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I loved the scope. I think if he does a podcast, it will be great.
I don't think he was avoiding the R.V. questions. Between looking at his family, answering other questions and just being out in the sun it just looked to me like he missed them. He's never really been one to shy away from questions when he scopes.
Feminist Hero wrote:
I loved the scope. I think if he does a podcast, it will be great.
I don't think he was avoiding the R.V. questions. Between looking at his family, answering other questions and just being out in the sun it just looked to me like he missed them. He's never really been one to shy away from questions when he scopes.
Yeah, and the questions/comments were flying, I can see how it would be hard to miss a few. I don't know that I even saw any RV questions.
So...I'm playing catch up on a bunch of stuff. Watched Kenny's periscope yesterday before it was gone but my big question is, is his last show worth listening to? I haven't been listening but that is the only thing I might have some interest in.
It was an emotional show, just because it was his last. The actual show though was very lackluster, especially with it being his last. Looking back after his Periscope, I think it should have been a much bigger deal. Super sweet call from Vanessa Williams, other then that, nothing huge. Taylor repeated every 5 minutes all that she had planned, when I think that time would have been better taking calls. Just my $0.02!
Do you think there is a way to tell Sirius that they f-ed up? Kenny mentioned that Sirius will feel the loss but I feel a strong urge to back him up on this. Agreed done is done but what if there was a way to organize a ton of feedback from fans and send it to Sirius? Maybe they will think twice before undervaluing their staff and also protect Taylor from getting screwed too.
No clue if anyone will listen, but here is contact info...
Who was listening when they were still on cosmo radio and the show was 4 hours long? Do you remember the backlash they got for that? People were outraged; emailed the show, sirius, tweeted, facebook messaged, literally any way to contact them about changing it back to 4 hours. Aaaand here we are, sitting at a 3 hour show still.
Thanks F K Friday! I contacted Sirius and they advised me to email customer care @ sirius canada. ca
I was confused about the Canada address but they assured me it would get to the right place. Yeah right Jackie. Either way, I tried. Good point k bk 88. (Sorry for the weird spacing in the link and names, i can't post links until i get to 10 postings on this board)
Mr. Magoo wrote:
Thanks F K Friday! I contacted Sirius and they advised me to email customer care @ sirius canada. ca
I was confused about the Canada address but they assured me it would get to the right place. Yeah right Jackie. Either way, I tried. Good point k bk 88. (Sorry for the weird spacing in the link and names, i can't post links until i get to 10 postings on this board)
Sorry, never occurred to me my computer would go right to Canadian care lol
And so funny about the 3hr outrage, I just found an old petition about that lol
All good @Mr. Magoo and not to say if they get enough emails maybe they would reconsider but Where is Victoria raises a great point; how big was Cosmo radios audience? Did anyone ever hear why they dropped Cosmo radio altogether? I don't recall hearing or seeing why.
Judgement_Twin wrote:
All good @Mr. Magoo and not to say if they get enough emails maybe they would reconsider but Where is Victoria raises a great point; how big was Cosmo radios audience? Did anyone ever hear why they dropped Cosmo radio altogether? I don't recall hearing or seeing why.
I think it was Cosmo's decision. Cosmo Radio was all Kate White. When she left, Joanna Coles came in and took over as the new editor-in-chief.
I missed the Periscope. He said Taylor is on the way out?
Virginia wrote:
Judgement_Twin wrote:
All good @Mr. Magoo and not to say if they get enough emails maybe they would reconsider but Where is Victoria raises a great point; how big was Cosmo radios audience? Did anyone ever hear why they dropped Cosmo radio altogether? I don't recall hearing or seeing why.
I think it was Cosmo's decision. Cosmo Radio was all Kate White. When she left, Joanna Coles came in and took over as the new editor-in-chief.
Yeah- I remember them giving some vague explanation about brand alignment or whatever. I don't think it was a big deal, felt like maybe it just ran its course.
I missed that part about taylor being on her way out but my scope segment seemed to be in a loop where some things were repeated 2 or 3 times and when I looked at the counter, said counter had not reset to beginning.
He didn't say she was on her way out. Someone asked if he could ever see her leaving and he said he could.
I think a lot of host on Sirius have some of the same feelings. They will mention contract negotiation time and say they're not Howard. I respect the fact that Kenny handles it with class. It doesn't make sense for him to bash the company or say lots of things out loud on a public forum. He said that he can see Taylor leaving, but didn't give a time frame. That is her job and he doesn't want to throw a monkey wrench in her life. That is respectful. Some of the questions people ask on Periscope blow me away. Why do people ask things like did you dislike Robert, or Bonnie. It's not the radio but it's still a public place. He is smart to know that somethings you don't "put in writing". Even if he answered burning questions that people want to know, it's just not smart to do.
He handles it properly. There are people that I work with everyday and I would rather see them fall off a cliff than ever have to work with them. But, I maintain my professionalism anyway, because I'm sensible.
I was listening to a "Best of" (January 27, 2015-beginning of 1st hour) and T and K were talking about maternity and paternity leave. Tay said it really didn't matter how much time Sirius does/doesn't offer because they already have "ISBN"(?) which is their ability to do show remotely from home. So, hmmm. Weird.
Tay recently mentioned they have a new boss. Maybe she/he has new vision for show and kenny wasn't part of it? I dunno. Anyways. It was interesting hearing them talk about the ability to work from home.
I also think Kenny genuinely wants to be a full time comedian and it makes sense for them to move closer to Chelsea's family if he is planning on being on the road a lot (not like he wasn't before). I have seen him do stand up a handful of times and he is great!!
@cosmolover YES! I can't believe some of the questions asked either, both to Kenny and Tay on periscope. They would be absolute idiots to answer some of those and have a very public record of what they said.
In the meantime, I'm now following Chelsea on snapchat and she's cracking me up.
Kenny just periscoped again in case any of you miss it. He has lots of shows coming up and said he's going to try to do a podcast or something similar and will be able to tell us more next week.
He looked great! Tanned, relaxed, just happy
He seemed so upbeat and super happy! Great energy!
That was the best!! 💕💕 Excited for the new projects to come!
How do we know when someone we follow is live? I've messed around with settings but can't figure it out.
Anyone I follow, it pops up on my phone when they're live.
So I emailed Kenny last night because I'm a total dork and was being a fan. His response was so kind and gracious. It was in yesterday's periscope where he mentioned getting emails and it just made me feel good to hear back from someone. That's rare in this day and age.
Not dorky at all, LTL! Yesterday's scope just legitimized in my mind how much Kenny appreciates his fans! I really loved his openness and it made me realize just how much he added to the show (and why I fell in love with the show in the first place.)
Longtimelistener wrote:
So I emailed Kenny last night because I'm a total dork and was being a fan. His response was so kind and gracious. It was in yesterday's periscope where he mentioned getting emails and it just made me feel good to hear back from someone. That's rare in this day and age.
That's so sweet....of both of you