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Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 10/04/2021 8:02 pm

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On_Point wrote:

I'm here from time to time! Hi!  

I almost posted the other day, but deleted because I wasn't sure anyone would see. 

I was wondering everyones thoughts on GirlGans7733 on insta. I have some thoughts but I wondered what everyones opinions are. Not her personally (although...) but just the whole idea of her account. 

I’m still here! I tried to check out that account but it was nowhere to be found.

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 3/16/2021 11:06 am

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I think she will probably lose listeners in the beginning. Since they have to resubscribe, I think there will be more than the Unfab 25 who realize they are sick of repeat content and getting yelled at for stuff they had no part in. It will be easy for them to check out and move on to the plethora of free podcasts they’re already listening to on other platforms.

Show Discussions » Cohost Discussion » 8/19/2020 4:35 pm

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SoftPretzels wrote:

Some of you are a bunch of hypocrites. You have let listeners like CCC, “Mary Case”, and quite a few others get by with subtle and not-so subtle racist posts and comments for months and say NOTHING.... but you have an issue with AC and her posts discussing race, racism, and other systemic issues because she either:
1) You think voting for Obama = “doing the work“ since before May so you don’t need a Black woman telling you anything.
2) She makes you uncomfortable with your own subconscious racism.

That post criticizing M was ridiculous. OP brought up the story M told and somehow instead of people discussing that topic the entire post devolved into how much people hate that she brags about her bougie life. These are the same people who have no issues when white cohosts do it. HB is around the same age as M and I have yet to see any of you go in on her and her boasting and inflated ego to the degree you did M.

For some of you it might be a personality thing. For others I think you have a problem with a Black woman being unapologetic about having a privileged upbringing while also discussing issues POC especially Black people experience regardless of class or social standing.
The same ones complaining about M loved hearing JB. Is it because he fit certain stereotypes so he was easier to digest on the air?

There’s a lot to unpack in this post so I’m going to address my perspective of how I felt about the whole thing. (Obviously I can’t address anyone else’s!)
1. I honestly didn’t think much of the story M told until the post was made. But upon reflection, it really was kind of messed up that she did it. I didn’t comment on that part of the post, but I do agree that I don’t think it’s ok to make that kind of stuff up. 
2. I typically like her hour of the weeks, and feel like she has brought a breath of fresh air to the co-host group. But Friday was a little much. It was not about her bougie life really...(I equate

Show Discussions » Taylor Strecker Live » 8/19/2020 9:31 am

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Jack&Coke wrote:

Taylor is not doing the work to branch out unless it shows up on her doorstep. Which one, who knows, because every week she’s living at a different house - her parents’ house, TD’s parents’ house, TD’s boss’ house, TD’s sister’s house.

I’m a little late in commenting on this, but that means there is only more to add to this list... since it was made, she was at TD’s parent’s house, then her sister’s house, then home, then out to “the Hampton’s” (said in the condescending voice she typically uses when she is talking about OTHER rich people) to stay with the family that TD nannied for, and is now back with her parents. 

Here is my question- is anyone else still trying to limit the people they are coming in contact with?
She tried to say they were ‘social distancing’ last weekend while barbecuing at the Hampton’s house but I call bullshit on that. There’s no way people are drinking and having a BBQ on a big ass deck overlooking the water and saying, “Hey, 6 ft buddy!” 😂😂😂

Show Discussions » Adderall & Compliments » 8/19/2020 9:25 am

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Show Discussions » What are you listening to? » 8/19/2020 9:21 am

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Some new recommendations for you..and they are one cup of coffee less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks!!!

Show Discussions » Stassi Tour » 6/22/2020 3:33 pm

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Natalya07 wrote:

thoughts on Stassi's "pregnancy" 

I’m really curious at how far ahead Taylor really knew. On the show, she said something like ‘we knew months ago, when she told us a couple of weeks ago.” Right, Jackie. I’m sure she knew, but had to sound like she’s so close that they told them before the grandparents, I’m sure. Hahahahaha

Show Discussions » Matt Ryan » 6/11/2020 3:15 pm

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I am really curious about how the fact that only one person (I don’t want to name her on here, but she uses her real name in the FB group) has mentioned the bullshit that Matt Ryan has said in the past and gotten away with. Where is the outrage that Taylor has allowed that to go on for so long? That she has simultaneously laughed at, while scolding him, for use of horrible language like ‘reta*d’ or ‘fa**ot’ or other equally awful words? And there’s quite a large group of the Little Effers who fall all over him, condoning the very same behavior!! What the actual fuck? Someone needs to call her out (I’m too chicken...hahahaha!)

