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Today was a prime example of how no one is running this show. Taylor attempted to talk about politics (again) after the first Seven Things...had nothing prepared to discuss, so she meandered a bit and then started back in on Trump, but with no angle whatsoever. "Give us a call if you like Trump" - what? Where did that come from?? She got one call but had nothing to do with her because it wasn't a topic that she was prepared for, or had something to say about. And she knows nothing about the other RepublicN candidates. At this point, Taylor, you need to know the basics if you're going to talk. Ugh, it was just so unstructured and manic and she just rambles with no point!!
We should add Trump to the list of things not to talk about with an asterisk stating if she actually does research on politics rather than talking out of her ass, it would be okay.
At this point I don't understand how she still has a job. I used to love the show. Now I lose brain cells when I listen. Kenny just repeats the same one word responses. I can't tell if he is texting throughout the entire show or totally frightened to say anything that will hurt her feelings. I still enjoy coming here to stay updated with both of their lives and the show. But I can no longer listen to more than a segment here or there. There are so many AMAZING podcasts out there. My newest obsession is the life coach school by Brooke Castillo.
So_Anyways wrote:
Today was a prime example of how no one is running this show. Taylor attempted to talk about politics (again) after the first Seven Things...had nothing prepared to discuss, so she meandered a bit and then started back in on Trump, but with no angle whatsoever. "Give us a call if you like Trump" - what? Where did that come from?? She got one call but had nothing to do with her because it wasn't a topic that she was prepared for, or had something to say about. And she knows nothing about the other RepublicN candidates. At this point, Taylor, you need to know the basics if you're going to talk. Ugh, it was just so unstructured and manic and she just rambles with no point!!
I completely agree! Get informed, jeez. Not even for the show, but because they actually need to vote for a candidate at some point soon.. For someone so concerned about student debt/college affordability they have never once spoken about Bernie Sanders, he is the one speaking out about basically every issue she has expressed is important to her. Regardless of whether they agree or want to vote for him, at least he has ideas to improve the country and has explained how he is going to pay for them. Trump hasn't presented a single idea yet apart from building a wall and sending Mexico the invoice lmfao. "It's gonna be terrific." What a douche.
Just listened to Tuesday's DSF. What a great show! Hadn't listened in a while. Just couldn't do WUWT anymore needed a break. Huge difference! So well produced and organized. She had her sister on and did a recap of the Bachelor. They had lots of clips cued and it just flowed and was very funny. Jenny knew what she was going to say and everyone joined in. I like the David and Michelle was hysterical. No YES people or ass kissing, just a really great show.
The Kristin Cavalari interview was really good today I thought!
Ican'teveeeen wrote:
Just listened to Tuesday's DSF. What a great show! Hadn't listened in a while. Just couldn't do WUWT anymore needed a break. Huge difference! So well produced and organized. She had her sister on and did a recap of the Bachelor. They had lots of clips cued and it just flowed and was very funny. Jenny knew what she was going to say and everyone joined in. I like the David and Michelle was hysterical. No YES people or ass kissing, just a really great show.
Listen to Fridays show, that's when she has all her BFFs on, that's my favorite!
Honestly, I tried listening to DSF. Call me a prude, but I can't get past her vulgarity. She (Jenny M) uses the words pu**y, c**t, dick, etc. like most people use general language. It's one thing to curse, another to be overly fond of profanity. Where Taylor is more of an avoider where sex in concerned, Jenny tells you every gross detail down to ingrown pubic hair with puss oozing. I don't care. You fuck your husband, we get it. You enjoy it, we get it. You LOVE your husband, we get it. Ever hear "me thinks thou dost protest too much"? Well, me thinks thou share/brag too much....
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
So_Anyways wrote:
Today was a prime example of how no one is running this show. Taylor attempted to talk about politics (again) after the first Seven Things...had nothing prepared to discuss, so she meandered a bit and then started back in on Trump, but with no angle whatsoever. "Give us a call if you like Trump" - what? Where did that come from?? She got one call but had nothing to do with her because it wasn't a topic that she was prepared for, or had something to say about. And she knows nothing about the other RepublicN candidates. At this point, Taylor, you need to know the basics if you're going to talk. Ugh, it was just so unstructured and manic and she just rambles with no point!!
