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oh my god, I am still trying to get through Monday's show. It's just not the same. I really hope they're not going to a "mom" themed channel/show. barf. I'm a mom and I DON'T WANT the scandalous, nasty comments hushed, where's the fun in that? I also don't want mom talk all the time, or ever. I loved Kenny's dad segment just because it was from a dad point of view. I thought that was genius! Sirius should have seen the gold in that! I get so tired hearing other women talk about raising kids, that shit is everywhere! There are blogs, radio shows, Facebook groups, etc dedicated to moms talking about mom stuff but there aren't that many dads out there talking about being a dad. Kenny's segment was the perfect amount of "parent" life mixed into what used to be a fun show. ugh I miss the old show so badly, it was funny!! I think the last time i laughed at this show was seriously months ago. when tay and kenny were talking about something, I can't remember what but it was hilarious. I think it may have been the wrong text conversation or around that time. Megan's comment about tay living the dream of girls who live in the middle of the country was really annoying and after listening to her more I don't think I like her anymore. She tries too hard. They need to try out some male co-hosts and Taylor needs to go back to being Taylor, if she even knows who she is anymore.
sorry for all the nastiness, this just sucks.
also i typed this really fast at work lol
Last edited by micdrop (8/30/2016 9:01 am)
Judgement_Twin wrote:
I think it has a lot to do with how different our education systems are. How else would you know there was a massive car pile up? We live in igloos, ere go, no television. Duh.
Thankfully it's August and I only need one bear hide to keep warm!!
For those that didn't like the comment about Tay being a dream to middle Americans, hasn't that been a complaint for a long time here? People loved hearing about her life in the city because it was something they had never experienced and wanted to hear more about it?
Judgement_Twin wrote:
Durst_Burp wrote:
I generally liked Megan, but two days in a row now she's made comments belittling people who don't live in NYC. Yesterday when she talking about Tay at the VMAs she said "you're living the girls who live in middle America's dream" and today when they were talking about Anthony Weiner she said "for people who live in like Ohio, he's a politician in NY". I live in FL and definitely know about the Weiner scandal...just because you don't live in NY doesn't mean you live under a rock. 🙄
This is the very attitude that gives New York and the people who live there a bad name. Like I get that there is no place like New York, but come on. Living in the "fly over states" isn't exactly the worst thing ever. Major eye roll.
Lol there my be no place like NY, but I've lived/travelled all over the world (not because I'm fancy, dad was in the military 😋) and IMO NYC is FAR from the best city in the world. My husband was up there working for a year in 2013 and I'd go visit him every month or so. I had never been to NYC before and I did not think it lived up to the hype. In fact my husband has been begging to move up there permanently and I'm not interested.
Last edited by Durst_Burp (8/30/2016 9:10 am)
Megan is certainly taking the lead with the interviews, that's not gonna sit well! I wonder why so against a male cohost?
*sorry about all the posts! I'm on the deck with coffee listening and avoiding cleaning the house lol
I like Megan but can do without the mom and kid references. We know you're a mom! She said she spelled dick because she's a mom. A story about kids here and there is fine but "I'm a mom, I'm a mother of 2" OK!! JM does it but in a funny way.
Also, did anyone catch when Taylor said she made linguine and clams for an exboyfriend one time? Wasn't that Brett?
Durst_Burp wrote:
Judgement_Twin wrote:
Durst_Burp wrote:
I generally liked Megan, but two days in a row now she's made comments belittling people who don't live in NYC. Yesterday when she talking about Tay at the VMAs she said "you're living the girls who live in middle America's dream" and today when they were talking about Anthony Weiner she said "for people who live in like Ohio, he's a politician in NY". I live in FL and definitely know about the Weiner scandal...just because you don't live in NY doesn't mean you live under a rock. 🙄
This is the very attitude that gives New York and the people who live there a bad name. Like I get that there is no place like New York, but come on. Living in the "fly over states" isn't exactly the worst thing ever. Major eye roll.
Lol there my be no place like NY, but I've lived/travelled all over the world (not because I'm fancy, dad was in the military 😋) and IMO NYC is FAR from the best city in the world. My husband was up there working for a year in 2013 and I'd go visit him every month or so. I had never been to NYC before and I did not think it lived up to the hype. In fact my husband has been begging to move up there permanently and I'm not interested.
With the exception of Shanghai, I don't think think there are any special cities in the world. They all look the same basically and it blows my mind that people pick them for vacations.
7things wrote:
I like Megan but can do without the mom and kid references. We know you're a mom! She said she spelled dick because she's a mom.
A story about kids here and there is fine but "I'm a mom, I'm a mother of 2" OK!! JM does it but in a funny way.
Also, did anyone catch when Taylor said she made linguine and clams for an exboyfriend one time? Wasn't that Brett?
Yep, maybe their first anniversary? They didn't eat till like midnight. She told Cat Cora the story last week 😂
I was ok with Megan until the constant references to mom today...didn't hear them yesterday. And spelling dick on this show makes you just seem like a dick yourself. I'm a mom and never shy away from actually saying dick.
