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Onze vakkundigheid en contacten binnen de bouwsector ontzorgd u van design. Zoek niet verder! Onze uitbouw configurator is er om uw reis te vereenvoudigen en te stroomlijnen. Met onze intuïtieve tool kunt u eenvoudig elk aspect van uw uitbouw beheren en aanpassen, terwijl u kostbare tijd, geld en moeite bespaart.
Nauwkeurige kostenraming:
Budgettering en kostenraming zijn cruciale aspecten van elk uitbouw project. Onze uitbouw configurator bevat ingebouwde tools om kosten te berekenen en te schatten op basis van uw ontwerpkeuzes. Door nauwkeurige kostenprognoses te geven, kunt u verrassingen en vertragingen tijdens de bouwfase voorkomen. Bespaar tijd en moeite door een duidelijk inzicht te hebben in de financiële implicaties van uw ontwerpbeslissingen
In de competitieve bouwsector hebben aannemers vaak te maken met tijdsdruk tijdens de offertefase van uitbouw rojecten. Deze cruciale fase vereist zorgvuldige evaluatie, nauwkeurige schatting en effectieve communicatie met klanten om een concurrerende en uitgebreide offerte te kunnen maken. Er doet zich echter een veelvoorkomend probleem voor: het verspillen van kostbare tijd en het belemmeren van de efficiëntie van aannemers.
Do you have a question or would you like more information? Feel free to call or send an e-mail.
Telefoon 06 86 47 41 77
IIS - Teaching Systemic Constellations in Berlin
All the qualification programs for Systemic Constellations are recognised and meet the german quality . We educate high class specialists on an international level.
IIS – Teaching Systemic Constellations in Berlin
International Institute of Systemic Constellations IIS is an educational, academic and experimental centre in the area of contemporary systemic constellations.
Our main task is teaching systemic constellations in high quality a all their variety.
All the qualification programs for Systemic Constellations are recognised and meet the german quality. We educate high class specialists of international standards.
Our Aims
To bring both the teaching process and the constellation work to a new level by means of:
integrating the highest achievements in psychotherapy, systemic constellations and modern scienc;orienting the constellation work and therapy toward the spiritual dimension, where a person is considered holistically, and the therapy is directed towards restoring his integrity on all levels – from body and emotions to intellect and spirit;developing our students’ intuition and the skill “to ground” quickly, to enter the state of presence, to combine the empathy for the client with neutrality, ability to resist circumstances and keep the balance, while working with difficult and “heavy” topics;integrating students into one group, who have antagonising dynamics both in the context of wars, revolutions, religious and national conflicts;combining German orderliness with Russian heartiness.
To make a serious step towards the integration of the Russian-speaking population into the German society.
To bring the relationship between our people to a new level, first, within the student group and later in the wider communities. We will learn to listen and to hear each other on all the available levels – from the physical to the spiritual ones.
To make the teaching process more vivid, versatile, interesting, as it will be held at the junction of several cultures and traditions.
Do you have a question or would you like more information? Feel free to call or send an e-mail.
+49-176-486-35-270 WatsApp
+49-176-879-03-042 Viber