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My momma always says, "When nothing goes right, go left." So stemming from the Negativity thread, I thought we should have a new thread to post things that make us happy! For me, this would always include my little fuzz buckets, they never cease to put a smile on my face ❤️
Great idea! Is there an easy way to post pics from an iPad or phone?
Awwww Wakeup, that makes my heart hurt How is the Pinsher doing?
This is my LunaBanuna. When Jade died, I thought I would never have another pet like her, but Luna is my little buddy. Long crazy story how I wound up with her, but it was meant to be and she is always right by my side
And these are my other two noodles
FKCSTMom wrote:
Great idea! Is there an easy way to post pics from an iPad or phone?
I don't think so. If you upload to Photbucket though, each photo has a URL you can post.
Awww Beforeyougo & FKF- what sweet little ones!! I can't take all the furry adorable-ness! Makes my cheeks hurt from cheesing lol!! 😁😁😁 Zeke (min pin) is doing ok now, the first few days he was looking around the house, like where's my brother go?? But now he just burrows under a blanket and sleeps til I get home from he loves to sleep! 🐶💤
FKFriday wrote:
FKCSTMom wrote:
Great idea! Is there an easy way to post pics from an iPad or phone?
I don't think so. If you upload to Photbucket though, each photo has a URL you can post.
Photobucket is the easiest way I've found to use pics from your iPhone/iPad!!
DestinationAwesometown wrote:
If this works, I'll consider myself a genius-
Queen Status / Interwebs extraordinaire
Internet high five!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Btw...those pretty kitty eyes though!
Omg you guys! I can't take all the adorable little faces!!!
My heart is full ❤️😊
Yeahrightjackie Is that a pure black lab or a mix? We have a stray we adopted that looks EXACTLY like yours. I'm too cheap to do the DNA test. We think he might be lab/rottie.
I am not a Cavs fan, I'm not a fan of any Cleveland sports (I'm a Ravens of course we dislike the Browns), but I've been rooting for them in the finals and I cried like a baby when they won. I'm so happy for the Cavs and all of their fans!
NutsOrNot2 wrote:
I am not a Cavs fan, I'm not a fan of any Cleveland sports (I'm a Ravens of course we dislike the Browns), but I've been rooting for them in the finals and I cried like a baby when they won. I'm so happy for the Cavs and all of their fans!
Aww thanks girl! The city of Cleveland needed that win for sure! 😉 my dad wears a Browns shirt that says "One before I die", morbid but hysterical because we all know that's never gonna happen lol
Just saw that!! 😂😂😂