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I oversee a vape shop website directory and we have had a listing from a vape store in the USA that additionally sells CBD items. A Month later on, PayPal has contacted use to claim that our account has been restricted and have requested us to take away PayPal as a payment method from our vape store directory site. We do not sell CBD goods such as CBD oil. We simply provide marketing services to CBD firms. I have checked out Holland & Barrett-- the UK's Top Health and wellness Retailer and if you take a good peek, you will see that they sell a somewhat comprehensive range of CBD product lines, specifically CBD oil and they also happen to take PayPal as a payment solution. It seems that PayPal is applying contradictory standards to many different companies. As a result of this limitation, I can no longer take PayPal on my CBD-related website. This has constricted my payment possibilities and now, I am intensely dependent on Cryptocurrency payments and straightforward bank transfers. I have consulted with a lawyer from a Magic Circle law office in The city of london and they said that what PayPal is undertaking is definitely against the law and discriminatory as it should be applying an uniform benchmark to all companies. I am yet to talk with another legal representative from a US law practice in The city of london to see what PayPal's legal position is in the United States. Meanwhile, I would be highly appreciative if anybody here at could provide me with substitute payment processors/merchants that work with CBD companies.
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