Show Discussions » Stassi Tour » 6/11/2020 3:08 pm

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I would love for Taylor to answer the question as to why she had to contact her on a public forum instead of doing it by text privately. Her need to get a pat on the back and show she was ‘Stassi-adjacent’ actually backfired this time in a big way. 

Show Discussions » Andrea » 5/04/2020 3:51 pm

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TayterTot wrote:

I always assumed a lot of it is a shtick and she maybe exaggerates a little. I think she gets a lot of positive feedback and feeds off of it more.

Interesting perspective... could be a whole lot of truth to it, although she’s a really good actress when telling a lot of her stories, if so. She is definitely funny and entertaining most of the time, but when she’s talking about stuff like when Justin tells her that she’s mean and it’s not the first time he’s said it (plus, she’s adamant she’s not about to apologize), it really makes me wonder about their relationship. Of course, I get we are only hearing one side and event then, she’s mostly only telling us the bad parts.  

For the person who asked, Andrea is Andrea Lavinthal, the Tuesday co-host. 

Show Discussions » Andrea » 4/29/2020 3:16 pm

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I wanted to post this on the non-Nation page but Andrea is a member and I don’t want to hurt her feelings or trigger her BUT... did she ever say if she decided to go to a therapist? I have ‘met’ a lot of people in my old age and I have really never encountered someone who is quite as miserable as her. She sounds like she is never happy in the sense of being satisfied with what she has; or happy with her current situation; and she is always stressed out and anxious. I really worry about her mental health and if she’s taking time to get professional help for herself. When she was talking about her conversation with Justin and how he told her she was being mean, it just made me sad for them. She said she refuses to say she’s sorry...ever. I honestly think one of these days Justin is going to decide that he can’t live like that and break up with her and it will destroy her. All she wanted was to move to the shore (from her parents) and have Jeneva there with her, and Justin on the weekends. Now it sounds like she’s not happy when he’s around?  (PS- I understand these are trying times and everyone’s ‘cut hurts’. She’s been like this since she started on the air though...)

TLDR: Has Andrea seen a therapist; Worried about her

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 4/29/2020 3:03 pm

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Karma wrote:

I have completely lost track of the show, and could care less about Taylor. But, I do miss a lot of you peeps and wish that we could get back to our previous levels of shenanigans.

PS, I hate that tiny pic has deleted some of my best work

Miss you too Karma! I’m sad this board has kind of dropped off as well. The FB- Lil Effers page seems to have kind of taken over what we had here (I think). Although I was going to post some stuff here yesterday because there are a few people there who I’d prefer not see it and I’m almost positive they are not on here. Maybe I still will. 

Show Discussions » Cohost Discussion » 4/09/2020 9:36 am

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I’m on tour wrote:

What do you think about her new co host who was a friend when she was in high school. Liz Cullen?

The jury is still out for me. I’d like to know more about their history. I looked at Liz’s IG and it seems they were friends in high school or middle school maybe? But in typical Taylor fashion, it always sounds like she knows nothing about her. How did they find each other again? And why is Taylor using this one? (She seems nice and so far has been funny.) 

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 4/09/2020 9:31 am

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saralemming wrote:

id say shes pretty much done. her career was at its best back in her sirius xm days. once she got fired from that her "show" took a dive. from getting close to A list celebs or good guests to nothing now.. she lost her connection with sirius so her "show" suffers. and shes also getting older too.. i havent listened to her show in years though im just not interested in listening to her talk about the same stories everyday and her lists of good guests is gone. its not worth paying the money for. it also goes to show u how dead this forum is now back when she got fired from sirius this forum was lit.. if i missed a day i used to have to scroll back and read pages of gossip.. i stopped checking in as much .. more like once a month and still nothing new here.. i also think a lot of people stoppd listening to her show too

Yep...I listen in shots of 10 minutes or, if I get to take a walk alone and I’ve already listened to other podcasts I like, I might listen for 45 minutes if there’s an Andrea show available. But I use my niece’s subscription, so I’m not paying for it. 
The biggest thing you have noticed that I agree with is that she no longer has access to anyone except other podcast people. All that’s going to happen is the continual rotating through each other’s shows...Stassi does Taylor’s and vice versa; Jared Fried does Taylor’s and vice versa; (although GWNJ hasn’t been back to Taylor’s since her spectacular meltdown, has she? But Taylor goes there). I am just shocked at how little she pays attention to structure and/or professionalism of the other podcasts when she’s on them. 

