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FKFriday wrote:
Seems all the photos were fixed.
Hi Tay!!
I'm lost here. what photos are we talking about. someone please help me
So Taylor just acknowledged that the bathing suit in Tays closet was gifted to her and she is now selling it.
Last edited by LilEffer (11/17/2016 2:17 pm)
Not a damn thing on there that I'd wear...well, maybe the green shirt with some fun jeggings and great shoes (not picked by T) just to be funky but otherwise, pass. Good luck with that!
Tays closet still exists?! It looks like all the original stuff that she wayyyyy over priced!
She should have just put all of her stuff on Poshmark. Using a Web site like the one she has seems so 2003. She could have tons of followers on poshmark, including people who don't listen to the show.
She really needs to start proofreading- the title of her onion goggles post even has a typo now. π Wonder if she'll get her Christmas gift guide up in a reasonable amount of time or if it will be super last minute like most of them.
She gave the whole blog post away on her show. The only thing the blog offers is a picture.
Maybe it's because I live under a rock, but I'm really struggling to reconcile Taylor's fashion choices with her self-proclaimed "fashionista" status. In her most recent IG post, she's wearing a coat and pants, in black and navy no less, in freakin' Miami. Seriously?! I get that she's not confident with her body right now, but wear a caftan/sarong, or at least pants made out of linen and lighter brighter colors. Not to mention she's worn that outfit a ton already (totally fine but a bit odd for someone with a fashion blog). I live in FL and I don't know how she wasn't sweating her biscuits off today.
Her blog is non existent.. she needs to get her brand and image sorted out and then relaunch. Given her career too she could be so much further ahead in the industry than she is now. She has the ability to do so much but is too lazy. Can't say I've missed wake up this week.
A blazer and pajama pants? Everyone else is in t-shirts and shorts.
Yes; I think they are there to celebrate Matts birthday.
Does anybody remember how much a difference her blog was when she paid someone to help with it? I don't remember it being all that much more active. And why oh WHY can't someone update her media clips and gallery???? That can't even be that hard....
Durst_Burp wrote:
Maybe it's because I live under a rock, but I'm really struggling to reconcile Taylor's fashion choices with her self-proclaimed "fashionista" status. In her most recent IG post, she's wearing a coat and pants, in black and navy no less, in freakin' Miami. Seriously?! I get that she's not confident with her body right now, but wear a caftan/sarong, or at least pants made out of linen and lighter brighter colors. Not to mention she's worn that outfit a ton already (totally fine but a bit odd for someone with a fashion blog). I live in FL and I don't know how she wasn't sweating her biscuits off today.
βHAHAHA! I thought the exact same thing too. A freakin' blazer on a boat? Why????? Poor girl. Either get some body confidence or start a work-out regime. It's really not that hard, trust me.
maybe 2017 will be a year of much reconciliation for everyone. happy new year alls yalls
She's hasn't posted anything since 12/7?
Gurl what are you doing?!? I'm sure Matt is a very nice person but she needs someone that is on her ass to work. She is obviously unable to motivate herself to do any "extra" work.
Well considering everytime someone (guest) comes in who talks about how you can make money by blogging or being an influencer online and Taylor blurts out, "Yes! I want that!" you'd think she'd get cause and effect. Case in point: the guest this week (can't remember her name but wish I could because I'd like to listen to her podcast about 'side jobs' )...this exact thing happened. I had to laugh because you have to HUSTLE YOUR ASS OFF to make this happen. One of Taylor's NY resolutions is to get more sleep...understandable...but doesn't she already nap a lot of days??? Again, most people making the π° π° are constantly working it.
Haven't posted in forever and this is repetitious at this point but hearing her try and promote her new blog post this week got me on my last nerve. Her last post about the gold shoes-how does that even count as a blog post? She gives zero fucks and is just trying to mail it in. Come on, your girlfriend is a photographer for god sakes-have her take some pictures of you styling the shoes with different outfits out & about. She HATES on somethingnavy (pure jealously) but take a page out of her book and get out in the city & post some pictures on your blog of you in outfits at the coffee shop, crossing the street, ANYTHING. Drives. Me. Fucking. Crazy. Maybe I need another coffee...
1000%, but also, not for nothing, those gold shoes are fucking heinous.
ThatWholeBrevityThang wrote:
Haven't posted in forever and this is repetitious at this point but hearing her try and promote her new blog post this week got me on my last nerve. Her last post about the gold shoes-how does that even count as a blog post? She gives zero fucks and is just trying to mail it in. Come on, your girlfriend is a photographer for god sakes-have her take some pictures of you styling the shoes with different outfits out & about. She HATES on somethingnavy (pure jealously) but take a page out of her book and get out in the city & post some pictures on your blog of you in outfits at the coffee shop, crossing the street, ANYTHING. Drives. Me. Fucking. Crazy. Maybe I need another coffee...
No, you're right. And the show intro that calls her a "tastemaker" makes me gag every time I hear it. So many of her blog posts are SO two-thousand-and-late. You're just now posting about the Spiralizer? DW candles, really? I bought a bunch of those at Homegoods last February. They're nice, but not blog-post worthy. A good blog post either needs to be A) products people probably already know and love but used/styled in a new and innovative way or B) about a fab new place/product that I've probably never heard of before. Basically, it should include substantial editorial content, not just "Hey, look at these shoes I think are cute."
Agreed with everything said above. She dials it in everyday. She doesn't take care of herself or do 1/4 of the stuff that real bloggers do. Those shoes are hideous as well. Don't worry Taylor, buy all of them, because I won't be.
Would she cut her g-damn hair already!!!!!!!!!!
How does she consider that a blog post?
"If these horrific shoes aren't your style, here, go to this site. Search for other shoes, on your own, because I'm a self proclaimed fashion blogger and can't possibly help you with any of the leg work."
And can we please talk about the lack of comma? Run on sentences galore! Now, I can admit, I love me a comma. But COME ON. Have someone proofread and edit your shit!
Last edited by BathiesTime (1/27/2017 1:45 pm)
I generally liked the Brandi Cyrus interview this morning. I looked at her blog, and while I don't identify at all with her style, can tell she puts effort into it. I thought it was funny when Taylor kept saying how much work a blog is... and all she does is link to products. At least a lot of other bloggers actually own the products and photograph themselves using/wearing them.
Something she said this week made me think that her goal is to do a blog post monthly.
I heard Taylor tell someone her blog is a 'lifestyle' blog...has she ever actually read a REAL lifestyle blog to see
A. What that means
B. How different it is from her little 'hobby' blog and
C. Usually that type of blogger puts a ton of effort into it to make reading it a pleasant experience and if there are products, multiple links if necessary? (Emphasis on "effort")
I'm positive she only has one because her manager says she needs to have every form of social media to market herself. Although when you have single digit followers (jk) I can't imagine that's a bonus.
I read a blog that does a review of The Bachelor each week and at the end she does a "Best Dressed" and 2 Runners Up (Runner Ups??). She does an amazing job of searching out where the dress came from and including a link to it. Then she usually includes 1-2 other links (and photos) to similar dresses that are less and more expensive. She will indicate if the original is still available, etc.
To me, that is exactly what Taylor should be doing if she is a true "fashionista." She's always going on about how people constantly compliment her on her clothes, shoes and purses. If this is true...she is squandering yet another opportunity. (Notice they are not complimenting her on her long, flowing locks....π¬)