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What’s up everyone! I’ve been using the same tattoos machines for a couple of years now, and it’s finally time for an upgrade. I wanted something that could deliver consistent performance and reduce the hassle of switching machines during a session. I heard some good things about Vlad Blad Irons, so I decided to check them out. I was specifically looking for a machine that could do both line work and shading well because I hate swapping between machines mid-tattoo. I ended up picking the Avenger 3 Pro, and I’ve got to say, it’s been pretty impressive so far. The lightweight design is great, especially for longer sessions, and the adjustable stroke length makes it really versatile. It works great on both soft and tougher skin types, which is something I was a bit worried about. It’s also got this smooth motor that doesn’t make too much noise, which is nice when you’re trying to keep the client relaxed. If you’re looking for reliable tattoo machines that can handle a bit of everything, give the Avenger 3 Pro a try. Anyone else using it? What’s your experience?