I completely agree! Get informed, jeez. Not even for the show, but because they actually need to vote for a candidate at some point soon.. For someone so concerned about student debt/college affordability they have never once spoken about Bernie Sanders, he is the one speaking out about basically every issue she has expressed is important to her. Regardless of whether they agree or want to vote for him, at least he has ideas to improve the country and has explained how he is going to pay for them. Trump hasn't presented a single idea yet apart from building a wall and sending Mexico the invoice lmfao. "It's gonna be terrific." What a douche.
Oh my gosh yes!!!! Thank you for saying it! I don't expect Bernie to be everyone's favorite candidate (he's mine though <3 ) but at least become aware of the presidential options.....not just for the show but for herself as a 33 year old woman!
Babette the 2nd wrote:
Honestly, I tried listening to DSF. Call me a prude, but I can't get past her vulgarity. She (Jenny M) uses the words pu**y, c**t, dick, etc. like most people use general language. It's one thing to curse, another to be overly fond of profanity. Where Taylor is more of an avoider where sex in concerned, Jenny tells you every gross detail down to ingrown pubic hair with puss oozing. I don't care. You fuck your husband, we get it. You enjoy it, we get it. You LOVE your husband, we get it. Ever hear "me thinks thou dost protest too much"? Well, me thinks thou share/brag too much....
I get what you're saying, Babette. I can be a bit prudish personally but I really like and appreciate people who are more "out there" and sort of envy them. I wouldn't be friends with Jenny IRL and although it's sometime tough for people to listen to that don't speak that way, I find myself learning a lot and allowing myself to let my own hangups go a bit.
SoftPretzels wrote:
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
I completely agree! Get informed, jeez. Not even for the show, but because they actually need to vote for a candidate at some point soon.. For someone so concerned about student debt/college affordability they have never once spoken about Bernie Sanders, he is the one speaking out about basically every issue she has expressed is important to her. Regardless of whether they agree or want to vote for him, at least he has ideas to improve the country and has explained how he is going to pay for them. Trump hasn't presented a single idea yet apart from building a wall and sending Mexico the invoice lmfao. "It's gonna be terrific." What a douche.
Oh my gosh yes!!!! Thank you for saying it! I don't expect Bernie to be everyone's favorite candidate (he's mine though <3 ) but at least become aware of the presidential options.....not just for the show but for herself as a 33 year old woman!
He got my vote on Tuesday! It's so funny to me when people are like I'm voting for Trump because he says what he means and he's not bought and paid for. I just think, hmmm Bernie speaks the truth about corruption in politics and business, is concerned about helping working families get a leg up, pro-not killing our planet, his is a grassroots campaign if I've ever seen one....AND he's not a racist fear monger!! I live in Appalachia basically, so there is still a lot of economic instability...people are so worried about single moms getting $500 a month to feed their kids, they don't realize that they're angry at the wrong people...Apple and Exxon and Walmart - those are the real welfare queens...
Bernie also lives in a normal suburban home and flies (or at least until recently) coach. How anyone can NOT identify with him, and think Donald Trump gives a shit about them, is beyond me.
I'm Canadian but I LOVE BERNIE!
Can we trade you guys Justin Trudeau for Bernie? lol
I thought the same thing Husbandpillow. She has a lot of excuses for simply not picking up the phone and calling her friend - other people were around, she only had wifi, she doesn't like to talk when she is sad, blah blah blah.
I also love Bernie!! She hasn't mentioned him at all, very uninformed there's more than just Trump. I also think she could make clearer decisions of she knew more about the race. She was easily swayed by one Trump fan. I'm no expert but I stay somewhat informed.
Last Week Tonight: Trump is a funny and informative 15 min video about Trump and it basically takes all the things people like about him and show how a lot of what he says is t true in a funny way.
I'm surprised they didn't end up fighting about this. I did like that they respected the different opinions.
