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Maybe seeing your S/O get complimented by someone of the opposite sex gets you defensive?
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Thoughts on the traveling alone segment:
1) Katie is awesome and basically the epitome of a FFF
2) Could Taylor have possibly shut her fucking mouth for 2 minutes to let someone else speak?? Good lord, she is obnoxious.
3) I've never really felt unsafe when traveling alone, but Taylor probably would get murdered (see #2)
Oh my gosssshhh! I know!! I think T is so insecure about everything in life so she can't be alone. She tries to convince herself that being alone is unsafe so that she can justify in her mind that she's normal for refusing to do it.
piopio12 wrote:
NormaKamali wrote:
It is just SO much money for nothing. I don't get it. If Carin was that invested in helping people find their happiness, she could have picked the dates and hotel, told everyone where to make reservations and then plan a few activities (that wouldn't cost her anything aka the burning ceremony) and would genuinely bring people together instead of looking like a scammer. T is definitely just along for the ride and $.
So she should give her services away for free? Should an artist sell their goods at cost? Because if they loved what they did they should want it displayed in houses and bring happiness to people of all economic status? Are you upset with therapist for billing insurance companies hundreds of dollars an hour?
Someone on my FB just posted about a weekend similar to this but more focused on Yoga for $1700, including double occupancy rooms.
I agree. I got the very first webinar so I got the monthly 1 hour with Carin and I miss it so much! She definitely deserves to get paid. The price isn't so "out of rages" (I entertain myself). If I had the money laying around I'd go. For a long time, Carins' voice bugged me. But I had to check myself. That's her voice, nothing she can do...
I learned something new today. Tay said that after she moved out from the place she shared with a roommate(the only roommate that she had in NY was Nicole), they parted on bad terms, and they didn't speak for a year before finally rekindling their relationship.
lydia delainey wrote:
I learned something new today. Tay said that after she moved out from the place she shared with a roommate(the only roommate that she had in NY was Nicole), they parted on bad terms, and they didn't speak for a year before finally rekindling their relationship.
I thought she moved out because of drugs?
Yes, I think that was the reason, and I guess they didn't talk for the next year.
Taylor needs drama in her life so she creates her own. She would not be happy with a calm life.
This is really off topic
But Tay looks like Alison that won The Voice last night. She was the one that was Curly Sue in the movie
Guess we know what that beauty rant stemmed from. Everyone was complimented at the wedding in Tay's presence, except her.
Well, we kind of knew, but she broke it down.
Yep see. She should have just said that from the start. A www poor Taylor. Someone didn't compliment your gold dress at the wedding. So what?!?!?
She probably doesn't like you but who cares!
I hope the person she's talking about isn't TD's sister! Drama!
Do you think she's having issues with TD's sister or mother? I think I smell a pattern.... But, really, she shouldn't let it bother her. You can't please everyone's eye. F 'em and put your confidence on hyper drive!
I haven's listened to today's show but if she's that upset everyone got a compliment but her that's messed up. So now no one should be complimenting anyone anymore because her feelings are hurt? I always have to remind myself she's 33. She really comes off like a child.
I feel bad that she's so insecure that her self worth is dictated by the opinions of others. If she is having problems with TD's family, then I don't know if I believe that the Epsteins are really as bad as she made them out to be.
notkenny wrote:
This is really off topic
But Tay looks like Alison that won The Voice last night. She was the one that was Curly Sue in the movie
That's so funny because I think she looks EXACTLY like Megan on There Goes The Motherhood on Bravo. Anyone agree?
YESSS! I have though she looks and even acts like Megan!
lydia delainey wrote:
I feel bad that she's so insecure that her self worth is dictated by the opinions of others. If she is having problems with TD's family, then I don't know if I believe that the Epsteins are really as bad as she made them out to be.
Bingo! If she could tackle this problem, she would have a much better relationship with herself and others. But look at her mother. She is valuing her own self worth on whether or not her 33 year old daughter says f*** on the radio. I wish more parents realized how damaging this is for children.
Zack'sWeenis wrote:
Do you think she's having issues with TD's sister or mother? I think I smell a pattern.... But, really, she shouldn't let it bother her. You can't please everyone's eye. F 'em and put your confidence on hyper drive!
So we know it's someone who was at the wedding/someone whom she also saw Tuesday night.. It's def a TD family member. Maybe the older sister?
Sounds like this person goes out of her way to NOT compliment her (and TD was trying to force this person to compliment TAY?!?! What?!?).
TD is obviously extremely tight with her fam. Why Taylor thinks this will end any different than E fam is beyond me.
Maybe she should look into dating an sibling-free orphan.
A sibling free orphan - that made me lol.
I don't think it's someone in TD's family, unless it's like a cousin or something, which it could be. Also, this is always going to happen to Taylor if she doesn't change, she's far too polarizing for everyone to like her, let alone tolerate her. She's never going to "celebrated" by everyone as she is - nor should she be, because she doesn't deserve it in her current state. If she actually acknowledged her flaws and tried to improve upon them, she'll stop running into situations where people snub her. I know someone like her, and this person does not understand why people turn on her. I've tried to explain it to her, and she just has blinders up. I think because she's super insecure and it just must be too painful for her to truly admit to herself the flaws that other people point out to her. Taylor says she hates herself more than anyone else, but she only means she hates her physical appearance/weight/body type. She does NOT hate her personality/values/attitude, etc, which is why she can't acknowledge her true flaws and won't change them.