Not even London?! That city has my heart. 💕
Last edited by Getmommieouttathabox (8/30/2016 9:18 am)
Durst_Burp wrote:
Not even London?! That city has my heart. 💕
I do appreciate European cities for the history and architecture. But even Italy, where I am my most happiest, I would take a small town over a city any day. I find bits and pieces of each I love (the harbour in Hong Kong is breathtaking, Vancouver is crazy clean and the people are so nice, Baseside mall in Miami - I think that's right? Has the marina - is the coolest little place, St.Petersburg while beautiful, it's like looking at a strange painting, everything is grey...people, buildings, Sky even on a sunny day, very strange!) at the end of the day it's a lot of tourists wandering around an locals trying to get to where they need. I'll take an off the beaten path place over that any day!
Last edited by FKFriday (8/30/2016 9:33 am)
FKFriday wrote:
Durst_Burp wrote:
Not even London?! That city has my heart. 💕
I do appreciate European cities for the history and architecture. But even Italy, where I am my most happiest, I would take a small town over a city any day. I find bits and pieces of each I love (the harbour in Hong Kong is breathtaking, Vancouver is crazy clean and the people are so nice, Baseside mall - I think that's right? Has the marina - is the coolest little place, St.Petersburg while beautiful, it's like looking at a strange painting, everything is grey...people, buildings, Sky even on a sunny day, very strange!) at the end of the day it's a lot of tourists wandering around an locals trying to get to where they need. I'll take an off the beaten path place over that any day!
Pio I agree 1000%! Smaller towns are so much more interesting- I usually do a few days in London then spend the rest of the trip touring the countryside.
Oreo Cadbury eggs?? I have never seen those!!! Frozen mini Cadbury eggs are my addiction though!
Whistler is stunning! I've done it in winter and summer (one year I went in April, I was in flip flops and capris, went to the top and people were still skiing....lotta brandy that afternoon lol) and it's great any time of year. For anyone that skiis and does Aspen, one of the resorts their just bought whistler and are doing a cross promo, yearly lift tickets for 1/2 price and can be used at both places. I was in Vancouver last week and a few friends had bought them, said it was a killer deal!
*Im a bunny hill skier....useless to me!*
This is why I didn't want this to become a "mom" show. It's one thing for a host to be a mom(that's cool) it's another for that to be your thing as an host. Not what we're used to on wake up.
I tried to start counting them at the beginning of the show but I gave up. There were a lot! I'm a mom too but I curse all the time....I just don't curse front of my children. If I wanted to listen to a non-cursing radio show in the morning, all I'd have to do is turn on one in my car. There are plenty of great morning shows locally....and I don't have to pay for them! That's the whole point of satellite can curse Megan!!!
On a completely different note....I heard Taylor talk about a "hate forum" today. If she thinks this is hate, she's going to go into a deep depression when she gets her reality show and reads that comments that real internet trolls write. I read some today about Vicki Gunvalson on and felt so sorry for her.
haven't listened to todays show but if MC was all i'm a mom blah blah and spelling DICK, it would be hilar to have her and Cat Cora on the same day!
Cat Cora was a bit much at times, but I would much much prefer that type of show that a show that spells out bad words.
Didn't MC say in the first hour when that gossip guy was on that she has some TV shows coming up. Hosting a home improvement show or something? If that's the case, I can't imagine that she'll be on WUWT full time.
chelchel wrote:
Didn't MC say in the first hour when that gossip guy was on that she has some TV shows coming up. Hosting a home improvement show or something? If that's the case, I can't imagine that she'll be on WUWT full time.
I missed that part in this morning's show, but she does have a posting or two about it on her IG. It looks like a show that will be premeiring in October.
Depending on when they record the shows, she could probably do both.
Last edited by Feminist Hero (8/30/2016 12:33 pm)
I totally understand how MC and Tay come off. I've lived in NY my whole life half in the city. I personally love it and it's my fave place because it's home. But I never speak about it like being from here means I'm any better. I'm not. There's something great about every place. Just like Durst_burp loves London and I'm sure we all have our fav spots. But not everyone is an ass about thinking they're better than everyone! I can't stand when she does that!
I like MC but I don't like her for the show. I think she's a little condescending when she tells people to shhh and stuff. I've barely listened lately. Only to yesterday's RV segment. She'll eventually overpower T if she's the cohost. I wouldn't mind hearing mom stuff but if it's all she talks about I'd be annoyed. I haven't heard the "shhh there are moms listening" yet but that is so obnoxious!! If that's what the show/channel turns into I don't think I'll be interested. MC did say during RV segment something like I'm a mom over 40 and I think she looked good. Why the mom qualifier? And I agree w RV about the pancake boobs. Some tape and it wouldn't have been so bad.
Judgement_Twin wrote:
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Crap...I just wasted an opportunity for an OG show reference:
Don't do it gal!!! 😉
"Don't do it girl!"
"You're not saying it right! It's, 'don't do it gal'"
The good ol days
The BEST! I will forever say don't do it gal and caption my date night pics as "date night done right."