CCL18 wrote:
I thought the same thing Husbandpillow. She has a lot of excuses for simply not picking up the phone and calling her friend - other people were around, she only had wifi, she doesn't like to talk when she is sad, blah blah blah.
EXACTLY!!!! What's worse is she won't admit she's wrong..... She is wrong plain and simple.... She still wants to hold steadfast to the "I didn't do anything wrong. I couldn't overcome the circumstance." Again this is projecting a bit but I experienced a major loss and someone who should have been there for me was not and our relationship is suffering because of it.....It was 1 1/2 years ago when I experienced this loss.... It was a blur of months...especially the first few weeks....the days bled together.......even though I barely remember how I got through it all, I remember who was and wasn't there for me when I needed people the most.... I'm sure her friend just needed to hear that Tay was there for her and she wasn' also is insult to injury that she was capable of posting pictures of her "desert squad" photos without issue.
I know Tay was going through the divorce stuff but IMO those experiencing a major death trumps selfish divorcee moments
CCL18 wrote:
I thought the same thing Husbandpillow. She has a lot of excuses for simply not picking up the phone and calling her friend - other people were around, she only had wifi, she doesn't like to talk when she is sad, blah blah blah.
I agree. If she wanted to reach out, she could have found a way, but I feel like it's like that professionally as well. She finds excuses not to do things. She seems to constantly feel like a victim of circumstance, but the truth is that she definitely could have asked her roommate for some private time or waited until she knew her roommate wouldn't have been in the room to Skype.
I really am considering quitting because I just am sick of excuse after excuse. I try not to comment too much on her personal life because I really don't know the whole story (though she doesn't paint herself in a good light a lot of the time, which is the irony), but she does this professionally all the time.
She whines that she doesn't make enough money and wants a raise, yet she refuses to do social media to provide a tangible reason of why she deserves the raise. She wants to be famous and she has this fan forum, yet all she does is shit all over it and everyone on it instead of interacting with her fans to further build her following and taking constructive feedback. She wants to do her blog and provide more videos yet she always claim they cost so much money, instead of just doing something herself on her iphone and trying to pick up some basic self-editing. She constantly makes factual errors and repeats topics but blames it on the fact that she has to talk three hours per day when it seems clear that she does very little research or preparation for the show.
Even other things she constantly talks about like her divorce, the fact that she can't masturbate, etc. are always due to circumstances that provide her with little control.
I am not saying that there aren't circumstances involved, and I certainly don't know the whole story on a lot of those personal stories, but I am just so sick of her making excuses about everything and doing nothing to overcome the barriers, especially when she has a therapist, a life coach, and a happiness coach all pushing her to get things done. I wish I had that in my life, but sadly most of us don't have the resources.
I miss what the show used to be. I don't know if it is because Steph left or because everyone just keeps enabling Taylor, but it is so frustrating. It used to add something, and now I just don't feel it does ever; all that happens is they constantly talk about Taylor and her issues on a loop. I don't want to stop because it is like losing a good friend that changed, and there is nothing I can do (which might sound melodramatic, but that's how I feel).
I really wish they would start preparing segments, recaps, topics, something to provide some structure and substance for the show so it can improve. So Taylor, Matthew, any of Taylor's spies if you are reading this. I am not writing this to shit on Taylor or be intentionally hurtful and definitely not because I am jealous of Taylor. I seriously used to love the show and lately am getting nothing out of it, and I just want it to get back to what it used to be.
First, shout out again to Red and this forum, I haven't had a chance to listen today and went to their forum and it is so confusing...and nobody had posted anything new. But, on their Facebook, they had a link to Nicole's Facebook. Apparently they are doing an event together next week. Maybe they are still friends.
The only person I can think of that doesn't enable Taylor is Sam Roberts.
