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Show Discussions » Adderall & Compliments » 7/15/2019 9:02 am

duanereede wrote:

New_Mistake01 wrote:

Hi! If you look at Dear Media’s IG post about A&C’s episode with Naha Armady, you’ll see that Danny’s wife commented. Her name is Annette Lombardi and her IG is Netter11. Just an interesting tidbit from Reddit.

I like the #awkward from cockswp. I’m surprised that entire post isn’t deleted. I also feel like we are being punked😂. This whole thing is nuts!!!

She has blocked everyone who like the comment by Danny’s wife!

Show Discussions » Adderall & Compliments » 7/14/2019 10:34 am

Hi! If you look at Dear Media’s IG post about A&C’s episode with Naha Armady, you’ll see that Danny’s wife commented. Her name is Annette Lombardi and her IG is Netter11. Just an interesting tidbit from Reddit.

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