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My brother and sister in law take titles (Aunt, Uncle, etc.) VERY seriously. I lived with my husband for five years before we got married and they only called him uncle after that day. My SIL made a point at our wedding to tell the kids they could finally start calling him Uncle. I think that's weird. What if T2's nieces and nephews call her Aunt Taylor? She shouldn't refer to them as nieces and nephews?
And the whole kissing thing is ridiculous. I have a one and five year old and I take every kiss I can get. My five year old is very affectionate and kisses me, my husband, my mom, and his aunt on the lips. I know this is a phase that will end really soon and it's always his initiative so why not?
On_Point wrote:
I still call my ex-husbands nephews my nephews, and I kiss them on the lips. I also call my cousin's children my cousins and have kissed them on the lips when they were young. Who fucking cares.
My ex-boyfriend's siblings had a total of 10 kids that I considered and called my nieces and nephews. Granted, we were together for almost five years and I knew 2 of them from when they were less 1 year old and 3 from birth. We were very close, but I only started referring to them as nieces and nephews more than a year of them calling me "Aunt Lo," which their parents insisted on them doing from our first meeting (not in a forceful way, they are just a wonderfully friendly family). They also had a huge family and all of the cousin's children called everyone who was not their parent or grandparent "Aunt [Name]" or "Uncle [Name]" (i.e. Ex-bf's cousin's daughter called him "Uncle W.")
I also never kissed them on the lips except for one time when two of the little girls (~2 years old) were going around giving everyone hugs as thanks for Christmas gifts and one of them just planted one on me. No one was weirded out, we all thought it was sweet.... but I wouldn't have done it or choose to do it again by choice.
p.s.- does anyone else struggle with spelling niece? Or am I just "special" today?
Last edited by secco (12/14/2016 5:09 pm)
I hated the cohost today too. Wider was the highlight of the show and her segment is too short. She should cohost with Tay on Weds. expecially if they keep rotating around. Not sure what the powers in charge are thinking, but some days are so much better then others.
thanks guys for the heads-up on the co-host. i got through about two minutes before my ear lobes started hurting
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Durst_Burp wrote:
I thought it was interesting that Taylor was referring to her "nephews" today- last time I checked, neither Zack nor Paige have kids so I assume she was referring to T2's nephews. I get fudging the truth to protect people (Brett) when telling unflattering stories, but why lie about this?
On another note, I can't believe I wasted my time listening to most of the show today, but I did. I thought for a hot second Taylor was actually going to be as authentic as she claims to be and come clean about not voting when the cohost kept saying how there is no excuse not to vote (Kanye story during 7 Things) don't know why I thought she'd actually tell the truth about something...ugh.
YES!! THIS!!! I was literally just listening to this tonight on my drive home from a dinner and could. Not. Even. get over the fact that she lied by omission (yes folks, that's still lying!!) when she managed to not say a damn word when this came up. She even said, "I would have voted for (made up name)," so she had every opportunity to come clean then. But nooooooo.... why do that when it's more convenient and makes you look better to lie???
I don't know about you guys, but today I really felt the revolving door of co-hosts hit hard. Another random person (she might be famous but is random in the rotation here) with a horrible radio voice. Does anyone bother checking to see if the co-hosts transfer from tv to radio?? My vote for her is nope. Her positive was the fact she did her homework...more than once during the show she was way more informed than T, or had done her background checks on T herself! What does it take to get back Naughty Rob, Mike Cannon, or Clay Aiken??
Technically a cousins child is a cousin (once removed). Having said that who cares if she calls someone neice/nephew?
Did anyone listen when her mom was on? I haven't yet but I'm wondering if it's worth it.
I did - thought it was cute. nothing earth shattering but i think her mom is sweet and i really like the cohost today and she had some good advice too.. even tho i dont have kids. i thought todays show was good tho. They def need to get back clay and mike cannon! It was clear tay had no say in shemar and jill (she does the steals and deals from the today show - thats the only way i know her) but she was awful.... and clearly tay agreed bc when lori was back she was like "oh thank god"...
Last edited by ohmygodjackie (12/16/2016 9:21 am)
awwwwwwwww.I had to record Christmas music on my XM for today's office party so I didn't record T. can someone narrow down, roughly, what part of what hour-long segment Mom was on. I really want to hear it
I heard the end of her mom talking around 8:45 AM.
Holy hypocrite today talking to Jenny Hutt. I like how Jenny was calling her out.
So funny, Tay is talking about whether she's a bad aunt to her friends' kids(specifically Nicole). It's like she was reading this board...
So i'd love to listen to Sam on demand after tay but my app/car xm is showing that i dont get that channel? looks like he is on sirius 106/xm 103? Do you guys know if i need to upgrade to get access or if there is another way to listen to the sam roberts show...?
Was Jenny her cohost? I thought they had a falling out a long time ago. Maybe that was more kenny?
She didn't have a cohost today - it was supposed to be Jenna Wolfe (but she was sick) so Sam Roberts stopped in for a segment and then jenny was in for another segment and the rest was just Katie.
I was wondering about the whole Jenna Wolfe thing... she told them she could still make it in but that "she just might throw up in the middle of the show" which to me sounds more like maybe she is pregnant again?? Not so much sick? but tay and katie told her not to come in bc they didnt want to catch whatever she had.
Last edited by ohmygodjackie (12/16/2016 10:19 am)
I agree. I actually don't know who she is, but I immediately thought preggers.
They seem to have a lot of Today Show correspondents lately...
ohmygodjackie wrote:
So i'd love to listen to Sam on demand after tay but my app/car xm is showing that i dont get that channel? looks like he is on sirius 106/xm 103? Do you guys know if i need to upgrade to get access or if there is another way to listen to the sam roberts show...?
I don't get it either. My understanding is I have the "Howard" package so therefore I don't get that station? I'm getting ready to redo my subscription. Jenny McCarthy was tweeting about a deal Sirius has going on right now. I might look into it and hopefully get that channel.
For sure. I wonder if she's trying to get a spot on there in some capacity...
lydia delainey wrote:
For sure. I wonder if she's trying to get a spot on there in some capacity...
I think her boss just has the connections. I don't think Taylor has much say in the cohost (I could be wrong).
Last edited by BabyAngel (12/16/2016 2:28 pm)
Jenna would have been good I think. She's a married lesbian who has carried two of their children (maybe three now?). I think she could have given tay some interesting perspective. And I'm sure the today show connection is because they have a Sirius station now.
chelchel wrote:
Jenna would have been good I think. She's a married lesbian who has carried two of their children (maybe three now?). I think she could have given tay some interesting perspective. And I'm sure the today show connection is because they have a Sirius station now.
Oh, that would make sense. Didn't know that, might have to check it out!
I really think a male would provide a good balance though... nothing against lesbians but it seems as though quite a few of her co-hosts have fit the same demographic as her. I loved Sam being on too. I'm preaching to the choir but bring back Rob, Clay or any guy except Me-mar! 😉
Loved Robert Verdi on today talking about Shemar- less hahaha. My thoughts exactly, this dude is over compensating for something
Oh shit, it was live today?
Yes! Today and tomorrow. She was with Carly today. He was cracking me up about Shemar
i am so curious with anticipation; count me in. will listen when I get home
Did anyone else think it was really awkward on Friday when they opened gifts while the mixologist was there? He had to keep interrupting so he could do his thing.