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=14pxThey allow dragging in the show?
It's amazing to see this show mentioned in 2024. i was there and loved it!!!
Durst_Burp wrote:
Anyone going to the 4/9 show in Jax?
kbk88 wrote:
I bought two tickets to the early show! I've only been in Rain Dogs once. It was very brief and I had been drinking but it seems like an interesting venue for a comedy show.
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Fatkidfriday wrote:
I'm thinking about it! durst-burp I tried to message you back but it says I haven't posted enough times yet....oops. mostly cause I can't remember my username half the time so I end up reading only. My hubby and I went to his show in Cincy years ago and Vic Henley was performing with him (Victoria's ex). They were still together then and I swear that Chelsea and Kenny first met during that trip😄 my hubby and I went to the bar next door after the show and we were not so soberly talking to Kenny and I swear there was a girl hanging near him all night. I also remember he told me I sounded like Taylor's mom Babette when I talked. I'll message you back again when I post enough
I can totally relate to forgetting usernames—been there, done that! It’s great that you’re sharing such a vivid memory, though; it feels like I’m right there with you at that show in Cincy. I love how you tied in all these little details, from Vic Henley being part of the performance to Chelsea and Kenny possibly meeting for the first time. Those moments at the bar after the show sound like such a fun, slightly chaotic experience—especially chatting with Kenny and noticing someone hanging around him all night. Also, being told you sound like Babette? That’s such a unique compliment! I’m sure your posts will add a lot to the conversations once you’ve posted enough to message. Thanks for sharing such a cool story!
how to get there? what is the price?