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I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by her judgement of Midwesterners- I wondered if I was being too sensitive, but damn it, it's so annoying! I realize some New Yorkers just have a skewed idea of what the rest of the country is like, but I get sick of being dogged on by Taylor about it. We are just regular people out here- we aren't all Bible-thumping, gay haters, we just lead normal lives. We have culture here too, it just isn't as hyped as New York- there is a whole great country outside of Manhattan, she should check it out before being so judgemental.
Side note. I skip any show that has Vinny as the cohost. Snore.
Hawr-rible wrote:
I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by her judgement of Midwesterners- I wondered if I was being too sensitive, but damn it, it's so annoying! I realize some New Yorkers just have a skewed idea of what the rest of the country is like, but I get sick of being dogged on by Taylor about it. We are just regular people out here- we aren't all Bible-thumping, gay haters, we just lead normal lives. We have culture here too, it just isn't as hyped as New York- there is a whole great country outside of Manhattan, she should check it out before being so judgemental.
Taylor is a total moron. And so is Rob Shutter. I'm from the NJ, but went to grad school in Minnesota. I love the mid-west. Nice people. Down to earth. Much nicer people then people from NJ or NY. But I gotta stand up for my state...memo to Taylor and Rob.....NJ doesn't want you. Stay away.
We all know that the family member who sold the company is Taylor's uncle from California.
Yeah, she admitted that a few minutes later.
mrmans23 wrote:
Hawr-rible wrote:
I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by her judgement of Midwesterners- I wondered if I was being too sensitive, but damn it, it's so annoying! I realize some New Yorkers just have a skewed idea of what the rest of the country is like, but I get sick of being dogged on by Taylor about it. We are just regular people out here- we aren't all Bible-thumping, gay haters, we just lead normal lives. We have culture here too, it just isn't as hyped as New York- there is a whole great country outside of Manhattan, she should check it out before being so judgemental.
Taylor is a total moron. And so is Rob Shutter. I'm from the NJ, but went to grad school in Minnesota. I love the mid-west. Nice people. Down to earth. Much nicer people then people from NJ or NY. But I gotta stand up for my state...memo to Taylor and Rob.....NJ doesn't want you. Stay away.
Yes, this is my formal apology to the New Jersey listeners for whining about how she talks about my neck of the woods- we have never gotten anywhere near the heaping helping of abuse she dished out to New Jersey today! Fuuuuuck. I was actually wincing as she went off on poor old NJ; for what it's worth, I've heard NJ is absolutely beautiful (you are the Garden State after all) so I think it's more New York Implant assholery at play...
I really didn't like Vinny much either. He was freaking out over every little fat gram and sugar but eats $30.00 worth of McDonald's on Sunday? WTF????
A tad off topic from above but something I can't get out of my brain...
I'm not sure which show it was (I don't listen daily...never on Wednesdays and hardly to a whole show) BUT did anyone hear when Taylor, who is always complaining about how POOR she is, talked about owning these bags that were $1800 each and that she had TWO of them???? It sounded like they were some type of a tote bag... IDK but I'm pretty sure ALL of my purses don't add up to $1800 (yeah, loser here!). Poor, my happy ass. 🙄
Yeah, that's just gross to me. $1800 for a tote bag?? Never mind being that idiotic more than once.
Prob the goyard. She had a white and grey. They are in her posts. She's had them since marriage. You probably didn't even notice bc they are plain shoppers. They have a geometric print. But FYI depending on the size, her Chanel bag is way more. The flap bags start at 3 and I think are $5500 for the basic quilted leather jumbo flap. Spoils from marriage that if you were poor you would sell. She's not. She's just not run out an buy $1800 bag on a whim rich anymore regardless of if she does or not. I remember when she used to talk about shopping all day after work.
Edited to add that like the lv monogram print, the bags she is talking about aren't leather either. They are canvas.
Last edited by Getmommieouttathabox (8/25/2017 9:11 am)
I don't care that she has an $1,800 grocery bag. What I care about is that she HADDDD to slip in the fact that she has two. I find Jenny McCarthy more relatable than Taylor these days. If you had that kind of money and bought those kinds of items there is no need to brag about having two.
sicksummer wrote:
I don't care that she has an $1,800 grocery bag. What I care about is that she HADDDD to slip in the fact that she has two. I find Jenny McCarthy more relatable than Taylor these days. If you had that kind of money and bought those kinds of items there is no need to brag about having two.
