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She def changed her ss. She also initially said that. Idk I recall so much it's kind of silly. I guess bc I was dealing w changing my name around the same time.
Last edited by Getmommieouttathabox (7/30/2016 6:59 am)
Taylor should have listened to her gut instinct. Her name wouldn't have been Taylor S Epstein on the deed of she hadn't of legally changed it before they bought the apartment. Lenders are crazy strict with name stuff. We just refinanced our house and I had to write letters and sign an avadavit because I still had some accounts listed under my non-married name.
Listening to that segment made me so sad. I remember hearing it live. I miss my Cosmo Radio and how great the show used to be.
Not specific to Taylor or anything. But changing your name is so personal. It's like changing your identity. You've had the same name for 20-some odd years and it one day you're suppose to just drop that? I love my husband and I did take his name, but it was a hard choice, I have such a unique last name that I love and my middle name connects me to other family members that share it. I judge people who just drop their OG name like it wasn't a thing. Like you didn't have an identity before you got married? But on the other hand, If you have children it's so much easier if you share the same last name as them.
I changed it but my cc are still in limbo 2 kids and many yrs later
Last edited by Getmommieouttathabox (7/30/2016 5:42 pm)
Listing to the link! it's soooooo good! I didn't realize she said B's life was tracked out for him since the beginning of their marriage, i thought that was a revelation she learned after years of marriage.
I hated when I changed my last name...I waited 5 years into marriage before doing so.....but it was so emotional to me that all these years of me being me I had to assume the identity of someone else.
Dear gawd another one. Radar covering Katie's bachelorette in New Orleans which she wasn't at. I'll copy/paste so you don't have click
Sirius XM host Taylor Strecker revealed to exclusively that Maloney and Schwartz’s wedding will be taking place before the end of summer. “It’s coming up very soon!” she hinted to Radar.
Last edited by Getmommieouttathabox (7/31/2016 8:47 pm)
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
Dear gawd another one. Radar covering Katie's bachelorette in New Orleans which she wasn't at. I'll copy/paste so you don't have click
Sirius XM host Taylor Strecker revealed to exclusively that Maloney and Schwartz’s wedding will be taking place before the end of summer. “It’s coming up very soon!” she hinted to Radar.
One is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is.......Tay's team leaking stories in hope of fame
Wakeup2009 wrote:
Getmommieouttathabox wrote:
Dear gawd another one. Radar covering Katie's bachelorette in New Orleans which she wasn't at. I'll copy/paste so you don't have click
Sirius XM host Taylor Strecker revealed to exclusively that Maloney and Schwartz’s wedding will be taking place before the end of summer. “It’s coming up very soon!” she hinted to Radar.
One is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is.......Tay's team leaking stories in hope of fame
Ugh gross...I agree. I also find it unlikely that Taylor & Stassi have been friends(ish) for what, at least 2 years now and Taylor has managed to avoid any stories like this coming out in all that time, but now 3 stories inside of a week "accidentally" come out? Oooook.
This is all her team.....and of course her job is to feign outrage, embarrassment and claim being misquoted..... There's a formula reality tv "stars" follow..... If she ever actually makes it to tv she's also going to complain about all these ::cough::staged::cough:: paparazzi shots al a Heidi and spencer.
I think she thinks the minute she gets on tv she's going to get Real Housewives pay checks.....
SoftPretzels wrote:
I think she thinks the minute she gets on tv she's going to get Real Housewives pay checks.....
based on Kenny's periscope anything is better than her current salary!
Also was Katie's wedding date some secret? I mean her bridal shower was a few weeks ago and over the weekend her bachelorette, seems obvious her wedding is coming up? And seems good TV that the wedding would be the season finale?
Could this be Bravo's way of introducing Radio in the City? Stassi's NY gossipy Sirius XM host friend spilling Vanderpumper "secrets" all over the Internet? At the same time, the show could also follow Stassi behind her podcasts.
WhereIsVictoria wrote:
That link was really super good... I really enjoyed listening to the old show!
I don't think changing my name would be a big deal to me; I don't really identify with my name. However, my patents/awards/degrees are all under my name, so changing it at this point in my career might not be a great idea. I'd probably go by my maiden name professionally, but assume my guy's name for personal stuff.
I've been listening to the old shows while I trained for the full marathon. So many great ones!
There is a show where they discussed changing your last name (before the one I posted above I believe, I can try and find it) and they had people(women) call in a say if they changed their maiden name, why and vice versa. One woman had called in and suggested she drop her middle name, Ashley, and keep Strecker as her middle name and then add Epstein. Best of both worlds! That was the call that helped me decide what I will do. I'm getting hitched this New Year's Eve and I will be dropping my middle name to make room for his last name.
piopio12 wrote:
SoftPretzels wrote:
I think she thinks the minute she gets on tv she's going to get Real Housewives pay checks.....
based on Kenny's periscope anything is better than her current salary!
