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I enjoyed the talk about this morning and the co-host bringing up women that constantly wear men down, then expect them to step up to the plate. While I have great dislike for Dr.Laura, she is another I agree with this on. If you* want a man who takes charge, you have to let him take charge. You can't constantly run the show, then expect him to take the reins all of a sudden.
A woman who works for me makes good money, dates a guy making little as a sports writer from home. He's following his dream and she supports that. She totally runs the show though (makes plans, pays bills, etc) and has brought up a few times she wonders when he'll propose. I told her there is a good chance he won't, she'll have to if she wants it. She is "the man" in the relationship, and he likely isn't going to just wake up one day and decide to wear the pants.
*If you're cool being in charge, all the power to you. I have made more money then most guys I've been with and am totally ok with that. Not always ok for the guy, and where the issues came in lol
I'm a total control freak. I have to direct my husband to do stuff or it just doesn't happen. He's afraid of disappointing me and although I told him it wouldn't disappoint, he's still hesitant. He was taking forever to propose so I said lets just start planning the wedding. We did that and he proposed later on his own timeline. Was it my dream to have it happen like that? No. But it made it so he actually got his butt in gear and he had less pressure about disappointing me and I relaxed because I knew the day was actually going to happen. Very unconventional
Man I caught a little bit of this conversation, and I'm so sick of her hypocritical views on men/women/ gender roles, etc. why does it matter if the woman wants to propose? If the T's decide to marry one day, will it "reek of desperation"??? Since they are both women and all... Ugh
I think because she's really still in that traditional mindset. She lived that way her entire life and the only deviation is her dating TD. Otherwise she's still the Catholic girl from the "perfect" home. She will always have these hypocritical views because she's trying to mesh her upbringing with the modern world and they don't always coincide. I have friends like that and it drives me insane. And it makes me angry.
I don't think she was being a hypocrite at all and I totally agree with you, FKF. I thought it was a really good and interesting conversation.
Granted, I only listened for a short time in the car... But what I heard was T praising egalitarian relationships, then in the next breath saying a woman proposing to a man reeks of desperation (direct quote). Not trying to argue at all, but please fill me in if I missed something in the convo that made that not hypocritical? I also agree with what you said above FKF.
I just didn't find it very hypocritical that her expectation is that a man should propose to a woman. She went on to say that if her and T2 get engaged, she would be the one doing the asking because she's already been proposed to and T2 deserves to have that moment too. And the girl proposing with a Harley? I found that ridiculous too.