Yes and yes! She bragged about it when married too. Brett used to get embarrassed. He didn't want her telling listeners she had a real Chanel for the longest bc she liked to brag.
FKCSTMom wrote:
A tad off topic from above but something I can't get out of my brain...
I'm not sure which show it was (I don't listen daily...never on Wednesdays and hardly to a whole show) BUT did anyone hear when Taylor, who is always complaining about how POOR she is, talked about owning these bags that were $1800 each and that she had TWO of them???? It sounded like they were some type of a tote bag... IDK but I'm pretty sure ALL of my purses don't add up to $1800 (yeah, loser here!). Poor, my happy ass. 🙄
Wealth whispers. Money speaks.
Taylor does not want anyone to forget she was rich. Well, actually she married rich. It was never hers and although she'll never admit it- that probably drove her more crazy than those pesky sisters in law.
DestinationAwesometown wrote:
Wealth whispers. Money speaks.
My Mom has always said that, nothing klassier then people speaking about the money they have.
Hawr-rible wrote:
Oh boy, sounds like she is on a roll today- I'm behind this week and still listening to yesterday's episode on demand so I haven't even gotten to the Jay Z stuff yet....yikes. But I'll tell ya, she managed to offend me twice in a 20 minute period in yesterday's show- she once again took a potshot at where I live yet again. She was talking about the solar eclipse and said something about "well I guess if you live in one of these "fly over states" maybe you actually liked this thing" or something to that effect. I just want to ask her sometime, where does this hate and contempt for the entire mid-west/western half of the country come from? She has done that so many times- I'm like, uh, you have listeners all over the country, madame. Maybe don't shit on people who don't live in NY all the time? It's just irritating, she thinks she is so much better than everyone for living in New York City? Then, she said she is agnostic, not atheist, because she's not a total dick. Well, I'm an atheist and and I would bet every dime in my bank account right now that she has chronically been a bigger dick to people than I ever have been. So, again, could she just stop the judging and remember her listeners are all kinds of different people, with all different kinds of lives? She can have her opinion on things but I wish she wasn't so damned judge-y all the time....those who live in glass houses and all that. She just goes in a little too hard on things/places/ideas she doesn't know much about.
I haven't listened yet but she really said she was agnostic? She uses "labels" at her convenience. She's a "Jew by injection" when talking about JAP-y girls in NYC, it's "okay bc she's catholic" when she shits on the Catholic Church, Is or isn't gay/lesbian when it benefits her. The list goes on and on. I can't wrap my head around how a 34 yr old woman has no idea who she really is. What a flake.
☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 ALL. OF. THIS.
Never heard her mention being agnostic before she said that the other day, literally only ever heard her identify as Catholic or Jewish by default. Agreed that everything she identifies as is completely out of convenience...
Also, being a "reformed catholic kid", now atheist...why exactly are we dicks?? I don't care that anyone else believes in a higher power, why does that make me an asshole? She is ridiculous
Last edited by Wakeupfan420 (8/25/2017 12:35 pm)
She really is all about alienating everyone these days, huh? What happened to "love is love is love?"
I heard yesterday's episode (Thursday) where she and Rob took down NJ pretty hard... and then later on, she talked about the mom of 'someone she used to date' (I'm thinking Brett) who told her, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." Taylor's response was (in her head), "You're stupid." She went on to say the woman who said it "didn't do anything...and what did she mean? She knew people at her country club?" Here's my point...I had this vision of Brett's mom's friends hearing this shit on the radio and one of these days she is gonna get a lawsuit delivered to Sirius XM.... and she will deserve it!
It seems like Taylor mentions the "it's not what you know..." comment at least a few times a month. It's her mother in law. She literally talks about these people, this family DAILY. Today when she was re telling the story of the brownie in the car...that was her sister in law. She just keeps talking about that entire family and re telling stories from years ago. It's like she has no new experiences to base topics off of. I think even the co hosts have noticed how often she talks about them. It's crazy. Also they didn't do a surprise me topic of the day today, didn't even mention it. I did think Carly was hilarious though!