Also was Katie's wedding date some secret? I mean her bridal shower was a few weeks ago and over the weekend her bachelorette, seems obvious her wedding is coming up? And seems good TV that the wedding would be the season finale?
who is Katie? are we talking about producer Katie?
timetowakeup wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
SoftPretzels wrote:
I think she thinks the minute she gets on tv she's going to get Real Housewives pay checks.....
based on Kenny's periscope anything is better than her current salary!
Also was Katie's wedding date some secret? I mean her bridal shower was a few weeks ago and over the weekend her bachelorette, seems obvious her wedding is coming up? And seems good TV that the wedding would be the season finale?who is Katie? are we talking about producer Katie?
Katie from Vanderpump.
WhereIsVictoria wrote:
Congrats, and good luck on your marathon! A half is as much as I'd ever care to run, and I eat too much when I train, so I'm sticking to biking and weights for now! I used to love the Almost Hitched Bitch segments! I had been engaged around the same time as Taylor but we never got married, so I really liked hearing everyone's opinions on marriage and weddings and all of that.
Thank you! I ran it June 19 but I have a half coming up in October. It's crazy how much I am capable of eating logging miles like I am. So much is guilt free though. I go through phases where I just want to run, or do hiit or lift weights.
Almost hitched bitch was a great segment. They always had lots of calls, which is great radio and people loved calling the show.
No he didn't was my fave though. I wish she could go back to that level of honesty. Those segments generated great content!
BathiesTime wrote:
timetowakeup wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
based on Kenny's periscope anything is better than her current salary!
Also was Katie's wedding date some secret? I mean her bridal shower was a few weeks ago and over the weekend her bachelorette, seems obvious her wedding is coming up? And seems good TV that the wedding would be the season finale?who is Katie? are we talking about producer Katie?
Katie from Vanderpump.
thank u bathies
Lemondrop718 wrote:
I agree that her view of money is very off!! I was just saying this on another thread. I understand that she has to pay for things on her own now, and has always had someone else taking care of her(parents to Brett) but she's a lot better off than many listeners. She must've gotten a decent amount in the divorce and probably gets paid good money. She has an apartment in Manhattan in a building with a lot of amenities, so it's not cheap. She pays for things she doesn't use (she said so herself) zip car, weworks and soho house (idk how often she goes).
Either accept that your $ situation is different now or put in the work to get your career where u want it. If she could work with the constructive criticism of fans she would go far.
This is what I found online for the cost of membership to the Soho House: Membership allows access to any of the club's locations around the world, including New York, West Hollywood, Miami, Berlin and Toronto. Annual membership varies from $2,000 (plus a $300 registration fee) to visit your local Soho House or $2,800 to visit any Soho House in the world.
Thanks for the info!! That's surprisingly not as much as you would think for what seems to be very exclusive. It will still bug me when she complains about having no $ and being poor though.
Last edited by Lemondrop718 (8/03/2016 10:30 am)
I thought it would be more expensive also. Andy Cohen was bashing it on his podcast last week. His co-host John said it was dirty. Maybe not as prestigious as we thought.
Haha I just was watched that episode. ~ I rewatched the whole series and the movies over the past few weeks, so sad it's all over
Anyways! Pretty sure that's the membership, you need to pay for your stay/meals/drinks on top of that.
WeddingBitch wrote:
I have had three meetings at SoHO NY Saw the upstairs/pool It was like a low rent CC. I was surprised. Inside the rooms are really nice but there are bathtubs in the center.... I get it, but really don't get it. Drinks.... $18 White wine? Nah. The standard has the same wine for $11
Do you remember the SATC episode when Sam stole the woman's membership card?
Yes!! That was so good. John Hill, I think that's his name (Andy's sidekick) said a dirty band-aid floated by him. They both discontinued their membership.
Speaking of SoHo NY, I was just watching a 48 Hours called "Murder at Soho House" or something like that. WTF, Taylor! I can't believe she has never talked about this on the show! Young fashion designer gets murdered by loser trust fund kid boyfriend, I figured she'd be all over that story!! Also, It happened at the one in Manhattan so there is zero chance she didn't know about it.
Didn't they literally spend days talking about that murder? It was a couple years ago (maybe more) but I remember them talking about it pretty extensively.
I don't remember hearing it, but I guess I could've totally missed it. I wish I could find it on the Twitter link, if love to hear her take.
Initially I couldn't recall anything about them discussing that murder, but now I feel like they did too. If I hear it in the replays I will post the link.
Judgement_Twin wrote:
Initially I couldn't recall anything about them discussing that murder, but now I feel like they did too. If I hear it in the replays I will post the link.
Thanks girl! 😉