I was looking at the very beginning of Taylor’s IG last week because I though there was a pic of her with Dr. Jake Deutsch (the doc in Something Navy scandal). I didn’t find that but I was reminded of all of the awesome opportunities she USED to on red carpet events, attending the MTV awards (lol); NY Fashion

Show Discussions » What are you listening to? » 4/09/2020 9:14 am

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Some more/ new pods for you! These are non-fiction but also, not true crime (I KNOW, BOOOOOOO). Maybe if you want to listen to something a little different? A few are kind of Minimalist (decluttering) and one is about binge watching tv.  Enjoy!


Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 3/30/2020 7:56 am

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Hi! I honestly spaced out checking here recently! Life got crazy at home....but would love to chat more here! 

I, too, am baffled by her continued behavior of a late teenager or early college-aged person. I am just shocked that she also continues to think she’s a hustling businesswoman when she drinks most nights and sleeps in until 12-2 pm. I get that working from home is new and different for everyone, but the key word is the actual work part. It might be just me, but I thought it was insensitive of Sean (and earlier, of Taylor) to be hawking subscriptions when many people just lost their jobs.  I can’t even listen to her anymore... I tried. (I haven’t listened past the part where Sean said that! Or any other show last 

I highly doubt Matt is still doing anything for her but you can bet she will still keep him on the payroll...she loves that house in the Hamptons too much! I saw an article last week that said Viacom is struggling financially right now. I’ll see if I can find it again and I’ll post the link. 

Show Discussions » New FB Group » 2/01/2020 9:41 pm

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I love your tag line... shady lady! 

Show Discussions » News from forumcreator! » 1/09/2020 1:50 pm

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Happy New Year, New Decade and 2020 my friends!! Here’s to another year of the Pink Pages!! Cheers! 🥂🍾

Show Discussions » Future of Taylor » 12/15/2019 5:17 pm

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I definitely like the show better when she’s gone, but it bugs me that it’s still called the Taylor Strecker Show and she’s getting all the money from the subscriptions. I do think it’s kind of karma that she’s been telling all of her ‘first class flying’ stories for the past few months and now she gets to be in a bus for 30 stops (or something like that). I love it...the girl who hates to read. Haha..she will be drunk for 3 months straight and blame it on being on a bus. 

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 12/02/2019 4:00 pm

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Natalya07 wrote:

what's going on with Nati? i'm not in that group any more. more info please.....

One day last week she posted in Nation to send questions to ask Taylor. And it was ‘Ask her about ANYTHING.” Just like a Reddit AMA. Of course, people commented with lots of questions (some make you wonder if they’ve ever even listened to the show...or read another comment/post on the page) but there were a few that asked ‘Are you on her staff now?” It was hard to tell if they were being backdoor shady (like I would have if I thought of it first!) or genuinely curious. But for real, why would SHE be the one posting that, of all people? Taylor, the one who doesn’t even do real Surprise Me questions is actually going to do Ask Me Anything shows (I heard her make that announcement as she was also making her case for not doing shows from the time she tours that last leg until after NY day). 

I also find it funny that she’s never mentioned a word about Stassi already announcing her 30 stop tour in 2020...the silence is deafening. 

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 11/28/2019 3:27 pm

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But legit...did she just come up with that on her own? Contact Taylor and coerce her into doing this? I’m like, WTF? Are you actually licking her asshole or what?

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 11/27/2019 5:01 pm

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One more FB thing: What’s up with this Nati AMA? Is she Taylor’s new manager? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

Show Discussions » FB is 🍌🍌🍌 » 11/27/2019 4:59 pm

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FKFriday wrote:

What happened in TWAT??? They are only discussions now, no pics??

I actually know what happened this time! Woo hoo! And actually, it was a BFD over nothing, really. It got blown up into this big ole batch of fighting comments (I missed the initial posting of all of them).

