFriday (8/04/2016 6:34 pm)
I liked her periscope yesterday. She looked tan,rested and happy. And I am looking forward to hearing next week all about this weekend.
I thought the commenters were more rude than usual. I don't know why people go on to comment fu.
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
I thought the commenters were more rude than usual. I don't know why people go on to comment fu.
I think a lot of those are random people who just tune in to live periscope feeds to be douches. Half of them didn't even seem to know who Taylor was.
Feminist Hero wrote:
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
I thought the commenters were more rude than usual. I don't know why people go on to comment fu.
I think a lot of those are random people who just tune in to live periscope feeds to be douches. Half of them didn't even seem to know who Taylor was.
Yeah, girl in a bathing suit will drag all the crazies out!
She looked great, very relaxed as someone else said!
Me too. I've always been curious about her periscopes, so thank you from another technologically challenged effer.
Last edited by lydia delainey (8/05/2016 10:20 am)
Was it just me or did she seem so rude with a bad attitude by the end?You can tell she was irritated. Her attitude completely changed, by the end reminded my of the pizza scope. When those comments come up she can't get off fast enough- kinda like when she was in the bath tub that time and kept complaining of the heat, she did the same thing yesterday.
I noticed the rude comments were coming from a guy. Just a troll I think. Guess some people have nothing better to do. She needs to learn to handle those comments better.
If she doesn't enjoy periscope she doesn't have to do them. It's like she's doing us all a favor by doing scopes and blog posts.
I think they would be so fun to do!! I have nothing interesting to talk about or I totally would!