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I love stassi's snapchats. It mostly just dumb stuff with the different filters. but for whatever reason i find it so funny. I'm so confused with the cigarette smoking culture in NYC! in the Snap on the balcony I believe it was TD was in the background smoking. She seems so educated and smart, why are smoking? It will kill you. But i love how Stassi is like i am trying to become a pothead.
DreamTalk wrote:
FKFriday wrote:
... the show has just become so repetitive. Its like watching a soap opera, you can skip it for a few weeks and pick right up in a couple of minutes..
Nailed it! I am a long time listener and used to listen to every minute. I still like the show, but find myself just catching up a couple time a week on demand and fast forwarding through all the repetitive stuff.
I know. I am tempted to bring that up on the real forum, though I feel like I will be roasted for not kissing Taylor's ass, even if it's constructive. I do think some of the stuff (specifically that naytay person) is out of line on there, but it's becoming frowned upon to express anything but positivity, I feel like. I haven't posted yet or anything, just been following it.
I think the issue with the "stop being negative" stuff is not the fact that you have a positive view towards the show, but the way people talk about it is more or less trying to stifle the person who is negative and completely shutting down their opinion. It's telling the other person what to do, rather than just expressing your opposing opinion. I feel like the forum is on its way to being fascist in that way.
Ok...I'm going to write two posts--- one tonight and one tomorrow---- that will probably be all over the place, but I'm going to really try to be somewhat positive in at least one of them. (Ok..I'm at least honest, right?? Lol..) I only have time for one right now. I have been catching up on the shows from all the way back when T was on vacation, so my 'stuff' goes back that far.
First, I absolutely loved the time with just Kenny. He does such a wonderful job of actually leading the show, taking phone calls, discussing topics, and interviewing guests or talking with usual people (Verdi, Wider, etc). Regardless of {what others have said about} Katie's energy or way of saying her 's's, they interact well with each other and can have some good back-and-forth conversations.
Having said all of that, when Taylor came back I discovered I had really missed her laughing at, and with Kenny, and her overall silliness that she brings. She really is a little cup of espresso and although 90% of what she says is repetitive, contradictory or wrong (i.e. current events or shit she makes up), when she starts laughing or says something that K then makes into her voice and repeats the scenario, I end up peeing my pants laughing with them. I found myself laughing A LOT at those two...they really are great together!
I have a hard time when Kenny is gone and the guest hosts all have Taylor-worship. I think that's why many of us like Sam R. so much...because he gets along great with her and likes her but he doesn't spend the entire show telling her how much he loves her and how wonderful she is. It seems as though T can somehow 'get' (beg?) people to say shit like that when they are on...I've heard it from Wider and Robert V. and she was even asking Maria Menunous if they could be best friends ("I'll be looking for my wedding invite!"). But then I'm thinking "maybe she really just IS that f*cking wonderful and we have got it all wrong after listening to her stories of how she treats her friends????" Could that be????
Told you I'd be all over the place!!! I think it's this daylight savings time!!! Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow....I'm using real quotes from the show cause it bothered me so much!!!!
She is a social climber and will do and say anything outrageous to help her get what she wants. I'm not surprised she made that wedding invitation awkward for Maria. She asks EVERY celebrity that comes on the air to be her best friend. She is desperate for fame. Wider and Robert need her on their side in order to get a paycheck. It's not so much that they are best friends but a business relationship.
meepmeep wrote:
She is a social climber and will do and say anything outrageous to help her get what she wants. I'm not surprised she made that wedding invitation awkward for Maria. She asks EVERY celebrity that comes on the air to be her best friend. She is desperate for fame. Wider and Robert need her on their side in order to get a paycheck. It's not so much that they are best friends but a business relationship.
Speaking of, how much do you think Wider gets to phone it in each week?? A friend and I were just talking about this!
Do they get anything? I thought I read here once that the guest appearances don't make anything, even when they do an entire show. I have no idea if that's true or not.
I don't think they get paid for being on the show.
Also, I think Tay may be closer to Kevin then Maria, maybe not get invited to an intimate greek wedding, but def. a larger wedding. Kevin has been working with Nicole for several years, so I'm sure they were friendly and we all heard how much he likes and believes in Taylor the other day. So if it's a bigger wedding I don't think it's that odd.
So "Waldo" is the intern/website designer/only one from the show that has ever interacted with us, right? They really seem to love him. I'd love to hear him talk a bit on the show.
