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3/08/2017 4:25 pm  #541

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

Ican'teveeeen wrote:

I wonder how TD feels about the fact she still has so many unresolved issues( it appears) with the E family. I agree FKCST it's an obsession I truly think she needs help for. I can't see her moving forward in her life  while still ruminating over her past. Poor Katie having to sit through day after day  hearing these stories over and over. One of the reasons I quit listening, I couldn't take them anymore. Even a mundane story about grocery shopping would be more interesting than the same stories  everyone has heard before.

I'm wondering if there's some movement the other side (the family) and T can't resist urge to push back.  sort of like Trump's impulse control.  TD notwithstanding, Tay is probably going thru NOW what she really didn't go thru before.  funny thing about loss, someone can hold your hand thru it but there's still that doorway that you have to walk thru alone.  pisses me off. 


3/09/2017 1:43 pm  #542

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

Can we not say the words "tinkle" and "doo doo" when we're fully in our mid-30's for the love of god? We could probably just never bring up poop again ever and it would be too soon.

Also, hey Taylor hey! Finally googled Netflix and Chill, eh? Your "friend" tell ya bout it? And you don't read this board? Mmmkay... 

“I don’t always stir the pot, sometimes I smoke it...” 🚬

3/10/2017 10:16 am  #543

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

haven't listened to show yet but the potty stories don't bother me. kinda funny. and reflective of real life.  door open vs closed.


3/25/2017 12:09 am  #544

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again


Remember when Carin tried to stop her and she scream and threw a tantrum like a fucking toddler and threaten turn off her mic. Taylor is a fucking baby. I for real wonder how TD does it.

I'm super late here, but that was one of the huge days that made me stop listening fir a while. I thought that was so crazy for an adult to act that way.


4/10/2018 7:22 am  #545

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

I could live with never hearing her say "Liiiiiiiiiiiike, littttttttterallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." and "Deeply" for everything and over using monster.  Also, I know this has been talked about but poop talk is utterly disgusting in the morning. (I'm a little behind listening to the J-Train show) 
I'm in a bit of a mood, admittingly. 


4/10/2018 7:31 am  #546

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

"Clap back" or "slide into DMs." That conversation with Lori a couple weeks ago about body shaming was excruciating to listen to.

Dude, you're 35. You sound like an idiot. Even my classmates in their early 20's don't talk like that. 


4/10/2018 7:34 am  #547

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

“If I’m being completely honest...”

I kinda assume anything not prefaced with this (because she says it so often) is a lie or heavily embellished.


4/10/2018 7:43 am  #548

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

FKFriday wrote:

“If I’m being completely honest...”

I kinda assume anything not prefaced with this (because she says it so often) is a lie or heavily embellished.

AMEN!! She has been saying that repeatedly for the past..oh...2 months (lol) and I keep thinking, “Are you just lying the rest of the time??” It’s non-stop!

I love Carly, but at least the “Guuuuurrrrllls” slow down (the guttural kind) if she hasn’t been around her. We still get too many if there are female co-hosts, but I don’t listen to Bergamatto (hate her) so I only deal with it on Emma days!


4/10/2018 10:48 am  #549

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

Also, "Supesssssss" instead of super. you are not in high school!!!!! say the whole fucking god damn word. 


4/10/2018 6:11 pm  #550

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

"Literally"...used incorrectly Every.Single.Time!!!!

"Obvi"...any abbreviated word that sounds idiotic out of a 35 year old's mouth.


4/11/2018 3:20 am  #551

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

“It’s just the truth” is not the actual truth. It may be your version of the truth you have crafted in your head that coincides with your feelings..... but feelings are not fact


4/11/2018 6:45 am  #552

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again

Since this topic resurfaced,  I went back through the whole thread and NOTHING has changed. I've only been a listener since 2013 so not everything was super repetitive during the Sirius days but now I find myself zoning out or just turning her off.


Today 9:44 am  #553

Re: Topics you never want to hear mentioned again



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