Did Anyone hear in today's show when she was talking to Carin about how she met her husband and wanted him to take care of her because she was in a really really bad living situation that she needed to get out of? She kept emphasizing how bad the situation was but she always says "I went straight from living with my parents to Nicole to my Husband" so I'm guessing she was referring to living with Nicole. I wonder what happened
ThatWholeBrevityThang wrote:
Did Anyone hear in today's show when she was talking to Carin about how she met her husband and wanted him to take care of her because she was in a really really bad living situation that she needed to get out of? She kept emphasizing how bad the situation was but she always says "I went straight from living with my parents to Nicole to my Husband" so I'm guessing she was referring to living with Nicole. I wonder what happened
Or is she talking about when she lived at the Y in NYC? Does anyone remember where that fits on the timeline?
I know she's alluded to being in a bad cohabitation situation with a friend(had to be Nicole) because her friend was out of control, and going off the rails, and Tay felt unsafe. Idk if Nicole was drinking or using drugs at the time. I don't know if I'm imagining this, but I have a vague memory of Tay saying her roommate almost burned their apt down. Does this ring a bell with any long time listeners?
I think she lived at the Y during college. It was a summer thing, right? No idea about what the situation is. I just wanted to say that it looks like I am not the only one frustrated with the show recently. Did anyone see the post on the forum? For the record, not me, but I agree with a lot of what they said.
I still have my free subscription in my car, so I get to listen live for about 15 min on my way to work. Is today a replay or are they talking about fucking kids bday parties again? Worth listening to the Twitter link?
No, it's live, but I'm not surprised that is a topic again seeing as it was Nicole's daughter Parker's 2nd bday(according to instagram).
Did anyone else get annoyed early on in the show where she was judging Amy Schumer for tipping someone $1000? Why does she have to chastise people who give back? She did this to Taylor Swift too for giving Kesha money.
She claims they set the bar too high for her, saying that when she gets that famous she won't be doing that. No one asked you too, but can you just take a second to appreciate that some people genuinely are grateful for the level of success they have been blessed with and want to share some of what they have given with others who don't have as much.
I am not saying that some of it isn't opportunistic when famous people do this kind of stuff, but not everyone has an angle all the time. I think the fact that she is always looking for the angle when someone else does something nice for others says a lot about her and the way that she thinks and chooses to act.
Why can't she learn how to pronounce the guests last names???
greattaste wrote:
Did anyone else get annoyed early on in the show where she was judging Amy Schumer for tipping someone $1000? Why does she have to chastise people who give back? She did this to Taylor Swift too for giving Kesha money.
She claims they set the bar too high for her, saying that when she gets that famous she won't be doing that. No one asked you too, but can you just take a second to appreciate that some people genuinely are grateful for the level of success they have been blessed with and want to share some of what they have given with others who don't have as much.
I am not saying that some of it isn't opportunistic when famous people do this kind of stuff, but not everyone has an angle all the time. I think the fact that she is always looking for the angle when someone else does something nice for others says a lot about her and the way that she thinks and chooses to act.
I'm not surprised at her response to Amy's $1000 tip. Remember the infamous pizza periscope? She obviously thinks she's above servers/staff. Good luck being famous, Taylor!
Friday's show regarding emails...what were your thoughts?? someone said a week to respond! WTF kind of business do you work in!! Tay is in a fluid business that things get planned on the fly...i'm assuming she needed headshots and a blurb for that thing her, nicole and the other girl are doing. That seems like it was quickly planned and therefore needed a quick response.
piopio12 wrote:
Friday's show regarding emails...what were your thoughts?? someone said a week to respond! WTF kind of business do you work in!! Tay is in a fluid business that things get planned on the fly...i'm assuming she needed headshots and a blurb for that thing her, nicole and the other girl are doing. That seems like it was quickly planned and therefore needed a quick response.
I'm actually listening to this right now, sitting at my desk (fuming!) because I haven't heard back from my IT Dept on an email I sent last Thursday. Seriously?!?! 24-hrs's not about instant gratification, it's about being freaking professional and not wasting other people's time. Me getting my work done is dependent on you answering my question/doing your part, etc. aaaagghhh I'm so annoyed!!
PS...seems like they just cut and pasted pic/bio from any of her half-assed online offense, but girlfriend really needs some new photos and is LONG overdue for a new bio. "Uplifting women one self-deprecating story at a time." Gag. If she is supposed to be uplifting to women, leave me on the damn floor!