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Anyone watch?? New season is out and this chef is insane!!
Was Jack making himself a drink in the morning with shaky hands on DAY ONE OF CHARTER?!
I love Below Deck and Below Deck Med!
Chef Mila is wild
I absolutely love this show but have never liked the Med one...give me Kate and Capt Lee any day though!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
FKCSTMom wrote:
I absolutely love this show but have never liked the Med one...give me Kate and Capt Lee any day though!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I definitely prefer that group, I like this one as well though. I'm excited that there are so many rumours that ben is coming to replace Mila!!!!
FKFriday wrote:
I definitely prefer that group, I like this one as well though. I'm excited that there are so many rumours that ben is coming to replace Mila!!!!
I would love to get Ben back!! When I was watching the last episode I was tell my husband - gosh I miss Ben!
MrsGreen wrote:
FKFriday wrote:
I definitely prefer that group, I like this one as well though. I'm excited that there are so many rumours that ben is coming to replace Mila!!!!
I would love to get Ben back!! When I was watching the last episode I was tell my husband - gosh I miss Ben!
So he had a video & a pic on his IG that looked like he was with this cast. Then once that first show aired it disappeared. I hope he comes back!! I love his sweet sass!!!
I love below deck. I’m surprised that Colin came back. I hope he gets more airtime this season.
The food the chef is serving is crazy! Luckily they seem to be the nicest charter guests.
Haha her trying to make a cake last night!!! "Its not as baking soda as some!" lol Her buggy eyes and hat that sits too high creep me out lol
This "chef" needs to be thrown overboard. I think she has one or two episodes left and we get some Ben in our life again.