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Love her. Hate her. A little bit of both. We're all here because we listened to it, a lot or a wee bit.
I'm asking what you hated about Wake Up?
It seems like a far far away memory these days. But what I can remember at this EXACT moment, I HATED when they played that stupid clip of "Donald Trump" and it was Sam Roberts(I think?) just impersonating him, people laughing, and yelling bigly. I would rather she just played music for the minute that she didn't feel like talking.
Yes this is more of a NEGATIVE post but....whatever!
PS Taylor get it together! You're about to be a fart in the wind.
Oh my god, I would literally sprint to my computer when that Trump clip would start playing so that I could mute it. It made my ears bleed, and while I know everyone seemed to love Sam Roberts, I could not stand him.
That. Fucking. Meghan. Trainor. Song.
When she would use "gay" slang incorrectly/awkwardly. I know there were more, but the only ones that come to mind right now are "serving the tea" and the when she started saying honey. It sounded like she just watched an episode of Drag Race and was doing a crappy Ru Paul impression.
(I'm not trying/hope I don't offend anyone by calling it that, I just don't know how else do describe it. Drag Race is one of my favorite shows and all of her little phrases were ripped right from it)
secco wrote:
That. Fucking. Meghan. Trainor. Song.
YEESSSSS. Also I never having to fucking hear "Sorry" ever again!! omg SO. PLAYED. OUT. I loved when Clay gave her shit about her crap taste in music.
lydia delainey wrote:
Oh my god, I would literally sprint to my computer when that Trump clip would start playing so that I could mute it. It made my ears bleed, and while I know everyone seemed to love Sam Roberts, I could not stand him.
I hated that clip! I would always think "maybe it was funnier if you were there, but this guy doesn't sound like Trump at all."
alittlebirdy wrote:
Love her. Hate her. A little bit of both. We're all here because we listened to it, a lot or a wee bit.
I'm asking what you hated about Wake Up?
It seems like a far far away memory these days. But what I can remember at this EXACT moment, I HATED when they played that stupid clip of "Donald Trump" and it was Sam Roberts(I think?) just impersonating him, people laughing, and yelling bigly. I would rather she just played music for the minute that she didn't feel like talking.
Yes this is more of a NEGATIVE post but....whatever!
PS Taylor get it together! You're about to be a fart in the wind.
Dude at the very end of that clip when she screams like a banshee? It's like she's a child who needs to be the center of attention at all times...ugh it would actually send me into a rage lol. Attention-seeking AF
The Trump thing of course. Who thought that was the least bit funny?. But seriously, for me, it was when she really started to show the nouveau=small riche that she had become. The constant bragging. The horrible attitude. She would throw fits if she thought she got bad service at a restaurant. And spoke as if she was the only one in Manhattan with "money". After her divorce, it was the "I used to be rich" statement. I would literally get douche chills whenever she would say it to someone and you could tell it felt uncomfortable. I only listened about 2-3 days a week or when HS was on vacation. But Even at that, the constant money talk was over the top.
As much as I loved the show, there are so many things I don't miss....
Foodie Finds- the worst! Hated them. If she was always trying to lose weight, why were those not the first things to go? That drove me nuts.
Almost Hitched Bitch- always turned into the same convo- how much she hates being a bridesmaid and about how her SILs were nightmares at her wedding
The music- If I never hear "Sorry" again in my life it will be too soon
Bieber talk- we get it, you hate him. Move on. (and the "he looks like a girl on his period" crap made me want to rip my hair out)
Her badmouthing children and parenting- again, we get it. You don't like kids, you don't want to have any. Move on!
Her bad mouthing any part of the country that wasn't Boston or New York- you've never been here, you don't know any of us, shut your bratty little mouth about places you don't know shit about.
How's that for a list?
1.) Anything having to do with food.
2.) Taylor's ridiculously over-the-top reactions when a semi-good musician would sing a song live in the studio. So bethos. It always felt so fake. All she had to do was clap and tell them it was good, not shit her pants like Elvis Presley just sang to her
3.) Hearing "Sarrogate", "verse" (instead of versus), and "nucular"
Hawr-rible wrote:
As much as I loved the show, there are so many things I don't miss....
Foodie Finds- the worst! Hated them. If she was always trying to lose weight, why were those not the first things to go? That drove me nuts.
Almost Hitched Bitch- always turned into the same convo- how much she hates being a bridesmaid and about how her SILs were nightmares at her wedding
The music- If I never hear "Sorry" again in my life it will be too soon
Bieber talk- we get it, you hate him. Move on. (and the "he looks like a girl on his period" crap made me want to rip my hair out)
Her badmouthing children and parenting- again, we get it. You don't like kids, you don't want to have any. Move on!
Her bad mouthing any part of the country that wasn't Boston or New York- you've never been here, you don't know any of us, shut your bratty little mouth about places you don't know shit about.
How's that for a list?