Wakeupfan420 wrote:
Thoughts on the traveling alone segment:
1) Katie is awesome and basically the epitome of a FFF
2) Could Taylor have possibly shut her fucking mouth for 2 minutes to let someone else speak?? Good lord, she is obnoxious.
3) I've never really felt unsafe when traveling alone, but Taylor probably would get murdered (see #2)
Haha perfect. I always liked Katie she seems cool, collected and level headed. Today i realized she sounds just like my hs best friend I couldn't put my finger on it.
2. Yes omfg it's nice to get other ppls perspective but she doesn't care. One example when she threw a fit when Carin wouldn't let her finish her old story!
3. I would be scared somewhat but I'm an anxious person. Also would think about murderers lol but not to the extent that I wouldn't go sonewhere alone or harp on that the entire time. It would b a passing thought. And yes she clearly tends to get into scuffles w people and takes it too far (Memphis lady)
Did anyone notice how she was saying things like wow you guys are sending in some good Twitter questions maybe I don't have to spend all that time preparing for guests. Ha! 🙄 Eyeroll!
Perfectly said! I also can't stand when she says that comment about being celebrated and not tolerated. She needs to accept that not everyone needs to like her and that is okay! There are a couple people in my life that I certainly tolerate because I choose to keep them in my life. I'm always polite to them though. It's just not necessary to have an all out brawl with every person you have an issue with.
Husbandpillow wrote:
I don't think it's someone in TD's family, unless it's like a cousin or something,
which it could be. Also, this is always going to happen to Taylor if she doesn't change, she's far too polarizing for everyone to like her, let alone tolerate her. She's never going to "celebrated" by everyone as she is - nor should she be, because she doesn't deserve it in her current state. If she actually acknowledged her flaws and tried to improve upon them, she'll stop running into situations where people snub her. I know someone like her, and this person does not understand why people turn on her. I've tried to explain it to her, and she just has blinders up. I think because she's super insecure and it just must be too painful for her to truly admit to herself the flaws that other people point out to her. Taylor says she hates herself more than anyone else, but she only means she hates her physical appearance/weight/body type. She does NOT hate her personality/values/attitude, etc, which is why she can't acknowledge her true flaws and won't change them.
Listening to the mean girls segment from yesterday and I believe I just heard T say, "I hate when people say you're just jealous, that's such a cop out." Hmmm...WTF. Has there ever been a situation in which this girl is not a total hypocrite? But she's so real and authentic....
I did love when Katie kind of called her out by saying, well your friends are a direct reflection of you, so... Totally went over T's head lol
So I spent a few days in NYC for work this past week, I haven't been in a while but being here made me realize a few things (and I wasn't just in touristy areas for the record
1. NYC is full of normal looking average girls. I am an average girl or height weight and looks and I'm cool with that. But it was rare that I saw a "model". I knew it when I saw it but they weren't here in droves. Granted it wasn't fashion week. But still. I don't know why Taylor has some complex about living here. I guess I would feel shitty during fashion week but the majority of the girls here are normal! Just like everywhere else!
2. NYC is the easiest city to be healthy in and make good heathy decisions. I'm not vegan but ate at a vegan lunch spot one day and it was fab. There are salad and juice places everywhere. Healthy food is abundant. And guess what? I took not one cab. Except to the airport. I walked. I had some bread pudding and ice cream so thought I'll walk my dessert happy butt back to the hotel. That was my workout. The city is your treadmill. For cchrists sake, walk Taylor! I can understand if u uber in the am but then walk home! I don't get it. If I lived here I would be able to lose weight without even trying. I don't get it. Am I being crazy?
Listening to the 8 o'clock hour got me fuming!!!!
Stefanie Ziev is trying to have an adult conversation about race issues. Taylor is so F$@#ing self absorbed that she finds a way to throw the "I didn't get a compliment" story in when it does not fit the context at all!!!!!!
Bless Stefanie for trying to connect it by asking Taylor if she had the hard conversation with this person and Taylor threw out excuse after excuse. Kenny managed to steer the conversation back to the topic.
Taylor needs to stop complaining about this issue if she isn't willing to handle it! Another example of Taylor having issues with someone...common denominator anyone???
So over her selfishness!!!
I really like Stephanie, her content and her voice are great! I would love to hear her on Jenny McCarthy, I think they would have a good discussion.
Off topic, but listening to Wider on Jenny Hutt the other day, I wish she would throw a ridiculous made up fact at her just to hear her "Yep, yep, I knew that!" Lol
Hilarious FKFriday! She might as well say Duh, that's so obvious, she's such a know it all.
I'm late weighing in on Taylor not getting a compliment, but I've had a toxic friend I had to cut from my life. She used the same strategy Taylor complained about. One example, she went around a table of 8 of us, complimented each person on something very specific (their necklace, their blouse, their hair), then got around to me and just made a face. It was on purpose and bitchy and I get what Taylor is talking about. That person did numerous bitchy things, this was just one of the "games" she played.
Last edited by Knt (5/26/2016 11:32 am)
I just finished listening to that segment with Stephanie. Wtf Taylor for bringing up the situation of someone not complimenting her? Is she serious? This is exactly what Stephanie ziev was saying about white privileges. Taylor has no idea and has no idea what to say so she tries to relate her own superficial experiences to it which DOES NOT work!
This is not Taylor's forte. Have her talk about the housewives not race. Have her talk
About things she knows Matt. Not things she has no clue about. It's absurd.