Is his name like Mike? is that the 3rd person Tay mentioned on Stassi's podcast as her current friends she obsessed with?
I feel he was in the ugly Christmas sweater pics, from Philadelphia? I don't know why I assumed that was him, or if the pic was ig or FB. Off too see if I can remember & dig it up.
Ignore me, the guy I was thinking of is named Fred.
piopio12 wrote:
Is his name like Mike? is that the 3rd person Tay mentioned on Stassi's podcast as her current friends she obsessed with?
Not Mike, but it does start with an M. I feel weird saying his name on here since he's not on air talent. Um, a shortened version of his name rhymes with Bat. Lol. But they always use the full version of his name.
MyWife! wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
Is his name like Mike? is that the 3rd person Tay mentioned on Stassi's podcast as her current friends she obsessed with?
Not Mike, but it does start with an M. I feel weird saying his name on here since he's not on air talent. Um, a shortened version of his name rhymes with Bat. Lol. But they always use the full version of his name.
OO. good point..sorry guy, i can't edit it out...but is that the 3rd person she spoke of?
piopio12 wrote:
MyWife! wrote:
piopio12 wrote:
Is his name like Mike? is that the 3rd person Tay mentioned on Stassi's podcast as her current friends she obsessed with?
Not Mike, but it does start with an M. I feel weird saying his name on here since he's not on air talent. Um, a shortened version of his name rhymes with Bat. Lol. But they always use the full version of his name.
OO. good point..sorry guy, i can't edit it out...but is that the 3rd person she spoke of?
I'm not sure. I haven't listened to the podcast yet. I'll try to get to it tomorrow! He also reads this board so if he wants to come clean, he should feel free!
Oh crap. Just thoroughly read the full posts 😱😱🤐🤐
YeahRightJackie wrote:
Oh crap. Just thoroughly read the full posts 😱😱🤐🤐
Haha, but you're not wrong. That has to be the same guy Robert Verdi was talking about today. He's the new intern or somehow works for the show and designed their website.
Yeah they called the guy in studio Matthew.
If you made your site on Wix, you didn't design it. Kenny's site looks eerily similar.
Taylor just surrounds herself by friends she's currently obsessed with...doesn't she realize it might be a little much to mix business with pleasure? TD and Matthew are now basically part of the WU crew AND they're her closest friends?? Yikes. Red flags all over the place!
First hour was great today!!! Fun, light, lots of callers, no making fun of them!
At work so can kinda only 1/2 listen to the other 2, but excited for Jenny to be on! I think her and her BFFs could be a great group for Taylor to hang out with.
I hope as well with this time bump they'll be able to do more live interviews. I can't imagine it was easy to get people in for the other time slot.
Doesn't Taylor hate Jenny? I thought she's said some backhanded stuff about her show before (which I love even though I'm not a huge Jenny fan) but then today she's raving about her? Maybe I'm confused.
Longtimelistener wrote:
Doesn't Taylor hate Jenny? I thought she's said some backhanded stuff about her show before (which I love even though I'm not a huge Jenny fan) but then today she's raving about her? Maybe I'm confused.
Not that I remember, but wouldn't be the first time she had done that.
Kardashians Lena dunaham kelly Osborne Wendy Williams. Only one se is consistent about hating is guiliana rancic
FKFriday wrote:
Longtimelistener wrote:
Doesn't Taylor hate Jenny? I thought she's said some backhanded stuff about her show before (which I love even though I'm not a huge Jenny fan) but then today she's raving about her? Maybe I'm confused.
Not that I remember, but wouldn't be the first time she had done that.
I don't recall her disliking Jenny, but like she's said before she can't just be an ass to people because she doesn't like them. She has to show respect for people she interviews and co-workers because thats her job.
She is very different on the other side of the mic, I don't know that I have ever heard her interviewed before. Not cold, maybe just more professional then what I would have thought? Certainly not the warmth/openness she has when interviewing people.
Hold up - is Matthew the guy who designed their site/forum!?
Also, Taylor has talked trash about Jenny before, I think it was with Joanna Garcia Swisher?
I'm guessing that Matthew is the forum designer, just based on the fact that his presence in studio coincided with the development of their new website.
did anyone think it was odd that bonnie was like Kenny you're just jel you don't get to sleep with 3 women in 3 days?