So the theme here is Being Judgemental. About a whole mess of things she knew nothing about.
Hypocrisy especially regarding women’s rights and being a “feminist”
Last edited by Longtimelistener (11/09/2017 3:08 pm)
Her constantly stating that the impetus for the divorce was her SIL.
Talking about her supermodel friend (Ubah) and when telling story of convo with Ubah always using a fake accent and saying things like "Amore, I don't like my knees".
Saying her brand is being authentic.
Foodie finds... The worst.
7 things you need to know. Nope, already knew 'em and def didn't need them repeated THREE TIMES.
"You need more chardonay. And better chardonay".
idontcarethatmuch wrote:
Hawr-rible wrote:
As much as I loved the show, there are so many things I don't miss....
Foodie Finds- the worst! Hated them. If she was always trying to lose weight, why were those not the first things to go? That drove me nuts.
Almost Hitched Bitch- always turned into the same convo- how much she hates being a bridesmaid and about how her SILs were nightmares at her wedding
The music- If I never hear "Sorry" again in my life it will be too soon
Bieber talk- we get it, you hate him. Move on. (and the "he looks like a girl on his period" crap made me want to rip my hair out)
Her badmouthing children and parenting- again, we get it. You don't like kids, you don't want to have any. Move on!
Her bad mouthing any part of the country that wasn't Boston or New York- you've never been here, you don't know any of us, shut your bratty little mouth about places you don't know shit about.
How's that for a list?So the theme here is Being Judgemental. About a whole mess of things she knew nothing about.
It just occurred to me who Taylor truly is:
Siriusnj wrote:
"You need more chardonay. And better chardonay".
lol I loved that! But then Cougar Town is one of my favorite shows!
Hawr-rible wrote:
Foodie Finds- the worst! Hated them. If she was always trying to lose weight, why were those not the first things to go? That drove me nuts.
This! She never even tried to find people with any foods that might be somewhat healthy. Geez, girl. Have a dietitian come/call in and give pointers and/or easy, healthful recipes. That's what we do! In several of my classes we work in a food lab tinkering with recipes or learning about strategies to help people follow a healthier diet without wanting to kill themselves. But then, of course, she wouldn't get any perks from a dietitian vs. a popular restauranteur.
And so what if you live in NYC? The majority of your listeners don't, so half of foods/restaurants being reviewed didn't pertain to anyone listening 🙄 (Not to mention she was doing it all on the radio)
Lmao I forgot about most of these!
Also I love Kenny but when Taylor was pooping or running late or just too tired to talk and they played his explosive diarrhea stand up bit....there was a time for awhile where they would play it constantly.
Oh turning on the show and hearing “the best of!”
Annnnnd her trying to say the kid who spilled skittles or sweet tarts in her house was her boyfriend. She dated three people. Drug addict. Mr last minute and Brett. Girl you have no experience in dating.
OMG I love the Cathy reference. I totally see the equivalence between her and Taylor (which may be the meanest thing I have ever said about her)
The stories she thought were funny but were actually perfect illustrations of how mean and awful she could be (I know she thought she was being authentic or self-deprecating, but at some point she should have listened to what she was saying out loud and thought, “God, I’m really hawwwrible.”)
-Knocking people over on the sidewalk who are in her way
-leaving her shopping cart in the lot/way at Duane Reed
-not tipping delivery people
-500 airport/flight attendant stories where it was never her fault
-throwing drinks on people (how many of you have ever done that even once?)
-pizza periscope (story wasn’t told...just viewed live)
Any others? I’m kidding... the list goes on. And i don’t miss telling my radio, “Gosh Taylor, you’re awful sometimes.”
Stating opinions as facts or reporting on pop culture stories that were so far from true but wanting to point the finger at those based in the stories like "Ooooh look what you did!"
FKCSTMom wrote:
The stories she thought were funny but were actually perfect illustrations of how mean and awful she could be (I know she thought she was being authentic or self-deprecating, but at some point she should have listened to what she was saying out loud and thought, “God, I’m really hawwwrible.”)
-Knocking people over on the sidewalk who are in her way
-leaving her shopping cart in the lot/way at Duane Reed
-not tipping delivery people
-500 airport/flight attendant stories where it was never her fault
-throwing drinks on people (how many of you have ever done that even once?)
-pizza periscope (story wasn’t told...just viewed live)
Any others? I’m kidding... the list goes on. And i don’t miss telling my radio, “Gosh Taylor, you’re awful sometimes.”
Also don't forget the time she wouldn't let one of the movers use her bathroom because he was "filthy." This one was a nuts or not so idk if people agree with me on this but I thought it was so shitty!
I do not miss Taylor's constant hating on vegans! We are not all a bunch of high maintenance, stinky farting Debbie Downers. I can go to pretty much any restaurant and find something delicious to eat. It's not that big of a deal. I thought she was such a shitty friend to Carly when she was trying to sabotage her new found veganism.