7things wrote:
I like Megan but can do without the mom and kid references. We know you're a mom! She said she spelled dick because she's a mom.
A story about kids here and there is fine but "I'm a mom, I'm a mother of 2" OK!! JM does it but in a funny way.
Also, did anyone catch when Taylor said she made linguine and clams for an exboyfriend one time? Wasn't that Brett?
It drives me nuts when she refers to Brett as an ex bf when we've all heard the stories when he was her husband. The stories aren't disparaging to him in any way-what is the point? I think she's become a compulsive liar, where she doesn't even think about it anymore.
I just listened to yesterday's show with MC and I will not be listening for the rest of the week. The mom comments were super annoying but the "shhh"ing and talking over Taylor and guests was even more annoying. It just didn't feel like an "adult" or professional way to guide the conversation, which I think is what she was trying to do...I think they have had FAR better co-hosts who jived better with Tay and the feel of the show. MC is a little to "play nice" for me too. That's never been the tone of the show before but with her it's like Taylor or guests can not have any opinion that's not positive or in support of celebrity, etc...
I never post because I can never remember my username or pw but I had to look it up to comment on MC. As a 32 year old mom of 2, I find this week almost unbearable to listen to so far! I don't want to say anything bad about MC. I'm sure she is a nice lady. I just don't know any moms who would want to listen to a radio show host repeatedly remind us that she's a mom and spell bad words...its almost offensively boring and out of touch. is there a place we can leave constructive non-troll-Y feedback for the show? Or host suggestions? It would be so fun to hear Patrick and Taylor even if it was just temporary...i would rather listen to her talk to Katie for 3 hours every day...or even talk to herself! Anything but the "mom" talk 😩
I really need them to get a cohost in who is at least up to date on pop-culture....Tay and MC don't seem to have their finger on the pulse of who is who and what's going on in the world......
For example I don't expect Tay to know every or even a song by Teyana Taylor but it's gross that she automatically assumed the woman is famous for being with a ball player and that's how she got her followers... -__- it killed me listening to them not even know she's an urban artist that has been around for a while....hell the woman was on an episode of my sweet 16 when she first signed a music contract.
I don't mind the occasional mom talk (since I am a mom also) but I'm also up to date on pop culture, politics, current news, trends.....etc...I wish the show could reflect that in some way.....
SoftPretzels wrote:
I really need them to get a cohost in who is at least up to date on pop-culture....Tay and MC don't seem to have their finger on the pulse of who is who and what's going on in the world......
For example I don't expect Tay to know every or even a song by Teyana Taylor but it's gross that she automatically assumed the woman is famous for being with a ball player and that's how she got her followers... -__- it killed me listening to them not even know she's an urban artist that has been around for a while....hell the woman was on an episode of my sweet 16 when she first signed a music contract.
I don't mind the occasional mom talk (since I am a mom also) but I'm also up to date on pop culture, politics, current news, trends.....etc...I wish the show could reflect that in some way.....
I felt the same awkwardness listening to MC- for some reason Blac Chyna just sounded so unnatural coming out of her mouth. Like when my parents say "the Google".
Or someone that takes half a second to google teyana first thing that comes up is super sweet 16 and that she's signed to kayne's label. I didn't listen today but Monday it was she has 1 million followers prob all from last night now it turned into it is because she is a basketball players wife. Meanwhile when I looked she had way more than a million. Sounds a bit snarky to me.
FKFriday wrote:
Judgement_Twin wrote:
I think it has a lot to do with how different our education systems are. How else would you know there was a massive car pile up? We live in igloos, ere go, no television. Duh.
Thankfully it's August and I only need one bear hide to keep warm!!
For those that didn't like the comment about Tay being a dream to middle Americans, hasn't that been a complaint for a long time here? People loved hearing about her life in the city because it was something they had never experienced and wanted to hear more about it?
No, I like hearing her tell fun stories. I could care less if she lived in NYC or Nebraska. Maybe the only thing that she experiences that nobody else can in any other city in America is Fashion Week. But honestly those were always the most boring stories. She just complained that she was tired. Is there anything else she does that is special to NYC?
I laughed when MC stopped to explain what "the Hamptons" is - I'm pretty sure I and all the listeners know about the Hamptons 😃
Megan: I liked her the first time, but totally ANNOYING this week. She won't stop talking over Taylor and her mama stories are getting old.
Ugh. Please tell me if I'm missing some major part of this story, because what I caught on the way to work was just gross.
1) First, Taylor is such a fucking brat.
MC: you be Stabler, I'll be Mariska Hargitay.
T: No!!! I want to be Mariska!!
MC: Ok, I'll be Stabler, you be.. (interrupted)
T: No!!!! I want to be Stabler!!!!
Sooooo typical Taylor.
2) She is NOT a feminist in any sense of the word, or by ANY stretch of the imagination. Why is she making fun of this girl who had a effing gun pulled on her by Chris Brown and his cronies?? WTF??? The chick put herself in a real crap situation, but still, why so much hate?? Can't figure it out...
3) Shitting all over this girl, talking about she's just doing this because she's hungry for fame?? Pot, meet kettle. I can't....