Last edited by micdrop (8/25/2017 9:25 pm)
Also, like I get if they were horrible to her and Brett. I get if he didn't stand up for her and that lead to the demise of their marriage but it's now been a couple years now and she still talks about them/him daily. I get she doesn't actually name names usually but still...she's giving their identities away in different ways AND I really think she obsessed. She's been telling the same stories weekly for years.
micdrop wrote:
It seems like Taylor mentions the "it's not what you know..." comment at least a few times a month. It's her mother in law. She literally talks about these people, this family DAILY. Today when she was re telling the story of the brownie in the car...that was her sister in law. She just keeps talking about that entire family and re telling stories from years ago. It's like she has no new experiences to base topics off of. I think even the co hosts have noticed how often she talks about them. It's crazy. Also they didn't do a surprise me topic of the day today, didn't even mention it. I did think Carly was hilarious though!
Don't forget, after the goddess retreat, she was going to start letting the hate go.
Ummm....Taylor actually just had the audacity to say (when talking about her college group of girlfriends) "I'M the one who's like busting my ass with my career...while they're all like focused on family..."
Bitch, please. 🤥
I agree that sometimes you have to break from the crew. I had to because my job became so demanding. But the other side of that is they do stop calling/inviting after you never show up. I miss them but it was my choice not to make time for them.
I know, Wakeupfan, I thought that was shady to say that when Nicole is also busting her ass career wise, even though she does have kids.
"People who work hard and bust their ass don't talk about how hard they work, their work speaks for themselves" ....
ThatWholeBrevityThang wrote:
"People who work hard and bust their ass don't talk about how hard they work, their work speaks for themselves" ....
😂😂 I'll give Taylor this, she's nothing if not consistently hypocritical
Loved when Clay said, "it's funny that she thinks that is're not on the factory line girl" (speaking of KK, but equally applicable to anything T does...)
Having lived a good 20 years longer than Taylor, I just wish she could see that her hatred and obsession with that family is only eating HER alive. Those people are off living their own possibly fabulous lives (who knows...) but I can guarantee you they are not spending hours each day thinking another thought about her. By giving all of her energy to this obsession, she's only hurting herself...and making herself look like a crazy b*tch in the process. In the beginning, I felt bad for her. Now I'm starting to wonder who really was the bad guy in all of this? (Who is still throwing drinks in faces at 35? Fighting with people in airports, on buses, at HAMILTON, etc??) I rest my case. 🤔
FKCSTMom wrote:
Having lived a good 20 years longer than Taylor, I just wish she could see that her hatred and obsession with that family is only eating HER alive.
Thank youuuu! How long will it take her to figure out that carrying around this hatred has absolutely no effect on them and only hurts her and only blackens her soul? If anything, they're winning by continuing to cause you stress. You don't have to wish them well, but just free your mind of them. If they're truly the horrible people you say they are, karma will catch up to them eventually. (Heck, I'm 5 years younger than her and I've already figured that out. She acts like she's a 20 year old sorority bitch living a 35 year old's life)
Last edited by secco (8/29/2017 9:43 am)
I totally agree! Taylor's obsession with her past in-laws is really unhealthy. I always wonder how TD feels about it... I don't know that I would want to be with someone who is still so emotionally involved in a relationship that ended YEARS ago.
On another note, I was on vacation last week and am just now listening to Friday's show with Carly. I love her! She's just so funny... Her imitation of Kim Kardashian, saying Taylor has beef stroganoff because she fights so much, and the discussion of the Wonder Woman star losing Miss Universe killed me. Her recent Instagram Stories showing her fort were so cute too!
All of the above. Every single topic somehow includes a conversation about her ex in laws and it's boring and sickening. Stop!!!! Topics that can involve the in laws include: bullies, grudges, pregnancy, uncomfortable situations, family, lying, mean girls, skinny people, diets, moms, dads, babies, plastic surgery, walking, working out, eating.....
Stop for the love of god stop. I'm actually feeling sorry for the inlaws at this point. Taylors lame stories about then really let me know that SHE was probably the one guilty of a lot of things. Nothing she has ever said that they did to her were that bad. Oh boo they ignored her. Had to be a reason why.
Ugh I'm just so sick of hearing these dumb in law stories over and over