So KK posted 2 screenshots taken from Taylor’s IG story. No big deal...happens all the time.  They were not at all flattering of Tay only in that she was wearing her ‘comfy clothes’ so she looked huge. Remember, Taylor posted this stuff first. The only thing that was written with the pics/post was ‘I have no words’ (or ‘there are no words’). That was it. Instead of just commenting or scrolling by, as most people typically do, at least one girl went batshit crazy with her comments and came for KK. She And then it was a free-for-all. The outcome was the post you saw about no more pics of Taylor (and I saw a day or two later, which caused me to go back and read the whole comment section and say, “WTF? I missed all this??”) 

Show Discussions » What are you listening to? » 10/21/2019 8:07 am

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A new list of shows for you...the title is misleading. Get past the first 5 or so and there are a bunch more that are more fun and for everyone!!


Show Discussions » Instagram » 10/20/2019 4:53 pm

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Two things happen for me...if I see an ad on their post, I scroll on by (probably rolling my eyes too). It pisses me off even though I know I would have done it too. Like you guys said, it’s inauthentic and I’m not going to be the sucker who buys it from them. Which brings me to the second point...

Even if I really really really really wanted whatever it was, I would go without before I would buy it from them. Because (see paragraph 1). I’m over the whole thing I want to comment that I see right through you.

Show Discussions » Today's Show! (not actually *today*) » 10/12/2019 1:54 pm

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Unpopular opinion: Andrea might try to pretend she’s not like the other Upper East Side moms, but she is exactly like them...she just has a good sense of humor. 

The more I listen on Andrea days, the more I’m not so sure she’s a nice person. Although she attempts to be self-deprecating, in my opinion it’s not always sincere sounding. Meaning it sometimes seems like she’s saying it just to make herself not sound (or look) so bad. An example would be her always saying she never pays full price for anything (which is awesome and relatable) but then goes on to say what she she bought was a $900 dress on sale (completely unrelatable, to me anyway!).  I am not sure she’s a great influence on Taylor, and together they can be awful. I really want to like her but things keep happening that make me hesitate. 

Show Discussions » Taylor Freak Outs » 10/12/2019 1:41 pm

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She freaked out on the lady at a movie or some sort of show with her mom that was sitting in front of her and TS was either talking or texting. I remember Taylor saying how mad she got and of course, she thought she (Taylor) was in the right. 

Let’s not forget the several times that she’s thrown drinks on people....on Summer House once, and when she and TD were sitting next to a river or something and didn’t like what the younger “kids” were saying that were sitting nearby. Or maybe they were annoying her by breathing. Who knows. 

But she’s been bragging about how she slapped (punched?) Paige over those damned Ugg boots forever so this isn’t a new thing. It’s just happening more frequently. 

Show Discussions » Taylor’s “Rage” Issues » 10/03/2019 5:14 am

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Bethenny_Was_So_Rude wrote:

What is causing Taylor to lash out at the people around her, including complete strangers? How does she fix it? Counseling? Medication? Regular exercise? Will she alienate everyone around her before she actually does something about it?

I was going to respond YES and leave it at that, but it won’t work for the first part of your post.

In my opinion, the cause is probably multi-faceted but underneath everything is her complete insecurity. Until she addresses that, nothing will change. She self-medicates with too much/frequent alcohol and eating (according to her) which only makes her feel worse. She overcompensates by being an asshole to everyone (see: “Yes, I’m a social climber” Episode: every one of them). She is POSITIVE that someone is going to steal Blake Lively, I mean TD from her when in fact, it seems that TD is sticking with her through all of this awful behavior (I’m baffled why but good for Taylor).

My guess is that the only way to address this is with a combination of all of the above starting with therapy (frequent!) and meds. She definitely needs some sort of mood stabilizers or something. But none of this will work if she doesn’t 👏🏻follow👏🏻through👏🏻. She can’t go to a therapist once and be done with it. Or just to get a prescription.

My guess is that it’s going to take another incident before she actually goes. Right now she’s too busy with #thetour and by the time she’s finished, the last issue will be a distant memory. She’s not going to want to go then and will postpone until “after the holidays” but my guess is that the stress of the holidays will trigger another incident. Mark my words. I hope I’m wrong—-we will see.

Show Discussions » What are you listening to? » 10/03/2019 4:59 am

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Helloooooo! Just read an article about some new podcasts for you! These are for all you Netflix lovers out there. Enjoy!

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