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4/29/2020 3:16 pm  #1


I wanted to post this on the non-Nation page but Andrea is a member and I don’t want to hurt her feelings or trigger her BUT... did she ever say if she decided to go to a therapist? I have ‘met’ a lot of people in my old age and I have really never encountered someone who is quite as miserable as her. She sounds like she is never happy in the sense of being satisfied with what she has; or happy with her current situation; and she is always stressed out and anxious. I really worry about her mental health and if she’s taking time to get professional help for herself. When she was talking about her conversation with Justin and how he told her she was being mean, it just made me sad for them. She said she refuses to say she’s sorry...ever. I honestly think one of these days Justin is going to decide that he can’t live like that and break up with her and it will destroy her. All she wanted was to move to the shore (from her parents) and have Jeneva there with her, and Justin on the weekends. Now it sounds like she’s not happy when he’s around?  (PS- I understand these are trying times and everyone’s ‘cut hurts’. She’s been like this since she started on the air though...)

TLDR: Has Andrea seen a therapist; Worried about her


4/30/2020 9:28 am  #2

Re: Andrea

I always assumed she was seeing a therapist. I like her, her insight on the beauty and magazine world is so interesting. But she has some of the worst anxiety I’ve ever heard she definitely needs some therapy.


5/02/2020 5:39 am  #3

Re: Andrea

whos andrea?!?!? isnt this about taylor...??!?! im confused


5/03/2020 8:03 pm  #4

Re: Andrea

I always assumed a lot of it is a shtick and she maybe exaggerates a little. I think she gets a lot of positive feedback and feeds off of it more.


5/04/2020 3:51 pm  #5

Re: Andrea

TayterTot wrote:

I always assumed a lot of it is a shtick and she maybe exaggerates a little. I think she gets a lot of positive feedback and feeds off of it more.

Interesting perspective... could be a whole lot of truth to it, although she’s a really good actress when telling a lot of her stories, if so. She is definitely funny and entertaining most of the time, but when she’s talking about stuff like when Justin tells her that she’s mean and it’s not the first time he’s said it (plus, she’s adamant she’s not about to apologize), it really makes me wonder about their relationship. Of course, I get we are only hearing one side and event then, she’s mostly only telling us the bad parts.  

For the person who asked, Andrea is Andrea Lavinthal, the Tuesday co-host. 

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5/05/2020 5:16 am  #6

Re: Andrea

She definitely has anxiety issues. They have two beautiful kids so I hope they make it.


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